AMAAL – E – LAYLATUL RAGHAAIB Prepared by: Media Room of KSI Dar es Salaam Jamaat The Night of Wishes ::Laylatu Raghaeb.


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Presentation transcript:

AMAAL – E – LAYLATUL RAGHAAIB Prepared by: Media Room of KSI Dar es Salaam Jamaat The Night of Wishes ::Laylatu Raghaeb

Lailatul Raghaib & first Thursday of Rajab The first Friday night of Rajab is known as Lailatul Raghaib

Lailatul Raghaib It is related that the person who recites Surah-al Yaseen before going to bed & Namaaz -e -Lailatul Raghaib will be saved from the terror of the grave.

Hazrat Muhammad (saws) used to fast on the first Thursday and Between Maghrib & Isha recite –12 Rak’at namaz in six sets of 2 units. –In every Rak’at after surah al Hamd recite 3 times Surah al-Qadr & 12 times Surah an Ikhlaas. After salaam dua to be followed

After Salam

Allahumma s’ale a’laa muh’ammadin nabiyyil ummi wa a’laa aaleh RECITE 70 TIMES

THEN GO INTO SAJDAH & RECITE 70 TIMES subbuh’un quddoos rabbul malaaaekate war-rooh’

THEN SIT ERRECT AND SAY 70 TIMES rabbighfir war-ham watajaawaz a’mma ta’lamo innaka antal a’liyyul a’zeem.

THEN GO INTO SAJDAH & SAY 70 TIMES Subbooh’un quddoos rabbul malaaekate war-rooh’.

Imam Jaa’far As Saadiq (AS) used to recite the following dua’a everyday, in the month of Rajab, after FAJR & MAGHRIB Prayers. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

O He from whom I can hope for all goodness And I am safe from His anger at every evil.

O He who gives much in return of very little (Good Deeds)! O He who puts in the hands of the supplicant what he asks for, O He who (also) let the needy, who does not ask for, have what he needs, though he remembers Him not, Feels compassion, and takes pity on them!

Give me, for my request is only to You alone, All the good of this world and all the good of the Hereafter. Keep away from me, for my request is only to You alone, All the evil of this world and the evil of the Hereafter. For indeed it is not diminishing what is given by You. Increase (for) me from Your bounty, O The Generous.

Then the 6th Imam held his beard in his left hand and gave a movement to the index finger in his right hand saying O The Sublime and The Distinguished, O The Bountiful and The Magnanimous, O the Gracious and the Mighty, Save my grey hairs from the fire (of Hell).