DockoMatic: Automated Tool for Homology Modeling and Docking Studies DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Tutorial
Learning Objectives I. Create & validate a protein homology model II. Use molecular docking to calculate the binding energy for a drug to the protein III. Assessment of docking results IV. Visualize the protein-drug complex DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Systems of Interest Protein: Collagen α1 (XI) NPP domain 223 amino acid protein 2 disulfide bonds A minor fibrillar collagen involved in thrombosis Drug: Arixtra (a.k.a. Fondaparinux) A heparin-based drug An anticoagulant used to treat blood clots Binds Col α1 (XI) NPP to prevent blood coagulation Arixtra structure DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
DockoMatic 2.0 User friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for automation Homology model creation using the Timely Integrated Modeller (TIM) interface Create, submit, manage AutoDock 1 molecular docking calculations Track jobs & analyze results using PyMol 2 DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking 1. Morris, G. M. et al. J. Computational Chemistry 2009, 16: The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version Schrödinger, LLC.
How many structures solved? The Protein Data Bank * * Bernstein, et al. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 112, 535. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Part I: Homology Modeling DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Homology Modeling: Overview Prediction of 3D-structure of a given protein sequence (target) based on alignment to known protein structures (templates) A useful model requires 30% sequence identity between target and template Models used to understand function, activity, ligand binding paradigms in drug design, etc. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Homology Model: Template Selection 1. Begin with the target amino acid sequence 2. Use the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool * (BLAST) to search for amino acid sequences of template proteins where the 3D structure is available 3. The principle repository for 3D protein structures is the National Center for Biotechnology Information + (NCBI) 4. Only amino acid sequences with greater than 30% identity between target and template should be considered. 5. If functionality is known for a class or family of proteins, look to protein templates with similar functionality as the target. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking *Johnson et al. (2008) Nucleic Acids Res. 36, W Edgar, et al. (2002) Nucleic Acids Res. 30,
Homology Modeling: Flow Chart Target Sequence Model Building for the Target Template Selection Alignment (Target- Template) Evaluate the Model Known (Template) Structures Homology Model YESNO DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Homology Model Creation: DockoMatic Procedure DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Open Terminal Window DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Type: ssh –X DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Enter password DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
This is the HOME directory DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Type: cd $SCRATCH DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Type: mkdir DOCKOMATIC-WORKSHOP Type: cd DOCKOMATIC-WORKSHOP Type: dockomatic DockoMatic will now open in a new window DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
DockoMatic 2.0 GUI DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
DockoMatic Select: Use Modeller DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
DockoMatic: Accessing the TIM Wizard Click on: Receptor Timely Integrated Modeller (TIM) Wizard will open in a new window DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
DockoMatic – TIM Wizard Interface TIM Wizard DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
TIM Step 1: Enter Template Sequence Click on: Output Directory DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
TIM Step 1 (cont’d): Sequence Entry Select: The desired output directory Click: OK DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Output directory path is now established Note this path for future reference TIM Step 1 (cont’d): Sequence Entry DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Click on: ‘Sequence’ Choose the target.pdb file OR Copy/Paste Sequence: If you don’t have a.pdb, you can copy & paste the sequence here. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking TIM Step 1 (cont’d): Sequence Entry
Name the target sequence Click: Next TIM Step 1 (cont’d): Sequence Entry DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
TIM Step 2: Search for a Template BLAST Template Search DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Template list BLAST output DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking TIM Step 2 (cont’d): Template List
Select a template Templates listed from highest match to lowest Click: Next TIM Step 2 (cont’d): Template Selection DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
TIM Step 3: Sequence Alignment Alignment in progress DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select sequence of template that has been aligned with the target TIM Step 3: Select Aligned Sequence DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Aligned template and target sequence display. Alignment may be edited in this window. Click: Next TIM Step 4: Edit Aligned Sequence DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
TIM Step 5: Model Generation Model generation in progress DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
List of homology models for target protein created based on template structure DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking TIM Step 5: List of Models Created
Select a homology model Models listed from best to worst correlation Click: Finish TIM Step 5: Select Homology Model DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Receptor field shows selected homology model. Do not close this window; it will be required for molecular docking. End TIM Wizard: 3D Model for MD DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Open a terminal window. Enter output directory path (you noted this earlier). Type: ls The content of the working directory contains the.pdb files of the homology models for the target protein along with all other output files generated by DockoMatic. Location of Model Structure Files DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Homology Model Validation DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
HM Validation: Ramachandran Plot Model assessment using RAMPAGE 1 webserver DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking 1.
HM Validation: Sequence Alignment DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
HM Validation: Structure Overlay Homology model for Col α1 (XI) NPP PDB ID: 2UUR Template Root mean square deviation of Cα atoms = 1.12 Å DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Part II: Grid Parameter File Creation DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Open AutoDockTools (ADT) In the terminal type: adt & Click on the Icon created at installation DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Click on: Grid Then click ‘Macromolecule’ in the popup menu, then ‘Open…’ You can either load a.pdb or a.pdbqt created from an earlier ADT use. Change the file type to ‘.pdb’, unless loading the.pdbqt file type. Choose your file, then click open. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
The file will load then imidiately ask you to choose a location to save the converted.pdbqt Choose your location and filename, then click save
DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Click on: Grid Then click ‘Grid Box…’ in the popup menu This allows you to define the area of interest in the molecule. It is described by xyz coordinates. The molecule can be rotated by clicking and dragging.
DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Click on: Grid Then click ‘Output’ in the popup menu, then ‘Save GPF…’ Choose your location and filename, then click save
Part III: Molecular Docking DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Molecular Docking: Background Docking : Molecular simulation of a ligand binding to a receptor Output: Binding energies & scoring functions Visualization: Binding poses for ligands Docking tools AutoDock DOCK Glide MOE GOLD DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Force Fields for Autodock Energy Function ΔG H-bond = W H-bond ∑ i, j E(t) * ( C ij / r ij 12 - D ij / r ij 10 + E hbond ) ΔG vdW = W vdW ∑ i, j ( A ij / r ij 12 - B ij / r ij 6 ) ΔG elec = W elec ∑ i, j ( q i * q j ) / ( ε(r ij ) * r ij ) ΔG desolv = W desolv ∑ i (C), j (S i * V j * exp ( -r ij 2 / (2 * σ 2 ) ) ) ΔG tor = W tor N tor ΔG = ΔG vdW + ΔG H-bond + ΔG elec + ΔG tor + ΔG desolv DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Molecular Docking: Protocol DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Click: Output Directory Molecular Docking in DockoMatic DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select output directory Click: OK MD: Getting Started DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Click: Ligand MD Step 1: Selecting a Ligand DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select a ligand structure file (arixtra.pdb) Click: OK MD Step 1 (cont’d): Ligand Selection DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Click: Receptor MD Step 2: Receptor Selection DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select the homology model of Col α1 (XI) NPP from part 1 as the receptor Click: OK MD Step 2 (cont’d): Receptor Selection DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Click: Box Coordinates MD Step 3: Receptor Binding Site Selection DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select a box coordinate file Click: OK DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking MD Step 3 (cont’d): Receptor Binding Site Selection
Select number of AutoDock jobs to run: default=100; for this exercise select 10 Click: New Job MD Step 4: Job Setup DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Your job is not yet started Job status displayed here MD: Job Status DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Left mouse click to select Right click to access menu DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking MD: Starting the Docking Jobs
Start Delete Analyze View in PyMOl Right click initiates pop- up window MD: Starting the Docking Jobs (cont’d) DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Start Delete Analyze View in PyMOl Click: Start to submit jobs While jobs are running, review input and output files. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking MD: Starting the Docking Jobs (cont’d)
Return to terminal window and type ‘ls’ to list files Make sure path is correct; if not, use ‘cd’ to change directory Starting a job creates dock directories where results are located Type: cd dock_1 DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Review Files in Terminal Window
Part IV: Assessment of Docking Results DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Result output files Type: more arixtra.pdbqt DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Viewing the Contents of a Structure File
arixtra.pdbqt contents Type: q Type: more dock.gpf DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Protein Data Base File for Arixtra
dock.gpf contents Type: more dock.dpf DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Viewing the Contents of a Grid Parameter File
View the contents of the dock.dpf file Type: more dock.dpf Viewing the Contents of a Docking Parameter File DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
DockoMatic: MD Required Files DockoMatic automation requires a receptor, ligand, and grid parameter file as input GPF creation: To run an autogrid job you would type: autogrid4 –p dock.gpf –l _gridLog.glg & *****You need not to run autogrid job***** To run an autodock job you would have to type: autodock4 –p _.dpf –l _dockLog.dlg & *****You need not to run autodock job***** DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Check gridLog file Type: tail -100 _gridlog.glg _gridlog.glg end of file contents (last 100 lines) This means autogrid completed successfully DockoMatic: Grid Parameter Files DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Check dockLog Type: tail -100 _docklog.dlg _docklog.dlg end of file contents (last 100 lines) This means autodock completed successfully DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking DockoMatic: Job Status in Terminal
To check the Cluster Histogram data Type: less _docklog.dlg Scroll down a long way until you get to the Clustering Histogram section. DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking MD Result Analysis: Cluster Histogram
Part VV Visualize the Protein-Ligand Complex DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Left mouse click to select Right click to display the menu Viewing MD Results DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Start Delete Analyze View in PyMOl Click: View in PyMOL A 3D model viewer should open in a new window MD Result Analysis: Visualization DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select the top ranked result Click: OK MD Analysis: Selecting a Result DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Open PyMol Click: File, then Open This will open the arixtra_rank_1.pdb file. This is the ligand binding pose for the lowest energy docked complex MD Analysis in PyMOL DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Select a protein structure file Click: Open This will provide the structure of the protein receptor molecule PyMOL: View Protein Receptor DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
3D protein structure Homology model of Col α1 (XI) NPP Protein Structure Viewed in PyMOL DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Collagen α1 (XI) NPP domain DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking Ribbon Structure of Protein in PyMOL
Protein-Ligand Complex in PyMol Arixtra Lowest Ki = kcal/mol DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
PyMol View of Protein-Ligand Interactions DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Close up View of Interactions between Arixtra and Binding Site Residues DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Conclusions DockoMatic Homology model Model Creation Structure Validation Molecular docking Docking Studies Result Analysis DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking
Questions! & Thank You DOCKOMATIC-Student Procedure-Homology Modeling & Molecular Docking