KEYS to School Improvement Missouri National Education Association Teaching and Learning Director
School Board Goals Effective school leaders Focus on student achievement Meet ESEA/NCLB goals Solutions tailored to local needs Effective professional development Recognition that money is not the only solution
KEYS Goals Make all schools high quality schools Increase student achievement for ALL students in ALL types of schools Help schools meet ESEA/NCLB requirements and address the achievement gaps Help schools address the need for data-driven decision-making (3DM)
What is the NEA KEYS 2.0 Initiative? Deliberative process for continuous school improvement Research-based and data/information-driven Supports the school’s and district’s efforts to build internal capacity to improve and be accountable Begins with the use of a school assessment tool, an online survey, completed by the school community that yields scores on 42 indicators of school quality that correlate with high student achievement
The NEA Six “Keys” of School Quality The 42 indicators are clustered into six essential “Keys” that define the standards for school quality : 1. Shared understanding and commitment to high goals (5 Indicators) 2. Open communication and collaborative problem solving (9 Indicators) 3. Continuous assessment for teaching and learning (5 Indicators)
The NEA Six “Keys” of School Quality 4. Personal and professional learning (11 Indicators) 5. Resources to support teaching & learning (5 Indicators) 6. Curriculum and instruction (7 Indicators)
Expanding the Definition of School Capacity Resources Definition Teacher quality School infrastructure Educational resources Technology Class size Pre-K and all day k Special programs Proven educational programs and practices + KEYS’ Definition Effective distributed leadership Mutual trust and respect Collegial, professional culture and community Collaborative problem solving Program coherence Shared responsibility and accountability Strong parental support Knowledge-based decisions Effective professional development
OUTCOMES (Performance) INPUTS (Resources) KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability PROCESSES
$ Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn External Supports Partnerships- Community Parent/Business OUTCOMES INPUTS National, State, District Policies KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability PROCESSES
$Adequate/Equitable Quantity and Quality of Teaching Pool Readiness of Students to Learn External Supports Partnerships- Community Parent/Business INPUTS National, State, District Policies KEYS as a Measure of Internal School Capacity and Accountability Successful Citizenship Post Sec. Enrollments Satisfying Careers Etc. Increased Satisfaction- student,staff,parent Improved Attendance (Students/Staff ) Higher Graduation Rates(Lower Drop Out Rates) Improved Student Learning/ Achievement OUTCOMES PROCESSES
Demo School Report with Links to Resources
Demo School Report with Links to Resources (Drilling Down)
What happens to the data? Data is used by school staff to guide school improvement decisions. Confidentiality of respondents is insured by secure online format. Group must have 20 respondents for data to be compiled separately. Data is not public information. Data is compiled and owned by NEA. Data is provided to team of NEA leaders and the principal for their school. District data is also compiled and given to the NEA leaders and the superintendent. Superintendent and NEA leaders prepare report to the board on the process, and will include selected data. Tools for data analysis are provided.
Key Benefits for District Participation Supports continuous improvement Input from all stakeholders, including community Provides data on current reality The ability to track patterns of school performance over time Attract and retain quality professional educators More effective planning for district-wide and school based improvement strategies Prepaid by association members
More Information Access more information and demo the survey at Demo site also includes sample data from a school Questions? Contact NEA local leader or state facilitator (give phone or )