Housing and independent living research Imogen Blood RNIB Transitions Conference 1 st July 2015
Scoping phase Two qualitative studies asking 112 younger adults with sight loss about housing experiences A review of the policy and funding climate and its impact on the housing experiences and opportunities of this group; A review of housing advice services/ resources that are accessible and relevant to them.
What are the housing needs of YASL? Location: living somewhere you can be independent and feel reasonably safe Proximity to support networks: ‘you can’t just wave at the neighbours’ Property features: Space, Storage, Guide dog? Lighting? Stairs? Making minor adaptations Security of tenure: moving is such an upheaval
‘When I have my own place I will have lots of independence’ Access to suitable housing? More young people staying with parents/ house sharing in the private rented sector – impact for YASL? Affordability? Half YASL depend on benefits Access to support? “ The key need is for short term, flexible and intensive support as soon as you move” VI Professional
The overall picture from the interviews Some very bad housing experiences….. but: Diversity of individual pathways to housing Resilience and determination of many There really are no easy answers but we need to find a way of handing some control back to people over their lives
Housing advice Gap in advice for YASL moving to independent living (from family home or FE/ HE) Some had received good benefits advice but knowledge of housing options & rights limited Many depend on family/ friends for advice Education/ social services: variable information about the ‘cliff edge’: many stay/ return home Hard to find/ apply online resources
Next steps for the project Housing Brokerage pilot: personalised support to find cross-tenure housing solutions Housing advice resources: working with YASL and professionals from the advice sector to amend existing/ develop some new resources Working with the VICTAR longitudinal study: better understanding of how housing/ education/ employment pathways interact
Resources and contact 4 scoping reports and synthesis of findings at: trust.org.uk/researchandknowledge/publication s/RF47housing-and-independent-living.htm Get in touch if you want to discuss next steps: (Advice) (Brokerage)