3GPP2-SC WAP Forum Update February, 2001 presentation to the 3GPP2 Steering Committee Notice Motorola grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. The contributors must also be willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions, as appropriate. This document has been prepared by Motorola to assist 3GPP2. It is intended for discussion purposes only. It may be amended or withdrawn at a later time and is not binding on any member of the subcommittee or Motorola.
3GPP2-SC General Meetings Feb (London, UK) Apr (Washington, DC, USA)* Jun (Singapore) Sep (Anchorage, AK, USA)* Oct (Bangkok, Thailand) Dec (Berlin, Germany) *working group meetings only(e.g. no opening/closing plenary)
3GPP2-SC WAP Membership Update Total membership increased to 611 members –Full members: 247 –Associate members:364 –Current data as of December 31st, 2000 Existing cdmaOne carriers include: KDDI, Telstra, Verizon Wireless, Sprint PCS, Bell Mobility, BellSouth, Quest, Hutchison HK (Orange), LG, and SK Telecom
3GPP2-SC Update: Future WAP Architecture Next-Generation (v2.x) WAP specifications –Merge with W3C/IETF standards –Next-Generation (NG) WAP specifications will have multimedia capability that exploit 2.5G/3G bandwidths. WAP working groups are conducting ad hoc meetings to draft NG requirements, architecture, protocols. New naming convention for WAP NG –possibility: WAP2 –To be finalized at the February WAP Forum
3GPP2-SC Update: Future WAP Architecture Target completion for WAP2 specifications will be mid-2001 –Architecture NG, WPG NG, PUSH NG, other NG working groups currently finalizing draft specifications –Backward compatibility with current WAP version 1.x specifications is an issue WAP Board of Directors created a vision subcommittee in December 2000 –evaluate current WAP direction –scope to include short to intermediate-term goals (1-5 yrs.)
3GPP2-SC Other News The WAP Certification and Interoperability Test (IOT) Programs are officially in place. New activity proposals –Immediate messaging (e.g. Internet Instant Messenger) –Intermittent connectivity (responsive applications for mobile management) –Privacy (fair information practices, subscriber privacy protection) –New activity proposals will be evaluated in London WAP Forum is making all WG Charters available on the public side of the Website. Target for this is likely 2-4 months
3GPP2-SC Update of Current Specifications membership e-vote/review from draft to proposed status: –WAP-200 WDP-Wireless Datagram Protocol –WAP-201 WTP-Wireless Transfer Protocol –WAP-202 WCMP-Wireless Control Messaging –WAP-203 WSP-Wireless Session Protocol Significant specifications nearing completion –WAP Client Provisioning suite –E2E security (End-to-End Security) –HTTP and TCP specifications
3GPP2-SC WAP Liaison Activity World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) –WAP-W3C coordination group developing consistency between their respective specs Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) –solicit the views of IETF representatives on new WAP specifications Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) –3G GSM technology cooperative effort ongoing syncML.org –WAP has selected SyncML from a number of candidate technologies for WAP data synchronization protocol.
3GPP2-SC GPP2-related activities in WAP Forum cdmaOne / 3GPP2 technical participation limited Awareness of 3GPP2 has recently risen considerably among WAP Forum members –OTA WAP provisioning specifications include adaptation to CDMA –UIM inclusion in WAP smart card provisioning –client ID specification addressing CDMA mobiles –WAP Location services drafting specifications
3GPP2-SC Thank You