Energistics Asia South Region Meeting (Production) PRODML SIG Update New Delhi, India Alan Doniger 14 January 2007 Chief Technology Officer Le M▲ridien New Delhi Hotel Energistics
Agenda What is PRODML? Participants Status Next Steps ’06 Pilots: Scope and Animations
Background In recent years, many energy companies have begun to exploit the benefits of highly instrumented producing fields seeking optimal operation of these assets. These efforts are known by many names, including Smart Field, Digital Field of the Future, e-Field, i-Field, etc. A key element in these achievements is making good use of the near real-time data streaming from the field to the office or operations center. To do this well requires the use of industry standards for data and for the communications and computing infrastructure.
The Role of Industry Standards The PRODML initiative, hosted by Energistics, is being driven by energy companies and vendors who believe the industry needs a freely available, universally applicable set of industry standards. For data definitions, formats, semantics For communications and computing infrastructure based on state-of-the-art technologies and standards To establish a level playing field for vendors To enable low-risk and low-cost use of proven optimization solutions including interchangeability To accelerate and encourage innovation in the design, configuration, and deployment of optimization solutions
From bottom of the well to initial separation Scope: Asset View Initial Scope From bottom of the well to initial separation The Production Domain Gathering Separation & Distribution Injection (Water, Steam, CO2) Water Handling Gas Treating Facilities Oil Treating Facilities Export Facilities Reservoir Management: Gas & Oil Contract Deliverability Decisions we can effect in a day
Scope of PRODML Application Software Operational Modeling Predictive algorithms to predict future measurements from historical measurements and operational plans Allocation and Reconciliation Derives critical values from measurements, as in back-allocation of volumes to wellbores Surveillance and Monitoring Continuous comparison of actual to predicted measurements; out of range condition invokes analysis Simulation and Optimization Predictive algorithms to predict future measurements and related set points that achieve pre-defined objectives Advisory and Alert Invoked when post-analytical predicted and actual performance differ significantly; alerts for remedial control changes
Basic PRODML Optimization Use Case Ops Modeling Appl Simul & Optimiz Appl Meas & Model Data Surv & Monitor Appl RT Data Capture Alloc & Recon Appl Advis & Alert Appl
PRODML’s Vision We all talk about “Fields of the Future” But we want them now. The task of integrated optimization and other operational application software solutions could be horrendous What is we had an industry standard that would interface – not necessarily integrate – software applications? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Isn’t this a problem that everyone in the industry faces? PRODML can help take us there!
What is this data? Now Future Emergency Shutdown Data Fire & Gas Data Process Data Reservoir Well Surface Pipeline Device Data End elements, DTS data RTU/PLC data SCADA/DCS data Future Sensor technology will enable the capture of continuous streams of data from every part of the physical environment
What is “Optimization?” A word we use often, but rarely understand An objective often mentioned, but rarely achieved If achieved, it is rarely sustained One Definition Improving the bottom-line results by timely, effective and sustained use of sufficient, good production information.
The Business Case Enable continuous optimization Artificial Lift Estimate well/reservoir oil, gas, and water flows Safeguard integrity Manage abnormal situations Get the right information to the right people, at the right time, in the right context and in the right workplace to serve the right work processes. Examples that illustrate the business case follow.
Gas Lift Optimization Oil Production . Time SCADA or Historian 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 7 13 19 Time 25 True Production Potential Periodic Manual Optimization No Optimization Activity Real time data To and from wells Real time data To and from SCADA Optimal Set Points From model SCADA or Historian GasLift Optimization Application 2 Phase Flow Model Real time data To model
Gas Lift Optimization When a well is completed, we decide how to set up gas lift parameters using multi-phase flow models. The initial production, however, declines over time. After a few years, the well production is analyzed and revised gas lift parameters are put in place. Production increases, but then gradually declines again. This gives the saw-tooth pattern shown in the diagram. If we analyze and model continuously, we can achieve production up to the blue line on the diagram. The space between the saw-tooth and blue lines is the prize from continuous optimization. Increased recovery, reserves, production This is a potential benefit from PRODML.
Potential Optimization Business Benefits Improved technical integrity Improved safety Increased production Reduced operating expenses A Shell engineer working on the PRODML team reported: Production is about 4 million BBLS oil equivalent daily Conservatively, optimization can contribute a 5% increase or 200k BBLS daily To achieve the same increase would require 2 new platforms in the Gulf of Mexico Cost: 3 Billion USD Time: 5 years People: 3,000
PRODML is a Key Enabler for These Benefits PRODML helps get real-time data from the field capture systems to applications PRODML helps move data among applications Field Data Applications Abnormal Sit. HC Accounting Maintenance Simulators Reservoir Well Pipeline Process REAL-TIME Data ESD F&G Processes Devices Etc. Set Points and Recommendations
What was the PRODML Work Group? Five oil companies proposed an initial standards development effort with established goals and constraints. Eight vendor companies and POSC (now Energistics) were invited to join the effort. The size was kept as small as practical. All results will be by consensus and will be shared openly. The duration was limited to one year – Q4 ’05 – Q4 ‘06 Afterwards, the results went to Energistics for maintenance and further development. State-of-the-art communications and computing technologies would be put to use. Internet, Web Services, SOA, W3C, etc.
PRODML Work Group Organization
PRODML Teams Steering Committee Set direction and deliverables; oversight All members represented Operational Team Day-to-day management by funding companies and team leaders Weekly conference calls Content Team Business and data requirements; use cases Technical Team Infrastructure requirements; architecture Communications Team Pilot Coordination Team Legal Framework Team
PRODML Work Group (’06) Members
PRODML Initial Scope Work Group participants agreed to scope limitations for the initial work effort: Start from field data already received and stored in Historians Stop short of closed-loop control changes Address only optimizations with recommended changes that can be implemented within one day Reference Use Cases were chosen: Gas Lift Well (Inlet Gas Changes) Free Flowing Wells (Surveillance) Field-wide (Surveillance) Each pilot testing activity supported one of these use cases
Use Case: Gas Lift Well
Use Case: Free Flowing Well Surveillance
Use Case: Field-wide Surveillance
Data Scope Production Systems in Producing Fields consist of Flow Network topology (Flow Network XML Schema) Production and injection wells, equipment, etc. Flow connections: outlet to inlet Measurements (Volume Reporting XML Schema) Production volumes and flow rates Pressures, temperatures, etc. Test results (Well Test XML Schema) Production well test results
Application Plug-and-Play PRODML seeks to enable application software components from different vendors to interact in a consistent way. As Service Requests And Service Responses One vendor’s component may be exchanged for another vendor’s component with comparable functionality Without damaging the integrity of the optimization loop configuration Some of the pilot testing activities explicitly demonstrated application Plug-and-Play.
PRODML Working Culture Funding Companies (5) Vendor Companies (8) Standards Organization (Energistics) Teams Project Management (Full-time) Team Interactive Web Site Public Web Site Shared Computing Facility (“Sandbox”) Process Use Case Described and Agreed Interactions (Cartoons and Spreadsheet) Pilot Testing Activities (Software) Public Demonstrations / Seminars
Tracking PRODML Progress Months 2 4 6 8 11 14 Steering Committee Meetings Project planning Team Kick-Off November 15, 2006 V1.0 Release Content Workshop preparation and scheduling Standards investigation Develop Scope Conduct workshops Detailed Requirements Macro Design Technology Process mapping Technology assessment Detailed Requirements Macro Design Design Communication Plan Develop Test Bed Scenarios Design POC Build POC Build Implementation guide outline Process flow documentation Plan Pilot Pilot Industry Review Start August 16, 2005 Strong Typing End November 15, 2006 Project Management Communication Requirements Build & Communicate Phase 1 – Scope and Define Design-Develop-Test Implementation
How has PRODML built on WITSML? WITSML (Wellsite Information Transfer Standard – Markup Language) is an Energistics family of standards primarily intended to support the movement of drilling data from well-site to office. Started in early 2001 Promoted and supported by the WITSML Special Interest Group (WITSML SIG) made up of over 40 industry organizations Similarities Initial development organization and process Data and infrastructure aspects re-used or adapted Longer-term alignment remains a goal
PRODML’s Completion Announcement PRESS RELEASE (September 28, 2006) coordinated with SPE Conference in San Antonio and a PRODML Hospitality Suite Session PRODML Version 1.0, open industry standards, completed and released to improve data exchange and work process efficiency in production optimization. Launch of Work Group in August 2005 Viability demonstrated with four realistic pilot testing activities led by BP, Chevron, Shell and Statoil From 1 to 1000 wells Plug-and-Play multi-vendor applications Meaningful workflows
PRODML’s Completion Announcement (2) Standards under custody of Energistics for maintenance and further development. XML-based data exchange solutions are available for adoption and extension Work Group Participants BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, Statoil Halliburton, Invensys, OSIsoft, Schlumberger, Sense Intellifield, TietoEnator, Weatherford Energistics Further information on www.prodml.org or from Energistics
PRODML Documents
PRODML Documents: Intended Uses
PRODML ’07 Work Group Repeat Successful Aspects of PRODML Work Group in 2006 Small but sufficient number of participating companies Small but sufficiently meaningful scope of new functionality achievable within one year’s effort Funding from participating companies to pay for full-time project management, collaborative meetings, support facilities, subject experts where needed, etc. Comprehensive work planning based on well defined teams with strong leadership and frequent communications within and across the teams
What’s New for 2007? Replace remaining hard-coded and proprietary interfaces of optimization application software with PRODML-based solutions Example: Driving applications from a common Production Flow Network Model description. Extend the footprint of the types of optimization that PRODML has been demonstrated to support. Example: Demonstrate support for ESP (Electrical Submersible Pump) Artificial Life Well Optimization Demonstrate the ability to integrate the previously published Energistics Production Reporting Standards with PRODML-based solutions. Example: Have back-allocated wellbore volumes reported and/or recorded using PRODML defined Web Services
In the Marketplace Vendors are planning to develop commercial PRODML-based versions of products during 2007. This work will be enhanced by the additional work planned for ’07, e.g. widening the footprint, as this will strengthen the market for such products. Without PRODML strength and growth, there are risks: Point solutions will continue to be developed Preventing low-cost, low-risk innovative optimization deployments, especially those that mix and match products from multiple vendors Energy companies will develop solutions themselves Further fragmenting the market and making conversion to standards-based solutions more difficult
Vision for 2007 and Beyond For end of 2007 Demonstrate additional PRODML-based functionality through Pilot Testing Activities. Build on Version 1.0; try to maintain compatibility Encourage the PRODML SIG Steering Committee to define a multi-year roadmap for PRODML Standards, that increasingly: Helps reduce cost, time, complexity and risk for production optimization solutions using communications and computing technologies Enables novel and valuable workflows with integration not conceived or not practical until now Work with other solutions and standards related to production optimization, wells, reservoirs, processing plants, production accounting, etc.
Vision for 2007 and Beyond Consider similar efforts in associated areas, such as Well Management Well Optimization Reservoir Performance Opportunity Portfolio Management Facility Optimization Etc. The PRODML approach and the PRODML architecture may fit well in some or all of these areas.
PRODML ’07 Work Group Scope: Flow Network Model Requirements Basic Flow Network Model content: Units, Ports, Connections, Locations, etc. Enable applications to respond to configuration changes either of Units/Connections or operational parameters Address connections with adjacent models, e.g. reservoir Enable levels of abstractions and subsets Enable different depths of information about Units Enable interactions with existing / emerging standards Proposed Pilot Testing Activities Support multiple levels of detail and support major/minor configuration changes Consider Web Services to supply Flow Network information to applications, including information about changes
PRODML ’07 Work Group Scope: Well Types Priorities for ’07 Fluid-Driven Artificial Lift – Surface Connections only Consider Time Cycles for intermittent gas lift/plunger lift Jet and Hydraulic Pump wells Power-Assisted Artificial Lift Consider electric motors at the surface Consider mechanical lift Consider variable frequency drives in electrical controllers [later] Down-Hole Sensors Consider wellbore configuration (WITSML Completion) Consider multi-zone allocated volumes Consider further aspects of well description [later] Down-Hole Equipment [after progress on the above] Consider down-hole gas lift for surveillance Consider artificial lift device internals, e.g. motor / pump shaft Consider flow controller devices
PRODML ’07 Work Group TimeLine & Milestones January – June Cycle January – Planning, sign-up, initiation of work and Pilots February – Design, architecture confirmed, Pilot interactions, Paper prototypes May – Pilot software work progressing, review by participating organizations, plan July-December Cycle June – Pilot demonstrations ready, Public review period, Accept July-December Cycle plan July – December Cycle July – Change Requests from January-June Cycle, Planning, sign-up, initiation of work and Pilots August – Design, architecture confirmed, Pilot interactions, Paper prototypes October – Pilot software work progressing, review by participating organizations November – Pilot demonstrations ready, Public review period, Plan 2008 December – Change Requests from July-December Cycle.
PRODML SIG and PRODML ’07 Work Group Steering Committee PRODML ’07 WG Impl. Sup. Team* Spec. Team* ’07 Ops. Team * Coverage for existing Standards: - optimization stds (PRODML V1) reporting (WITSML Prod Rptg) temp surveys (WISML Prod DTS) fluid properties (WITSML Prod FP) ’07 Content Team ’07 Tech. Team Focus on defining, implementing, piloting, demo-ing ’07 capabilities in optimization Promoting and supporting use of current Standards and supporting needs of PRODML ’07 WG
Continues Successful Ways of Working IP and Non-Commercial policies Value, short-duration, Pilot testing activities Interaction with PRODML SIG and other Standards/SIGs Resource commitments Self-funded Closed participation of small but adequate number of members Energy, Service/Software, Technology, Standards [Energistics] Communications out to Energistics community and the industry Comprehensive hands-on project management Agreed Terms of Reference; approved by SIG Steering Committee Operational Team, Interaction Tools (Web Sites) Meetings and Conference Calls Effective Work Group Team structure
How to Participate in PRODML in ‘07 Use PRODML Version 1.0 Standards Develop (and sell) or license and use PRODML-based products Join the open PRODML Special Interest Group The Energistics open user community for all Production industry standards, including PRODML Also, Fibre Optic Temperature Surveys, Production Reporting, and Laboratory Fluid Sample Analysis Results Promotes and supports use of PRODML V1.0 Standards Contribute to the long-term roadmap for PRODML Standards Contact Energistics for details Join the PRODML ’07 Work Group A self-funded, closed work effort to push PRODML to a new level of functionality mainly through more Oil Company led, Vendor involved Pilot Testing Activities
Shell Pilot Testing Activities Free-Flowing Well Surveillance Purpose Notify operator whenever measured and projected production volumes differ beyond a defined threshold Uses three sources of information Actual and two sets of simulation results (Plug-and-Play) Data Validator Application [Invensys: InFusion] Triggered according to a schedule Historian [OSIsoft: PI] Simulation #1 [Petex: Prosper] Simulation #2 [Weatherford: WellFlo] Notification [Invensys]
Shell Pilot Invensys Notification Invensys InFusion App Env 8 6 1a 7 GetFromStore 1a 7 AddToStore GetDataInvoke 2a Response 2b 1b Response 1 Get measured data every X minutes 2 Get simulated data 5 3 Determine well type 4 Get operational conditions Weatherford WellFlo PETEX Prosper 5 Simulate well performance Response 4b 6 Assess Results GetFromStore 4a 7 Notify alarm models 3 8 Assess Results OSISoft PI Historian
BP Pilot Testing Activities Gas Lift Optimization Purpose: Optimize Gas Lift by recommending revised lift gas rate changes Plug-and-Play demonstrated by 2 Monitor applications Data Consolidator #1 (Monitor) [OSIsoft: ACE] Data Consolidator #2 (Monitor) [Intellifield: SITECOM] Historian [OSIsoft: PI] Optimizer [Weatherford: GL Optimizer] Notification [Intellifield: Portal]
BP Pilot Sense Intellifield SITECOM Consolidator 2 5 8 3a 3b 1a 1b 6b GetFromStore 3a Response 3b GetFromStore 1a Response 1b Response 6b GetDataInvoke 6a GetFromStore 4a Response 4b 9 AddToStore 1 Request gas lift rate every X minutes 2 Assess results 3 Get measured data 4 Get manual input data 5 Consolidate data Weatherford GL Optimiser 6 Trigger optimiser OSISoft PI Historian models 7 Sense Intellifield Portal 7 Optimise 8 Distribute results 9 Send optimiser results OSISoft ACE Consolidator
Chevron Pilot Testing Activities Field-wide Water Management Purpose Notify user when water tanks will reach high level, and prescribe rates for highest impact wells 1000 wells (of 10,000 in the field) Production Accounting [TietoEnator: EC] Monitor Application [Invensys: InFusion] Historian [Invensys: InSQL] Simulator [Weatherford: LOWIS] Forecasting [Landmark: DSS] Data Integrator [Schlumberger] Notification [Invensys]
Chevron Pilot 25 Schlumberger Data Integrator 24 Invensys Notification AddToStore Schlumberger Data Integrator 24 25 Send instruction data 16 Trigger optimisation 19 Get well forecasts 3 Determine tank type 4 Get operational conditions 14 Forecast tank level 15 Notify Alarm 2 Surveil tanks every X days 20 Determine well type 18 Get well statuses 21 Get allocations 17 24 Develop prioritised list 10 22 Forecast wells 23 Get rig on/off dates 1 Simulate data sets 5 Get simulated tank level data 6 Get water allocations 7 8 Get simulated sales & status data 9 Get well test data 11 Get simulated well data 12 Consolidate data 13 Allocate flows Invensys Notification GetDataInvoke 16b GetDataInvoke 19a models 17 16a GetDataInvoke 18a 18b 19b GetDataInvokee 23a 23b 15 AddToStore 2 Invensys InFusion Landmark DSS 22 14 GetDataInvoke 6a GetDataInvoke 21a models 3 models 20 GetFromStore 4a 4b 6b 21b Energy Components 13 Invensys InSQL 8a 8b models 7 GetDataInvoke 9a 9b 5a 5b Weatherford LOWIS 12 11a 11b models 10 Data Set Simulator 1
Statoil Pilot Testing Activities Optimize smart wells Purpose Optimize smart wells and report recommended operational parameters Data Consolidator (Monitor) [Schlumberger: DECIDE] Historian [Out of Scope] Production Accounting and Operational Parameters [TietoEnator, PROSTY] Optimizer [Schlumberger: IAM] Simulator [Petex: PROSPER]
Statoil Pilot 1 Aspentech Historian Energy Components PROSTY 13 3b 3a Response 3a GetFromStore Response 12b AddToStore 12a Response 7b GetFromStore 7a 1 Poll Historian 2 Trigger time base every X minutes 2 4 3 Get well dynamic data 4 Consolidate data 5 Trigger optimizer 6 Get cleansed & consolidated data Schlumberger DECIDE 5b Response 7 Get manual data 5a GetDataInvoke 8 Get simulated data 9 Determine well type 6a GetFromStore 10 Simulate well performance 6b Response 10 11 Optimize Response 8b 12 Distribute recommended results Prosper PETEX 13 Optimize GetDataInvoke 8a models 9 11 Schlumberger IAM
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