S OCIAL M EDIA & M ARKETING S TRATEGIES Facebook & Twitter Information gathered from Lynda.com
G ENERAL I MPRESSIONS Positives: It’s trendy. Everyone’s doing it. You should too. Great way to reach a large clientele. Negative: What’s the longevity of social media? Will it be the quirky fad of this decade? What’s the average Twitter user’s attention span?
L OGISTICS How it Works
H OW IT WORKS The purpose of a Twitter account is to be RT. A company’s message then goes viral and can be picked up all across the twitter-verse.
G ETTING R ETWEETED Crafting a fine tweet. Written in Headline Style Contains Valuable Knowledge I had lucky charms for breakfast John Hanley Pioneered The Fight Against Alcoholism Offers Free Stuff Tutorials Hard-To-Find Resources Presents a Call to Action “Help Me / Vote For” “Please RT” (<130 words for RT)
T WEET W ORTHY T WEETS How does one produce tweet-worthy tweets? What is tweet-worthy? 1/3 Sales / Marketing Event Sign-up, Contests, QR Codes, Projects: Wedding Planner, Hanley Project 1/3 General Information Relevant Marketing Articles, Re-tweets, Ask Questions, Request Help / Suggestions 1/3 Company Information John Updike New Hires, Interns, Customer, Tips, Press Mentions, John Updike
A TTRACTING F OLLOWERS : To gather followers to your twitter account follow these strategies: Include Twitter URL everywhere Business Cards Printed Material Word of Mouth Get Retweeted Get Retweeted Add Twitter Badges to your Website Participate in the Conversation Post and Respond
A TTRACTING F OLLOWERS : Follow colleagues in your field and follow your customers: FriendInc AlverniaUniv ConnectLanc SenJudySchwank RodaleInstitute ReadingHosp berksandbeyond Sorrelli KutztownU ReadingPA readingberkspa readingcrowne goggleworks MuseumModernArt ViVATapasLounge Merra_Lee vanscoydiamonds BerksEye Hair-On-The-Avenue
M ISC. I NFORMATION Connecting It All Tweetdeck is a free software application that helps manage Facebook and Twitter accounts on one screen. NHG + WEDDING PLANNER + I’M READING Hashtags Hashtags.org allows you to view popular trending conversations. Allows you to reach out beyond Reading Measuring Your Impact Bit.ly Google Analytics
V OCABULARY Social Media Coordinator : the official title of a person who promotes a business online via Twitter and Facebook. RT : short hand for “re-tweet,” which is the action of a Twitter user reposting your message to their twitter : used to respond to another twitter user, get back to work! # : used to add ones voice to an ongoing Twitter conversation, e.g. #JohnUpdike was a swell fellow! Trending Topics: words or phrases that have been tweeted numerous times; topics usually surround major world events, e.g. Turkey
Begin By Promoting The Wedding Planner Then NHG on Facebook & Twitter Post/Tweet John Updike, Hanley Center Connect NHG Twitter > Facebook > Website Consolidate
I A M R EADING 1/2 Marketing Feel-Good-Quotes, Successful Alumni, Parent Stories, Student Stories 1/2 School Information Positive Press Mentions, School Events, School Achievements, Notable Classroom Speakers