Krishna Gautam National Council on Independent Living Nepal (NCILN) and CIL Kathmandu
Glance to t he Nepal
Situation of PWDs in Nepal A Situation Analysis of Disability in Nepal, carried out by NPC and UNICEF- in 2001: More than 90% of the households surveyed expressed that having PWDs in families creates problems. About 30% of PWDs did not receive any treatment at all while more than 83% who visited health facilities did not benefit from the services. More than 70% of PWDs had difficulty living in the community. More than 68% of PWDs had no education. More than 79% of PWDs were found to be dependant on their families
Independent Living Movement in Nepal The Success of great Peoples Movement 2005 End 204 long King Monarchy Established Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Legally registered Independent Living Center in Nepal Find IL the New concept, New philosophy, New Principles, New Culture 11 IL Centers establish and formed new IL Network, National Council on Independent Living Nepal NCILN
Activities Carried Out by ILCs Advocacy, Disability Awareness Campaigns and Barrier free Campaigns Facilitation to have access to assistive devices and Personal Assistant Service Human Right Education to promote the rights of PWDs Conducting ILP, IL trainings, Peer Counseling, information and Referral Services, support housing and accommodation to PWDs. Support ILCs financially and technically to exercise IL activities
CIL major initiatives for accessibility movement in Nepal 1. Organizational approaches 2.Coperate and coordination approaches 3.Medias Campaign approaches 4. Supporting individual approaches
Corporate and coordinate approaches Working with local government to improve access in reality for making public toilet accessible Working with banking sectors for mutual benefit, working central government and local government. Eg: accessibility guidelines, local government level policies and programs
Some of the samples Government schools Ministries office Post office
Media Campaign approaches Making Documentary, interaction with medias, publishing success stories and its impacts through medias so on
Media Campaigns
Supporting individual approaches Supporting/ Consultant services companies, Individuals to individual who initiates the activities. Eg: British Council access audit, US embassy Access audit, consultant services to Nepal for making accessibility guidelines
Challenges Political Instability in Nepal Lack of Constitution Lack of Accessibility focus organization and knowledge on it Technical Education Curriculam Lack of Implementation mechanism both in government and dpos. Lack of Policies, programs and expertise and research bas activities
Opportunities New constitution still on coming process Ratification UNCRPD Launching IL concept and popular among PWDs and Civil Society. Domestication of national laws, bylaws, policies on the spirit of UNCRPD eg. Old act, accessibility guidelines, definition of disability Supreme court has ordered government to make policies and programs regarding the social security of severe disability.
Thank you very much for hearing us.