When God is Silent ~ Does God’s silence authorize or not? ~ Must we have authority from God, or can we act as long as God does not specifically prohibit? ~ Must we have authority from God, or can we act as long as God does not specifically prohibit?
> True Faith only comes by Hearing What God says (Rom. 10:17)! > True Faith only comes by Hearing What God says (Rom. 10:17)! ~ What God says authorizes, not what He does not say (silence)! ~ What God says authorizes, not what He does not say (silence)! ~ Faith based on what God has not said is not “Bible Faith!” ~ Faith based on what God has not said is not “Bible Faith!”
> Bible Demonstrations of the Truth! > Bible Demonstrations of the Truth! ~ Lev. 10:1-2 – Nadab & Abihu “Offered profane fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them.” ~ Lev. 10:1-2 – Nadab & Abihu “Offered profane fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them.” * God was silent about the fire they used! He had not forbidden it! * Lev. 16:12 – God just told them the fire they were to use! * Lev. 16:12 – God just told them the fire they were to use!
~ Heb. 11:29 – God told Israel to go (Ex. 14:15-16)! ~ Heb. 11:29 – God told Israel to go (Ex. 14:15-16)! * Israel marched by faith! * The Egyptians marched by human opinion! God was silent!
~ Heb. 7:12-14; 8:4 – Jesus could not be priest under the Law! Why ~ Heb. 7:12-14; 8:4 – Jesus could not be priest under the Law! Why * God was silent about Judah being priests! * But He did not specifically forbid it! * If “everything not forbidden is authorized” the writer of Hebrews would be wrong!!!
> Acts 15 – God said nothing about Gentiles being circumcised to be saved! > Acts 15 – God said nothing about Gentiles being circumcised to be saved! ~ 15:7-11 – Peter used “Necessary Inference!” ~ 15:7-11 – Peter used “Necessary Inference!” ~ 15:12 – Paul & Barnabas used “Apostolic Example!” ~ 15:12 – Paul & Barnabas used “Apostolic Example!” ~ 15:13-21 – James used “direct statement” from scripture! (Amos 9:11-12)! ~ 15:13-21 – James used “direct statement” from scripture! (Amos 9:11-12)!
~ 15:24 – “to whom we gave no such commandment.” ~ 15:24 – “to whom we gave no such commandment.” * The inspired letter from the apostles, elders & brethren! * The inspired letter from the apostles, elders & brethren! * God did not tell the Gentiles that they did not have to be circumcised! * God had not commanded it. He was silent!
> Make Application to: > Make Application to: ~ Instrumental music in Worship! ~ Instrumental music in Worship! ~ Sprinkling for Baptism! ~ Sprinkling for Baptism! ~ Infant Baptism! ~ Infant Baptism! ~ Church social & recreational work! ~ Church social & recreational work! ~ Church support of Human Organizations! ~ Church support of Human Organizations!
~ Should we try to justify a belief or practice by asking “where does the Bible say ‘Thou shall not do it? ~ Should we try to justify a belief or practice by asking “where does the Bible say ‘Thou shall not do it? ~ Which view is the Bible view? ~ Which view is the Bible view? * What God says is authorized? * Or, we can do anything God has not forbidden? * 2 John 9; Gal. 1:8
God is not Silent about what the alien must do to be saved: God is not Silent about what the alien must do to be saved: ~ Believe (Heb. 11:6) ~ Believe (Heb. 11:6) ~ Repent (Acts 17:30) ~ Repent (Acts 17:30) ~ Confess Christ (Rom. 10:9-10) ~ Confess Christ (Rom. 10:9-10) ~ Be Baptized (Mark 16:16) ~ Be Baptized (Mark 16:16) What the Christian must do: What the Christian must do: ~ Confess sins (1 John 1:9) ~ Confess sins (1 John 1:9) ~ Repent and Pray (Acts 8:22) ~ Repent and Pray (Acts 8:22)