Lecture 4: Parallel Programming Models. Parallel Programming Models Parallel Programming Models: Data parallelism / Task parallelism Explicit parallelism.


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Presentation transcript:

Lecture 4: Parallel Programming Models

Parallel Programming Models Parallel Programming Models: Data parallelism / Task parallelism Explicit parallelism / Implicit parallelism Shared memory / Distributed memory Other programming paradigms Object-oriented Functional and logic

Parallel Programming Models Data Parallelism Parallel programs that emphasize concurrent execution of the same task on different data elements (data-parallel programs) Most programs for scalable parallel computers are data parallel in nature. Task Parallelism Parallel programs that emphasize the concurrent execution of different tasks on the same or different data Used for modularity reasons. Parallel programs, structured as a task-parallel composition of data- parallel components is common.

Parallel Programming Models Data parallelism Task Parallelism

Parallel Programming Models Explicit Parallelism The programmer specifies directly the activities of the multiple concurrent “threads of control” that form a parallel computation. Provide the programmer with more control over program behavior and hence can be used to achieve higher performance. Implicit Parallelism The programmer provides high-level specification of program behavior. It is then the responsibility of the compiler or library to implement this parallelism efficiently and correctly.

Parallel Programming Models Shared Memory The programmer’s task is to specify the activities of a set of processes that communicate by reading and writing shared memory. Advantage: the programmer need not be concerned with data-distribution issues. Disadvantage: performance implementations may be difficult on computers that lack hardware support for shared memory, and race conditions tend to arise more easily Distributed Memory Processes have only local memory and must use some other mechanism (e.g., message passing or remote procedure call) to exchange information. Advantage: programmers have explicit control over data distribution and communication.

Shared vs Distributed Memory Shared memory Distributed memory Memory Bus PPPP PPPP MMMM Network

Parallel Programming Models Parallel Programming Tools: Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Distributed memory, explicit parallelism Message-Passing Interface (MPI) Distributed memory, explicit parallelism PThreads Shared memory, explicit parallelism OpenMP Shared memory, explicit parallelism High-Performance Fortran (HPF) Implicit parallelism Parallelizing Compilers Implicit parallelism

Parallel Programming Models

Message Passing Model Used on Distributed memory MIMD architectures Multiple processes execute in parallel asynchronously Process creation may be static or dynamic Processes communicate by using send and receive primitives

Parallel Programming Models Blocking send: waits until all data is received Non-blocking send: continues execution after placing the data in the buffer Blocking receive: if data is not ready, waits until it arrives Non-blocking receive: reserves buffer and continue execution. In a later wait operation if data is ready, copies it into the memory.

Parallel Programming Models Synchronous message-passing: Sender and receiver processes are synchronized Blocking-send / Blocking receive Asynchronous message-passing: no synchronization between sender and receiver processes Large buffers are required. As buffer size is finite, the sender may eventually block.

Parallel Programming Models Advantages of message-passing model Programs are highly portable Provides the programmer with explicit control over the location of data in the memory Disadvantage of message-passing model Programmer is required to pay attention to such details as the placement of memory and the ordering of communication.

Parallel Programming Models Factors that influence the performance of message-passing model Bandwidth Latency Ability to overlap communication with computation.

Parallel Programming Models Example: Pi calculation   f 0 1 f(x) dx = f 0 1 4/(1+x 2 ) dx = w ∑ f(x i ) f(x) = 4/(1+x 2 ) n = 10 w = 1/n x i = w(i-0.5) x f(x) x i 1

Parallel Programming Models Sequential Code #define f(x) 4.0/(1.0+x*x); main(){ intn,i; float w,x,sum,pi; printf(“n?\n”); scanf(“%d”, &n); w=1.0/n; sum=0.0; for (i=1; i<=n; i++){ x=w*(i-0.5); sum += f(x); } pi=w*sum; printf(“%f\n”, pi); }  = w ∑ f(x i ) f(x) = 4/(1+x 2 ) n = 10 w = 1/n x i = w(i-0.5) x f(x) x i 1

Parallel Programming Models Parallel PVM program Master: Creates workers Sends initial values to workers Receives local “sum”s from workers Calculates and prints “pi” Workers: Receive initial values from master Calculate local “sum”s Send local “sum”s to Master Master W0W1W2W3

Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Data Distribution x f(x) x i 1 x f(x) x i 1

Parallel Programming Models SPMD Parallel PVM program Master: Creates workers Sends initial values to workers Receives “pi” from W0 and prints Workers: Receive initial values from master Calculate local “sum”s Workers other than W0: Send local “sum”s to W0 W0: Receives local “sum”s from other workers Calculates “pi” Sends “pi” to Master Master W0W1W2W3

Parallel Programming Models Shared Memory Model Used on Shared memory MIMD architectures Program consists of many independent threads Concurrently executing threads all share a single, common address space. Threads can exchange information by reading and writing to memory using normal variable assignment operations

Parallel Programming Models Memory Coherence Problem To ensure that the latest value of a variable updated in one thread is used when that same variable is accessed in another thread. Hardware support and compiler support are required Cache-coherency protocol Thread 1Thread 2 X

Parallel Programming Models Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) Systems Implement Shared memory model on Distributed memory MIMD architectures Concurrently executing threads all share a single, common address space. Threads can exchange information by reading and writing to memory using normal variable assignment operations Use a message-passing layer as the means for communicating updated values throughout the system.

Parallel Programming Models Synchronization operations in Shared Memory Model Monitors Locks Critical sections Condition variables Semaphores Barriers

PThreads In the UNIX environment a thread: Exists within a process and uses the process resources Has its own independent flow of control Duplicates only the essential resources it needs to be independently schedulable May share the process resources with other threads Dies if the parent process dies Is "lightweight" because most of the overhead has already been accomplished through the creation of its process.

PThreads Because threads within the same process share resources: Changes made by one thread to shared system resources will be seen by all other threads. Two pointers having the same value point to the same data. Reading and writing to the same memory locations is possible, and therefore requires explicit synchronization by the programmer.