Marketing and communications activities Engagement-deployment, assessment, and branding Carol Minton Morris April 21, 2008
Engagement Face-to-face –The Fedora Commons Snake Oil Sales Kit Free standing display banner Informational fliers in literature displays –Fedora Commons and, –Community-contributed “Stuff We All Get” S.W.A.G.
Engagement The SOSK will be a tool for selected community members to “Take Fedora Along” to events and meetings –Modifying and deploying SOSK beyond core FC events will be part of News and Public Information Council discussions with Fiz Media Shelf Oxford PEI
Engagement News contribution from communities creating “viral marketing” deployment opportunities –Seeding the Web with FC news and event information allowing FC contributors to see their news and information ranked highly in search indexes.
Quarterly HatCheck Newsletter – Current:Online, RSS, feedburner subscriptions available – Future: PDF (all) and podcasts of news items
Engagement Ongoing web interaction design in support of community councils –Utilizing Confluence functionality Wikis Chat facility Blogs RSS Other –Additional Community Registry “Where in the World is Fedora” interactive map
Assessment 2006 Fedora Users Interview Survey –Goal: To gather information from the community that would provide strategic direction for ramping up Fedora Outreach activities. –Collaboration with Outreach workgroup –45 “known projects” (117+, 4/08) –30% response rate Most respondents selected Fedora because of its flexibile and extensible characteristics “Free” was not a major reason for adoption
Assessment “What should be the mission of an ongoing Fedora organization?” –“Shepherd the software in the direction that the web is going so that Fedora does not become an "aged" project.” –“Provision of sustainable ongoing development structure.” –“An organization needs to keep coordinating development of the architecture.” –“To evolve both the technology and the community by creating an organization that can leverage the successes of each.” –“(1) A stable product backed by prompt user support (2) Ongoing development responsive to user needs (3) Evangelism: actively encouraging increased take-up of the product.” –“Would like lightweight solutions.” –“Some efforts seem to have too much overhead.”
Assessment Quick Polls –First one 4/18/08, “Fedora Day at OR08— Please share your impressions” –5 questions: 3 event-related; 2 “Fedora Commons future learning and collaboration opportunities” –23 responses so far Future Web display for recent poll results
Assessment Sloganfest –Face-to-face mini-event which combined a t-shirt giveaway with an opportunity for the community to weigh in on: “All ways, Always,” or “Connecting Digital Content to the Future” 14 responses so far, with more favorable feedback for “All ways, Always.”
Assessment Sloganfest –Sample comments about 1: "One of the great aspects of Fedora's "stone soup" approach is to be all things to all objects—and I think "All Ways, Always" reflects well this flexible, extensible digital object repository architecture approach.” –"It is simple and it's good that it's a pun and that it's short. The other one is boring. I don't think there's any point in having such an explicit slogan—it still doesn't really convey what Fedora is to people who don't know anything about it.” –Sample comments about 2: "It tells more to those who aren't so digital.” –"That is what it's all about. This says all about that we should try to make all data available for the future and useable for today. These are things that can not be disconnect(ed) from each other.”
Branding 3 types of logos available from web site –Horizontal, icon+name –Vertical, icon+name –Name only Style guide and additional pieces in development –Introduction –Selecting and using a FC logo Print and Web –Color palette –Text branding Use of slogan and descriptions in text Explaining “software” and “organization” –FC slide template –Additional branded graphics Slogan graphic
Branding Informational fliers –“Ten Reasons for Chosing Fedora” –“Fedora Commons Floats All Boats” –“News and Information Services” –“Fedora Commons Community Registry” Media –Slides and video “Who’s Using Fedora Commons” “Fedora Commons Overview” “Technical Overview” Community contributed slides Short community profile video, one more in production
Branding Out-of-the-box branding –“The Fedora Commons Anthem ”