Strikes Effective form of protest. Often occurs to get a message across. Examples include: Pickett Lines Sit Ins
Examples of Peaceful Protest Picket Lines Sit Ins Boycotts
Hurricanes Occur in along the Eastern Sea Coast of the United States and along the Gulf coast (Gulf of Mexico)
Grasslands Areas of land in the American mid west. Often referred to as “Americas Breadbasket” Where we see a lot of agricultural activities take place. (Farming)
Culture It is the way a civilization of people… Talk Sing Dance Worship Recreation
Immigration/ immigrants Occurs to America from across the world. Groups from the 1600’s to today include: England Germany Scotland Ireland Mexico China Spain
Naturalization Process by which an immigrant can become a United States citizen. Step 1. File a Declaration of Intention. Step 2. Live in U.S for 5 years Step 3. Learn English, Civics, U.S. History. Step 4. File an application of Naturalization. Step 5. Meeting with an immigration examiner. Step 6. Court Appearance/Oath of Allegiance.
Melting pot E’ Pluribus Unum “Out of many- One”
Spanish Influences to America Guitar Horses Corn Language Fiesta
Canada (Bilingual) French and English speaking citizens. It tells a lot about their roots or origin of their nation.
Interdependent Simply a word or term that means that the world is becoming more and more connected. Examples: World Wide Web (Internet) and global economy (trade)
Social Interaction The way people in a group or civilization…. Communicate Participate in clubs Athletic events Recreation (picnics/socials)
Social Institutions Established in societies: Family Government Economy Religion Education
Primary Source Secondary Source Secondary sources provide interpretation and analysis of primary sources. Secondary sources are one step removed from the original event or "horse's mouth." Examples of secondary sources: Britannica Online encyclopedia (online) American National Biography (database) literary criticism analyzing a play, poem, novel, or short story magazine or newspaper articles about events or people political commentary analyzing an election or politician (via Lexis-Nexis database) textbooks A primary source is a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced during the time under study. Primary sources offer an inside view of a particular event. Examples include: Original documents: autobiographies, diaries, , interviews, letters, minutes, news film footage, official records, photographs, raw research data, speeches Creative works: art, drama, films, music, novels, poetry Relics or artifacts: buildings, clothing, DNA, furniture, jewelry, pottery
Memorial Day
Methods of Transportation in United States History
Discrimination Segregation click
Women’s Suffrage
Martin Luther King Jr.
Affirmative Action
Mass Media