Strengthening The Church How Can We Make Our Church STRONG?


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening The Church How Can We Make Our Church STRONG?

Why Does It Need To Be STRONG? A government needs to be strong A business needs its service or product to be strong An animal needs its defenses to be strong A Christian needs to be strong so that they can resist the Devil. A congregation needs to be strong to support the truth

How Can The Church Be STRONG? Daniel 2:44 “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever”.

The right church is already STRONG. God designed it that way. Our duty is to find that right church, Then learn how to keep it strong. Now, in order for us to keep it strong, there are several principles we should note.

Strength Is Not Measured By Numbers Humanism emphasizes large numbers as a standard of success. Yet we see in God’s word small numbers accomplishing much. Judges 7 Gideon needed only 300 Genesis would have saved them Moses and Aaron rescued 2 million

Strength Is Measured By Character A strong church is dedicated to God A strong church is prepared to do God’s will A strong church is one that does what a Church is supposed to do. Promote the gospel of Christ to the world. Focus upon Christ and honor His authority.

Strength Is Not Wealth While we understand that lots could be accomplished with more funds We also must recognize that improper use of church funds will be the destruction of many. Revelation 3: 17 “Because you say ‘I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked”

Sometimes Money Hinders the Work of the Church Quarreling over what needs to be done with the money Brethren treating the money like it is their own Ear-marked giving Let’s not forget the love of money and its effects. It is just as wrong to NOT use the money as it is to use it improperly

Strength Is Not Super-Organization Some bodies of Christ are so well organized that they are literally weak. One horse may pull 7,000 lbs. Two horses may pull 24,000 lbs. combined Must be careful to not have too many chiefs. Too many cooks spoil the pot. The Martha syndrome Luke 10:38-42

What Is A Strong Church? The membership is taught the truth of God’s word. Strength begins in the word Weakness and destruction come from ignorance. Hosea 4:6 Some people choose to believe the lie as seen in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

What Is A Strong Church? Some choose to ignore things in God’s word 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Some choose the darkness John 3:19 A strong faith is the result of the power of God, the gospel Romans 1:16-17 The word is all that we need; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3 Study to show thyself approved 2 Tim 2:15

A Strong Church Is United John 17 Unity is only accomplished by agreement and teamwork T ogether E veryone A ccomplishes M uch Same goals, headed same direction, working together as a team. “Many hands make light work” The principle is that many people working together accomplishes more results

A Strong Church Is United We are a part of each other Romans 12 1 Corinthians 12 The Lord wants unity Ephesians 4:3-6; 1 Corinthians 1:10

A Strong Church Is Devoted Devoted to the word and the work Devoted to each other Nehemiah 4:6 The people had a mind to work Devoted to be pleasing to Christ and God Acts 8:4

A Strong Church Is One With A Vision Setting up goals for the future and deciding how to accomplish such. Without goals, there is no need to work. Auto pilot does not work for Christians. Plan the work and work the plan. The church must be a preaching church.

A Church With A Vision Must be awake and aware Eph 5:14 Must see the harvest John 4:35-38 Recognizes their responsibility 2 Tim.2:2 Realize that labourers are needed and not spectators The harvest is ready, The unsaved are nearby and is plentiful

A Strong Church Is A Living Body Made up of those born again John 3:3 The only thing dead bodies grow is mold. Sardis was alive but dead Rev 3:1 A church that is dead is like a car without a battery or an engine. It won’t take you where you want to go.

Conclusion We need strong churches to fight the Devil Strong churches are approved by God Are you helping this congregation grow stronger? Are you willing to step up and say: “Master, Here Am I”?Two responses: send someone else, or send me. What is your decision?