Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity.


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Presentation transcript:

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity

Site details  Triangular site, approximately 63 hectares  Surrounded by development on three boundaries  Approximately 20 hectares is brownfield – former army camp  Vehicle access via Badger Farm Road (A3090)  Good access to motorway network (M3)  Close to the park and ride site under construction

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity History of Bushfield Camp  Former army camp, requisitioned before WWII (approx. 20 hectares)  In use by MOD until mid 1970s  Returned to the Church Commissioners in 1979  Alternative uses first considered in 1980s – initially considered suitable for recreation/tourism uses  s – a number of proposals for development overturned  Site now derelict and unsightly  The site attracts antisocial and criminal activities

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity The economic issues Winchester District Economic and Employment Land Study, November 2007:  The Winchester economy is strong but there is little room for complacency and need to maintain a “competitive edge”  Winchester is sliding down the hierarchy of business communities in the South East  There is a “disjuncture” between the existing restrictive Local Plan and the “direction of travel” in the emerging South East Plan  Employment projections indicate a restructuring of the local economy with a growing focus on higher value added services, eg knowledge-based  A shortage of modern employment sites; demand is restrained by restrictive policies and limited supply of office space  A particular demand for a science or technology park to cater for knowledge-based and creative industries

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity The vision for the local and sub-regional economy  South East Plan vision for South Hampshire – strong economic growth, linked to urban regeneration  Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) – promotes economic-led growth improving productivity through better knowledge transfer  Winchester Community Strategy – seeks to ensure Winchester maintains its competitive edge and increase the contribution of creative industries  WCC Corporate Strategy Implementation Plan (2007 to 2012) – The Council will focus on providing the environment and facilities for business start up and growth  Winchester District’s Economic Action Plan – promote and build competitiveness of Winchester Town, nurture creative industries, and ensure that business needs are met

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity Emerging policy framework  LDF is being introduced in the context of the adopted South East Plan ( )  Local Plan to be replaced by a Local Development Framework (LDF)  Core Strategy under preparation  Core Strategy “preferred options” consultation published May 2009  Core Strategy sets out the spatial development strategy over the next 20 years, including identifying strategic development sites  Adoption of Core Strategy programmed for early 2011

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity What are the issues?  “Issues and Options” for the spatial strategy (consultation held early 2008)  Nearly 3000 representations Key issues were:  Commuting – general concern that there is an excess of in-commuting, mainly from Southampton and Eastleigh, for lower income jobs, largely in the public sector, and excess of out-commuting of highly skilled residents  Step change growth – is necessary to meet the South East Plan growth requirements, but concern about the impact on the environment and heritage  Economic potential – Winchester lacks a clear vision about what it can and wants to offer to businesses; Winchester’s environment and property market are better suited to knowledge-based activities

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity The options  The Council initially identified two options for “Winchester Town” : –Option 1: Planned boundaries – restrict development within the existing boundaries and site allocations –Option 2: Step change – actively seek to raise the profile of the town through a step-change in growth, including a “knowledge park”  An update to the Economic and Employment Land Study concluded that Option 2 (Step Change) is the preferred option for addressing commuting problems and helping to realise the town’s potential  WCC has now identified its “preferred option” as a combination of options 1 and 2 –“Development with a purpose” – combines elements of both options, including allocation of a new site for a knowledge-based business park

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity Why a knowledge-based business park?  Latent demand in the Winchester market area for modern office and industrial workspace  Particular demand for a knowledge-based business park for modern knowledge-based and creative industries  Likely to attract businesses looking for a high-quality environment  Likely to attract highly-skilled local people who are seeking to live and work in high quality surroundings, therefore address out-commuting problem  A knowledge based business park would need to complement the Chilworth Science Park and the park proposed at Eastleigh  Despite the economic downturn, “there appears to be sound logic for developing a knowledge-based business park in the Winchester town area”  Is a key component of the “development with a purpose” spatial strategy

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity Preferred option Policy WT3: Strategic Employment Allocation Bushfield Camp “Approximately 20 hectares of land at Bushfield Camp which has been previously occupied…will be allocated as a ‘knowledge park’, subject to further studies of its suitability and viability…the remainder of the site (approx 23 hectares) is made available and laid out for public use in perpetuity”.

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity Image title Bushfield Camp – the opportunity  “Bushfield Camp has good potential for the development of a knowledge based business park”, Winchester District Economic and Employment Land Study (January 2009)  Bushfield is a brownfield site and WCC has confirmed there are no viable alternatives within the town  Should be a phased development, to provide 650 to 1000 jobs during the LDF plan period, eventually rising to 1,500 jobs  Further feasibility studies and development impact studies are being undertaken  Opportunity for a high-quality, innovative and sustainable business park as the cornerstone for Winchester’s long-term prosperity Concept option

Bushfield Camp Key to securing Winchester’s future prosperity Moving forward  WCC will consider representations on the Preferred Option Core Strategy  The LDF Core Strategy is expected to be adopted in early 2011  Further studies are underway  A development concept will evolve in partnership with WCC  A planning application will be prepared and submitted  Phased development of the site is planned to commence in 2012

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