Ellen Goldring Peabody College, Vanderbilt University.


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Presentation transcript:

Ellen Goldring Peabody College, Vanderbilt University

 Why Professional Principal Preparation? ◦Theory of Change ◦Goals  How Principal’s Learn and Program Delivery ◦Bridging Theory to Practice ◦Tools for Learning and Practice ◦Challenged Based Learning Modules

Why Professional Preparation: Conception of How Professional Preparation Influence Outcomes for Schools Professional Training and Preparation, Professional Development Teachers learning’ opportunities & instructional improvement efforts; school culture Student Outcomes Achievement Leader Background School context: Student & Faculty characteristics Leadership practice & knowledge & Skills

The program’s purpose is to develop principals who are committed to and knowledgeable about, and can implement the following goals: 1. Embracing research-based ideas about good learning, 2. Recognizing high quality teaching and knowing how to sustain and nurture it, identifying what gets in the way of excellent teaching, and knowing what to do about it, 3. Data-based decision making, 4. Leading through vision and knowing how to work with their teachers to develop a clear sense of direction for their schools and a strategy to effect change, 5. Working effectively as part of a team to develop and implement strategy, and 6. Viewing change as a process and a shared activity requiring the support and understanding of a broad group of constituents that includes community leaders, school staff, parents, and students, the school board, the superintendent and central office staff.

Professional Preparation is part of a System for Overall Reform Policy Levers 1.Standards 2.High quality personnel preparation 3.Personnel licensure and assessments 4.Ongoing professional development 5.Incentives and personnel policies 6.Conditions of work 7.System evaluation and assessments High Quality Schooling 1.Opportunities to learn 2.High quality instruction 3.High quality curriculum 4.School instructional leadership 5.Data systems: Monitoring progress and accountability 6.Personalized learning cultures 7.Coordination: Home, community, and school 8.Professional culture Educational Research and Development


The Traditional Approach: Theory Bridged to Practice

Innovative Approach: Integration & Strategic Connection Challenges of Practice Knowledge & Expertise Performance Based Assessment & Feedback

 Prompt thinking and action  Constrain and enable thinking and action in particular ways across settings and over time  Help negotiate which actions to take toward meeting specified goals  Specify parameters of acceptable conduct  Communicate about norms of behavior ( Brown, 1989;1991; Honig, 2008 )

 Conceptual: New forms of thinking and new knowledge ◦Principles, frameworks, ideas  Instructional leader, decision making, autonomy,  Practical tools: New action ◦Change practices, strategies, utility in context  Leadership Assessment Tool  School Improvement Planning Guide  Teacher Observation Rubric

The Teaching & Learning Continuum T RADITIONAL C LASS W ORK Observation Coaching & Mentoring Simulations A UTHENTIC I MMERSIVE A CTIVITY Interview Shadowing Problem-based Practice

To Facilitate Learning That ◦Is based in real-world challenges. ◦Activates existing knowledge as a foundation for new knowledge. ◦Demonstrates to and with the learner the new knowledge. ◦Helps the learner apply the new knowledge. ◦Helps the learner integrate this new knowledge into his/her school setting.

 Challenges are simulated problems or dilemmas that focus on realistic, day-to-day issues, events, and scenarios that school principals confront  Learning primarily take place through carefully crafted ‘challenges’.  The challenges are deliberately designed to enable participants to learn how to assess a situation, determine what they already know and what they will need to know,  and to learn how to identify and utilize sources of knowledge, skill and values that will enable them to wrestle with challenges productively.  Familiarizes learners with situations and problems they will encounter outside the classroom  Aims to prevent inert knowledge and promote transfer of learning by integrating content knowledge with problem solving

Challenge Learning Cycle

Students post and discuss their initial thoughts about the challenge This serves to 1) surface students’ predispositions, 2) alert others to the different ways one might understand and address the problems involved 3) helps the instructor to identify teaching opportunities and challenges. Related research: generative learning (Wittrock), eliciting prior knowledge (Gagné), avoiding inert knowledge (Whitehead); social constructivism (Cole, Resnick); advanced organizers (Ausubel); setting personal goals for understanding (Alexander).

Students examine and compare a range of perspectives and learning resources related to the problems to be solved. Related research: multiple representations-cognitive flexibility (Spiro); constructivism (Bruner); contrasting cases (Bransford & Schwartz); expertise, knowledge in depth (Alexander)

 Discussion of research by leading scholars (on DVD)  Commentary on effective practice by distinguished educators (QuickTime on DVD)  Texts, reports and articles (print and on-line)  Examples of effective practice (web and DVD)  Selected web sites  Structured opportunities to interact with other students and the instructor on-line

Students take a brief examination on the content of the learning resources they were provided in order to hold them accountable and to increase the chance that student discussions to follow are informed. The instructor evaluates and provides rubrics that allow students to self-evaluate. Related research: Embedded assessment (Wiggins);scaffolding (Vygotsky );

The response to the challenge involves two steps, both of which include interaction among students and between students and the instructor: 1. An open-ended discussion of a critical issue related to the challenge. 2. A draft and, following discussion, a redraft of the “final” response to the challenge. Related Research: authentic audiences and emerging understandings, (Vygotsky, Lave); social constructivism (Brown)

Each course requires students to use what they have learned from the course modules to solve an authentic problem in a school setting. For example, students must assess the adequacy of services being provided students with disabilities and recommend strategies for improvement based on research and noting the potential barriers to implementation.

To wrap up each course, students are asked to reflect, in writing, on what and how they have learned focusing on the differences between their initial thoughts (which they have posted) and their later responses to the challenges. Related Research: reflective practice (Schön); the development of metacognitive skills (Bransford,et al.)

 Learner-Centered  Assessment-Centered  Knowledge-Centered  Community-Centered

 People construct new knowledge and understanding based upon that they already know and believe. Learning must address participants’ preconceived ideas and knowledge. ◦What I learned connects well with what I know already. ◦I learned how to solve real-life problems.

 Can’t just start and stay where the learner is but need content—a body of knowledge.  Access to multiple opportunities for learners to experience using foundational knowledge to solve problems. ◦Simulated participants to intellectual effort beyond that required by most professional development. ◦Encouraged participants to use multiple resources to improve their understanding

 Learning occurs in supportive settings that are structured to value certain norms that promote learning.  Determine what learning is valued ◦Asked participants to help each other to understand ideas or concepts. ◦Formed "discussion groups" to facilitate learning. ◦Asked participants to share ideas and experiences with others whose backgrounds and viewpoints differ from their own.

 Provides feedback so learners can revise their thinking and problem solving approaches.  Opportunities for self assessment ◦I got feedback about my performance that helped me to improve my thinking or understanding of the subject area ◦I was encouraged to evaluate my work.

 Depth of new insights  Reference to a much wider array of knowledge  Use of more ‘expert’ terminology  Use of knowledge  More relevant ideas  Focused ideas  Not rote learning, but interpreting the information and connecting it to problems at hand  Language is solution focused-action oriented  Participants see new knowledge as tools for solving problems