DEVELOPING Mission, Vision, Core Values
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…teaching them” Matt 28:19-20
Mission What BUSINESS we’re in. What are we trying to accomplish?
Vision Where we’re BOUND What will it look, sound, and feel like while we are accomplishing our Mission?
Faith What we BELIEVE To what foundational, immutable doctrines do we hold fast while we are accomplishing our Mission?
Values How we BEHAVE What kind of people are we going to be while we are accomplishing our Mission?
Two Important Issues: 1. Importance “What matters is not the leader’s charisma. What matters is the leader’s mission. Therefore, the first job of the leader is to think through and define the mission of the institution.” Peter F. Drucker, Managing the Non-Profit Organization, p Is it Memorable? “Once we know something, we find it hard to imagine what it was like not to know it. Our knowledge has cursed us. It becomes difficult for us to share our knowledge with others, because we can’t readily re-create the mind of others.”... Elizabeth Newton
What is the Church’s Mission? What’s the church supposed to be doing? Answer: The Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
How do you develop a memorable Mission Statement? 1. Keep it Simple! What is at the core of the mission? Boil it down. Dallas Theological Seminary: “The mission of Dallas Seminary as a professional, graduate level school is to prepare men and women for ministry as godly servant leaders in the body of Christ worldwide. By blending instruction in the Scriptures from our doctrinal perspective with training in ministry skills, the Seminary seeks to produce graduates who do the work of evangelism, edify believers, and equip other by proclaiming and applying God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.” Should be: “We exist to prepare men and women for ministry as godly servant leaders in the body of Christ worldwide.”
2. Make it achievable. Examples: “To win 10,000 people to Christ...” Problem: “Only 7,500 people liv within a reasonable, drivable distance.”
3. Make it emotional. 4. Your Mission should be Measurable. Can it be used to measure success? Examples: “Making people more spiritual.” “Lead a life-transformation movement, one life at a time.”
Five keys to making a memorable Mission Statement. It makes people pay attention. 1. It is easily understand. 2. It is something believable. 3. It is something that people care about. 4. It is something everyone can be a part of.
How Do you Develop a Mission Statement? 1. Determine the church’s mission. – It’s the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20). – (It must be at the core of the statement.) 2. Articulate the mission in writing. – Write it down on paper. – (If you can’t, you don’t have one.) 3. Personalize your mission. – Use language your people can understand & is biblically accurate. – (Avoid unfamiliar biblical terms.)
4. Word-smith the mission. The words must be simple, powerful, memorable. 5. Keep the mission short & memorable. How short? Short enough to fit on a T-shirt!
Communicating the Mission ➡Y➡Y➡Y➡Your life ➡F➡F➡F➡Framed document ➡S➡S➡S➡Slogan ➡W➡W➡W➡Wallet-size cards ➡T➡T➡T➡T-shirt ➡P➡P➡P➡Performance Appraisal ➡L➡L➡L➡Logo ➡S➡S➡S➡Song
Examples of Mission Statements To make and mature fully functioning followers of Christ... Ginghamsburg To turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ... Willow Creek
Examples of Mission Statements To exalt Jesus Christ by: Loving God Loving Others Serving the World NorthPointe Church
Examples of Mission Statements General Baptist “Making Disciples Developing leaders, growing healthy churches..”
The Mission Challenge ➡ That’s your job!!!!! ➡ You’re the mission/vision communicator. OVER COMMUNICATE! ➡ To keep everyone focused on the ministry’s mission ➡ At least once a week ask yourself, “How can I creatively focus their attention on our mission this week?”
Developing And Maintaining A Vision
What is a Vision and how do you discover a vision?
1. Is given to individuals, but it is birthed in the heart of God. “…if it lingers wait for it. It will come…” Hab 2:3
2. Vision begins with a concern that eventually becomes a moral conviction. Vision usually comes from a dissatisfaction with the status quo.
And it happened when I heard these words, I sat down and wept. And I mourned for days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of Heaven. Neh 1:4 It moves from “Could be” to “Ought to be” in our heart.
3. Vision usually develops over time. ❖ Vision will mature in us as we think through what we are doing ❖ We mature in preparation for the vision. - Abraham - 25 years - Moses - 40 Years - Joseph - 23 years
Warning!!! Don’t just throw out a vision to have one.
“Then the Lord said, “Write the vision down and make it plain on tablets so that those who read it may run with it. For the vision awaits an appointed time…” Habakkuk 2:2-3
“…if it lingers, wait for it. It will come…but the righteous will live by faith.” Habakkuk 2:3-4
Lessons From Habakkuk 1. You must write your vision down. 2. You must make it plain to read. 3. If you do, people can run with it! 4. In vision, timing is everything. 5. Wait for your vision to emerge.
5-steps To Developing Vision 1. Begin by listening to God. 2. Expose yourself to other visions. 3. Hang around with visionaries. 4. Perfect your vision as it emerges. 5. Write your vision down.
What is the difference between Vision and Mission? MissionVision Main Question Definition Application Length Purpose Activity Source Development What business? Where going? Statement Planning Short Informs Doing Head Science - Taught Story Communicating Long Inspires Sees Heart Art - Caught
Vision includes consensus, but God almost always begins with an individual! Understanding “Individual” vs “Shared” Vision the picture of the future a person carries around about themselves.” “Individual” Vision the picture of the future a group of people carry around about themselves.” “Shared” Vision
“After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.” Acts 16:10 Example of “Individual” vs “Shared” Vision
“…if it lingers, wait for it. It will come…” Habakkuk 2:3-4
A Vision Description Is A clear picture of what the church will look like in 3-5 years. 2. A mental image that motivates and ignites passion. 3. Describes how persons from the MFG will be reached.
A Place To Begin A diary entry, , etc. 2. Begin visualizing the future. 3. Answer the 20 questions. 4. Look through the eyes of someone from your MFG.
The Bottom Line! There is a direct relationship between the development and practice of your vision description & having effective recruiting conversations!
1. Write out & practice a succinct summary of your vision 2. A clear story of what drives you… 3. Include your divine call and communicate the passion you feel 4. Testify about God already at work 5. Know it well...anytime...anywhere! From 30 seconds to 30 minutes...
How to Discover and Articulate Your Core Values
What is a Core Value?
Personal Core Value Exercise 1. W here do you spend your time? 2. W here do you spend your money?
Five Things that usually guide the church. 1. Tradition – We’ve always done it that way! 2. Personality – The Squeaky wheel gets the grease. 3. Money – What can we afford to do? 4. Programs – Keep it alive even if it doesn’t work. 5. Buildings – Either the ministry drives the building or the building drives the ministry.
Why Are Values Important? 1. They give a church a unique identity in the ministry world. 2. They help possible participants decide whether to join you. 3. They shape the character and form the basis for every decision that we make as a church.
What Core Values Are Not 1. Core values are not a vision or mission statement. – Vision - Where we are going? (preferred future) – Mission - What business are we in? – Values - Why do we do what we do? 1. Core values are not a vision or mission statement. – Vision - Where we are going? (preferred future) – Mission - What business are we in? – Values - Why do we do what we do?
2. Core values are not Strategies. –Strategy is a plan to accomplish the vision. 3. Core values are not doctrinal statements. - Theological beliefs, Angels, demons, god, trinity.
What is a Core Value? 1. Core Values are Constant – The are long lasting and thus change slowly 2. Core values are Passionate – They stir your emotions
What is a Core Value? 3. Core Values are ministry beliefs – They are philosophical ministry convictions you hold to be true. 4. Core values guide the church’s ministry decisions. – worship – small groups – youth ministry – risk-taking
How does this work practically? Type of church Traditional Contemporary Liturgical Emergent Value Pastor’s Role People’s Role Emphasis MediaResult Trait Maintain Status quo Relevancy Symbols Icons Mystery Chaplain Creative leader Keeper of the sacred Guru Consumers Participate Worship Followers Comfort Evangelism Mystery God is all around Family Cutting Edge High church Liberal Lack of absolutes Candles dark rooms Respect for history None High Tech Experience In- grown Hymnal pulpit
Why pay attention to values? 1. Values may be Shared or Unshared. 2. Values exists at a Personal or Organizational level. 3. Values may be Actual or Aspirational.