Mandate Dubai Conference 2006 IPCB is the main coordination body for institutional and police reform IPCB directs, prioritizes and coordinates the international effort DirectPrioritizeCoordinate International Police Coordination Board
Objective To ensure a coherent and coordinated approach among the international community and provide support to the Afghan MoI in the development of policies, strategy, and plans in the area of police reform. International Police Coordination Board
Members AFG MoIEUPOLEUISAFNATO SCRNTM-A/CSTC- A UNAMA UNDP/LOTFAAustraliaCanadaDenmarkFranceGermanyItaly JapanThe Netherlands NorwayUKUS International Police Coordination Board
Wider Decision Process International Police Coordination Board Security Standing Committee IPCB Standing Committee (Gov) Standing Committee (SE) Joint Coordination & Monitoring Board (JCMB) Minister of Int. Chair 19 IC members + MoI On the Agenda: ANP & MoI development Minister of Defense and UNAMA Chair Approximately 30 IC members, military & development and neighboring countries Minister of Finance and UNAMA Chair Approximately 30 IC members, military & development and neighboring countries
Structure Caucus Working Level Police Development Unit Rule of Law Unit Public Outreach & Reporting Unit Board Level International Police Coordination Board Secretariat
Key MoI Reform Initiatives National Police Plan, National Police Strategy Ministerial Development Plan Institutional Police and Policy Development Institutional Reform Working Group MoI Legal Review Working Group Police Assessment Working Group International Police Coordination Board
IPCB Secretariat Permanent body (civilian & police personnel) Receives directions from the Board Provides recommendations to the WL, Caucus and Board meetings Facilitates all meetings and working groups Manages Police Reform Database Provides input to key MoI/ANP documents International Police Coordination Board
IPCB Secretariat Staff Head of Secretariat Patrick de Vries Senior Liaison Officer Douglas Boot Senior Reporting Officer Jörg Hinrichs-Lahmann Reporting Officer Robert Krizanic Data Management Officer Zoran Mamuzic Planning Officer Allan Uhrich Rule of Law Coordinator Ray Nash Administration Officer Topi Törrönen Language Officer Abdul Language Officer Qais Logistics Officer Sonita International Police Coordination Board
IPCB RoL Mandate Work across agencies and IC to promote transition to RoL and Civilian Policing Improve link and transparency between police and justice sector Encourage transition to evidence-based judicial process Track transition of Central Prison Directorate to the MoI International Police Coordination Board
RoL: Challenges to Transition 1. Illiteracy 2. Corruption 3. Militarization of Police 4. Attrition 5. Gender/Human Rights 6. Police-Prosecutor Relations 7. Sharia/Afghan Law v. Tribal Custom International Police Coordination Board
Senior Police Advisory Group Composed of senior police personnel designated by IPCB members Meets regularly and upon tasking by the IPCB Provides police expertise to other IPCB bodies Sub working group: Police Assessment Working Group Response to IPCB / SSC UNAMA ANP growth approval of conditional upon development of assessment tool specifically for civilian policing skills Expected feedback February 2012 International Police Coordination Board
Police Reform Database Operational since JAN 2011 Administrated by IPCB-S and NTM-A/CSTC-A Simple tool to share unclassified information Virtual on line place/tool for information sharing Preventing duplication of efforts and avoiding gaps in joint coordination activities Preserving institutional memory Provide complete overview of international contribution with regards to police trainings, projects and overall police reform International Police Coordination Board
Police Reform Database International Police Coordination Board
Police Reform Database
International Police Coordination Board Police Reform Database
International Police Coordination Board Police Reform Database
International Police Coordination Board WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR POPULATING/UPDATING THE DATABASE? Over 100 analysts from various organizations/nations predominantly IPCB members (EUPOL, NTM-A, UNDP, GPPT, United States, France, etc…) WHAT INFORMATION DOES THE DATABASE CONTAIN? Contributing countries and organizations, facts and figures, interactive map, search engine, gallery, library, address book, police trainings, projects…
Police Reform Database International Police Coordination Board HOW DO I GET ACCESS TO IT? Please send request to one of the PRD admin officers, they will create you an account and provide training where needed: or or
QUESTIONS? International Police Coordination Board