Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 High-Performance Computing Cluster in Aachen
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 2 Typical Simulation Workflow Simulator developmentSimulationEvaluation and visualization of results
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 3 Workflow for Simulations on HPC Cluster Develop simulator on local PC / server Perform short tests on local PC / server Transfer simulator to HPC cluster (Subversion!) Perform short tests on HPC cluster using the Linux login shell Enqueue simulations on HPC cluster Wait for notification from HPC cluster Transfer results to local PC / server (e.g. with WinSCP using SCP protocol) Evaluate and visualize results on local PC HPCHigh-Performance Computing SCPSecure Copy
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 4 Local Simulations vs. HPC Cluster Simulations Local simulationsHPC cluster simulation Execution of simulations can be directly controlledSimulations must be enqueued Very low setup time necessary to start simulationSome preparation necessary for running simulations Number of available resources very limited“Unlimited” resources Number of parallel jobs limited“Unlimited” number of parallel jobs Arrangements with colleagues necessaryNo arrangements necessary number of simulations total simulation time local HPC cluster
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 5 Using Matlab on HPC Cluster Connect to Linux login shell using SSH client (e.g. PuTTY): Server name: Load Matlab modules: module load MISC module load matlab Start Matlab: matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -logfile job.log Alternative: use graphical remote session (with NX client)
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 6 Using Subversion on HPC Cluster Use Subversion module svntest for first tests Check out Subversion module (e.g. svntest) from KT server: svn checkout [dst] Update local working copy: svn update Add file test.m: svn add test.m Commit changes to KT server: svn commit
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 7 Sample Queue Script File #!/usr/bin/env zsh #BSUB -J sim_awgn_matlab# job name #BSUB -o sim_awgn_matlab.%J# job output (use %J for job id) #BSUB -e sim_awgn_matlab.e%J# error output #BSUB -W 0:20 # hard limits in hours:minutes #BSUB -M 512 # memory in MB #BSUB -u address for notification #BSUB -N# enable notification #BSUB -n 2# request number of compute slots #BSUB -a openmp# use esub for OpenMP/shared memory jobs ### load matlab modules module load MISC module load matlab ### change to the work directory cd $HOME/svn/lib/simulators/sim_awgn_matlab ### run matlab matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -logfile job.log <sim_awgn_matlab_run.m
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 8 Sample Queue Script File – Advanced #!/usr/bin/env zsh #BSUB -J sim_awgn_matlab# job name #BSUB -o sim_awgn_matlab.%J# job output (use %J for job id) #BSUB -e sim_awgn_matlab.e%J# error output #BSUB -W 0:20 # hard limits in hours:minutes #BSUB -M 512 # memory in MB #BSUB -u address for notification #BSUB -N# enable notification #BSUB -n 2# request number of compute slots #BSUB -a openmp# use esub for OpenMP/shared memory jobs ### load matlab modules module load MISC module load matlab ### change to the work directory cd $HOME/svn/lib/simulators/sim_awgn_matlab ### run matlab matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -logfile job.log <<EOF sim_awgn_matlab('ebn0', , 'ModulationOrder', 2, 'Log', 'true', 'NumSymbols', 1000, ‚Filename', 'sample_advanced'); EOF
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 9 Job Management Enqueue a job: bsub < Query unfinished jobs: bjobs Kill unfinished job: bkill [job ID]
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 10 General Hints for using HPC Cluster Ask Mrs. Tiedtke from Uni DuE for HPC cluster account Write the simulator in a way to allow the execution of multiple small simulations instead of one long simulation Collect simulation parameters and results in MAT file Deactivate all graphical outputs Read “HPC Primer” for further information on using the cluster Visit
Christian Kocks April 3, 2012 Slide 11 High-Performance Computing Cluster in Aachen Demonstration…