Postgraduate Research Data: a New Type of Challenge for Repositories? Jill Evans, Gareth Cole & Hannah Lloyd-Jones, University of Exeter.
Introduction The Open Exeter ProjectOpen Exeter
Main work strands: – Technical Development – Follow the Data – Advocacy and Governance – Creation of Training Materials
What can Research Data be? Can include: o Word documents o Printouts of experiments o Excel spreadsheets o Interview transcripts o Audio files o PDFs o Raw data in CSV form o Processed data in text files o Graphs o Photographs o Photocopies o NVivo files o Stata files
About the Exeter Repositories ERIC, EDA, DCO Merging DSpace Oracle 11g database system SWORD v2 in development Metadata – qualified Dublin Core Pilot phase
Current Situation Thesis deposit mandatory No guidance on data deposit No central data store or registry for data No clear strategy for dealing with multimedia deposits
Why Archive PGR data? Enhanced discoverability Raised research profile/portfolio Ability to validate findings if queried Funder compliance Allows fuller exploitation of data Future funding opportunities
Current Issues Varied practice! Loss of data: impact on research groups Lack of visibility: limits potential for reuse; lack of recognition for student Inaccessibility: duplication of effort; prevents others building on research
Solutions Support deposit of (big) data alongside thesis Simple deposit Long-term curation; file agnostic; persistent IDs Awareness raising and training; embedding cultural change in research community Policy and guidance Holistic support network
Policy Draft policy covering PGR data Mandates deposit if required by funder; encourages in other cases Annual data health check with supervisor Clarifies supervisor and student responsibilities Implementation early 2013
Future Issues When should data be deposited? Who checks data integrity? IP issues may differ between funders Who pays for the time taken to clean and package the data? Service costs and sustainability
Any Questions?
Contacts Open Exeter web site: Project team: Technical queries: Ian Wellaway Draft RDM policies: Exeter repositories: Blog: Twitter