Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan Welcome Survey feedback Current status of activities What next?
Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan What is a Neighbourhood Plan? A vision for the village in 20 years time An opportunity to shape the future “No Change” is NOT an option
Stages in the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan Create a draft plan with an evidence base Consult/communicate widely with the Village Community Submit for Independent Inspection Referendum Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan
Why create a Neighbourhood Plan? An approved Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the overall Planning Process SDC have included Dispersal of Housing around the District in the Core Strategy 11 ‘Category 2’ villages identified, with key services, capable of accommodating extra housing Target of 51 – 75 new homes for each of these villages
Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan An approved Neighbourhood Plan Gives us the opportunity to: Provide a broad development strategy for the village Avoid indiscriminate planning applications and manage development Ensure that the infrastructure can cope
Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan The Survey 610 questionaires 324 returns (53%) Multi answers On web-site
Things you like about living in Wootton Wawen and should be protected. CommentsTotal% Quiet/Tranquillity/Peace6322 Services (Shops, Post Office)5920 Countryside5318 Church4415 Friendly (people, atmosphere)4114 Community spirit/feeling3813 Transport3612 Pubs3412 Don’t change anything3211 Schools259 Good access routes176 Feeling safe155 No additional housing134 Affordable Housing93 Low/No crime83 Neighbours52 Traffic Noise52 Clean village41 Pedestrian/zebra crossing41 Other41
Things you like about living in Wootton Wawen and should be protected. Comments Tranquillity/Peace /Countryside/ % Services (Shops, Post Office, Pubs) 93 32% Community spirit, friendliness, general atmosphere 84 29% Churches 44 15% Transport Links 36 12% Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan
Specific things you want to see changed/improved Comments Traffic speed and road safety (inc. street lighting) % Car parking – school and railway 93 32% Frequency of transport 84 29% Broadband & mobile phone coverage 44 15% Footpaths/Pavements 20 8% Pedestrian Crossing 16 6% Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan
When considering the local environment, how important to you are the following? Not Significant Very Significant Conserving the Arden Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (304) 3%92% Reducing the risk of flooding (309) 4%90% Protecting local wildlife and habitats (306) 3%88% Encouraging appropriate and good house design (297) 5%86% Retaining active/well managed farming operations (302) 5%84% Reducing carbon footprint (296) 10%71%
Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan
Age Profile Working Age 58.6% in WW vs 63.3% in Stratford 50 years plus 61.6% in WW vs 43.8% in Stratford Age GroupWootton WawenSDC 0-19 years %25, % years %41, % years %34, % 70+ years %18, % %120, %
Train Usage from Wootton Wawen
Wootton Wawen Neighbourhood Plan To ensure a sustainable village entity within the agreed Parish boundary, maintaining all those elements valued by the community and identified in the Village Appraisal, the Parish Plan and the recent survey. Our Vision for Wootton Wawen
A Neighbourhood Plan requires appropriate, viable Policies which – are consistent with the Planning Framework and the Local Plan (Core Strategy); based on a robust evidence base – are clearly stated, against which Planning Applications can be properly judged – identify what should/should not be permitted – taken together, express a clear overall strategy
Suggested Policies Maintain the openness and key features of the landscape Ensure that any development is sustainable in terms of key services and transport accessibility No development – On the flood plain – On Scheduled Ancient Monument sites – Within the Conservation Area – West of the railway line (SDC requirement) – Outside the current built-up area
Suggested Policies (continued) Give priority to developments on brown-field sites Minimise impact of development on wild-life habitats Aim for developments that will enhance the landscape and improve services in the village Housing must provide a good mix of family and affordable homes House design/specifications should meet latest National/SDC standards
Suggested Site Selection Criteria To underpin the policies, look for sites that – have good access to public transport – cause minimal traffic disruption and have safe road access – are close to existing main services (water, sewage, electricity, etc) – have Landowner consent