MYP Parent Info Night Welcome ! Bienvenue Bienvenidos Benvenuto Willkommen Huān Ying
Welcome back! IB ice cream party 9/18/12
Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Learner Profile Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective
Announcements IB Advisory Council reps Bryan Park clean up Saturday 10/13 9:30am-12pm Need parents to help with MYP ceremony IB breakfasts begin Friday T-shirts
Communication Google Assessment Calendar Students should check HCPSlink daily for grades and HW/CW SchoolSpace Parents check regularly, at least once per week Regular s sent by the coordinator
Seminar 9 th grade meets on Tuesdays 10 th grade meets on Wednesdays Coordinator-led lessons designed around the LP Instruction on a variety of topics including: “All About IB,” ATL, diversity and acceptance, time management Assignments graded and recorded in different courses
CAS Mrs. Harper is the coordinator ManageBac subscription Learning outcomes and goals Progress is posted online once per 9- weeks Independent work, but could be collaborative as well Requirement for the MYP but expectations have changed since middle school
Personal Project Mrs. Fuller is coordinator Information will be shared with students through seminar and English class Parent meeting March 18, 2013 in Library Sophomores received timeline. Final paper due December 19, 2012 Freshmen begin in March 2013, major progress made over summer, due in December 2013 Required for the MYP and to continue to DP Must earn a score of 3 (out of 7) to “pass”
Academic Honesty “Authentic” work Malpractice, collusion Consequences are grave Zero tolerance Honor pledge on every assignment Ethics Website and quiz due 10/9 for 9 th grade
Grades and MYP Assessment Scores We must redefine success…it’s the journey MYP scores posted to show progress, does not affect HCPS grade. FYI only- 50% MYP score is NOT failing HCPS grades Students have access to IB rubrics Encourage your child to seek out help at the onset of a problem Teachers available for extra help by appointment; free tutoring by NHS What are the red flags?
Teachers calculate final score for their subject based on work from September- June with the use of grade boundaries Student can earn a final grade of 1-7 in each of their 8 courses plus Personal Project Need a total of 36 out of 63 points to earn MYP Certificate
Moderation Very extensive process to check for quality of teacher-created assessments Also evaluates the teacher’s interpretation of IB rubrics Each 10 th grade teacher sends in samples of student work (except Technology assessments done in 9 th )
DP courses Beginning in January, sophomores will learn more about DP courses Course selection sheet due in February DP parent meeting in September 2013
Miscellaneous The Library is open before/after school for students AE is Tuesday-Friday; 45 minutes to study, do homework, get extra help, attend club meetings Encourage school spirit and to get involved in sports and clubs IB Office is always open to students