Building for Success: Illinois’ Comprehensive Housing Plan Presentation at the MPC Breaking New Ground Roundtable March 14, 2005
Background on the Housing Task Force & Comprehensive Housing Plan Governor Blagojevich issued Executive Order Established Housing Task Force with Intergovernmental Subcommittee Required creation of annual Comprehensive Housing Plan to guide the housing related activities of state agencies
Priority Areas for the Comprehensive Housing Plan Very low-income households and families Low-income senior citizens Low-income people with disabilities Individuals or families who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless Low and moderate-income households unable to find affordable housing near work or transportation Low income households living in existing affordable housing that is in danger of becoming unaffordable
Key Findings of the Housing Task Force Illinois spends more than $600 million annually on affordable housing and related services Housing assistance programs are administered by several agencies There is little coordination or communication among agencies Resources are committed without comprehensive priorities or goals There is a disconnection between the allocation of capital funds and service dollars
Building for Success: Illinois’ Comprehensive Housing Plan Vision Statement “Quality housing, affordable to each household, with accessible and appropriate services where needed, supports individual and family success. Housing is an essential asset and economic engine for neighborhoods, integral to Illinois’ ability to achieve its goals for the citizens of Illinois.” Housing Principles –Affordability and Choice –Creation and Preservation –Leadership
Major Goals –Target funds for priority areas and populations –Increase inter-agency coordination –Coordinate state-administered capital resources and housing assistance service funding –Build capacity –Improve private and federal funds leverage –Improve education, outreach and technical assistance materials and programs Building for Success: Illinois’ Comprehensive Housing Plan
Strategies Recommended in the Plan –Create joint funding opportunities for capital dollars and service dollars –Develop extensive technical assistance program to build capacity for development, housing counseling, supportive service projects, financing mechanisms, property tax relief –Expand home modification programs in conjunction with IDHS and IDoA to enable the elderly and disabled to remain in their homes and prevent institutionalization –Explore resources for rental assistance program Building for Success: Illinois’ Comprehensive Housing Plan
Strategies Recommended in the Plan –Develop statewide accessible housing registry –Develop financing tools to facilitate cost effective financing for small projects –Explore opportunities for state incentives for communities targeting live near work affordable housing developments –Maximize effective use and accountability of tax exempt bond volume cap for affordable housing –Create a state housing recognition award to highlight the beneficial impact of affordable housing development on communities Building for Success: Illinois’ Comprehensive Housing Plan
Progress and Accomplishments to Date Provided QAP incentive points to encourage housing developments for priority areas and populations Created Housing & Services Committee Created Development Coordination Committee Began discussions with IDOC and IDHS in Governor’s Community Safety & Prisoner Re-entry Working Group IDPA re-opened the SLF Medicaid waiver program and IHDA committed financing to SLF development IHDA expanded Homeownership Programs and Training Expanded IHDA PHA Capital Fund Pooled Bond Financing Program IHDA enabled “bundling” of small projects for applications for capital funds
Next Steps Additional Strategies for 2005 –Develop the NOFA process to combine capital and service funding for supportive housing projects –Partner with IDoA Community Reintegration Program to educate seniors about Supportive Living Facilities –Include Employer-Assisted Housing materials in DCEO Opportunity Returns Programs, distribute materials through DCEO’s Workforce Investment Boards –Partner with IDHR to ensure fair housing materials are available to all recipients of state housing assistance –Create a statewide registry to identify affordable housing for persons with disabilities –Develop a realistic, phased commercial and residential development plan for Lincoln Development Center Site Report to Governor and General Assembly on April 1 st about 2004 progress toward Comprehensive Housing Plan goals