Roger Hart, a sociologist for UNICEF who originally developed the Ladder when he proposed the first definition of the concept of participation in 1992 According to Hart, participation is "fundamental right of citizenship." 8 levels of participation
Assigned but informed youth understand the intentions of the project they know who made the decision concerning their involvement and why they have a meaningful role they volunteered for the project after it was made clear to them
Decoration providing entertainment through performances or simply providing evidence of youth involvement
YOUTH-initiated, shared decisions with adults young people incorporate adults into projects they have designed and managed.
Consulted and informed the project is designed and run by adults but youth understand the project and their opinions are treated seriously
Youth-initiated and directed youth can initiate and direct their own projects adults are able to leave youth alone to design their own projects
Adult-initiated, shared decisions with youth Although adults initiated the project, decision-making is shared with young people.
MANIPULATION youth have no understanding do not understand their actions consulted but given no feedback on how the ideas they shared during the consultation are used.
Tokenism youth appear to have a voice They are invited to sit in conference panels as representatives of youth but provided no opportunity to formulate their ideas on the subject of discussion Likewise no process enables them to consult with other youth they are supposed to represent.
In your opinion, is this youth participation? & Which level of participation???
Youth aged 19 participate in a demonstration regarding the high universities’ fees. The event was organized by the student council and the youth of the 1 st university year were asked to join 12
The director of a youth’s center organizes a study visit to the local council after consulting with the youth through a questionnaire. 13
A young people of ages 16-19, were asked to wear T-shirts on which was written: ‘No 4 Drugs’ for a street activity during a youth exchange 14
Youth sing a song in a ceremony that has a representative of the donor of the project. 15
An EVS volunteer has proposed to her mentor to start providing language course for local youth. The course fees will be used to the hosting organization’s transportations. 16
NA asks its youth online about their opinion regarding the national priorities. 17
The youth workers of a Youth Club ask the youth to help in selling lottery tickets after explaining the financial support this will be dedicated for buying equipment for their club 18
Youth noticed the increasing of throwing garbage randomly in their neighborhood. They ask the youth workers of town youth club to organize a cleaning campaign for all people there. 19
A youth organization publishes a booklet of the articles done by youth on their experiences. The revenues from the selling are used to finance the organization’s monthly bills 20
Young volunteers decide to run monthly session at the community’s youth club to encourage other youth to apply for EVS 21
The youth council decides to run an awareness day on the right of people with disabilities after one of the youth was bullied by his peers. 22
MANIPULATION DECORATION TOKENISM Assigned but informed Consulted and informed Adult Adult initiated shared decision with youth Youth initiated and directed Youth initiated, shared decisions with adults Non participation Degrees of participation