 The New Testament does not replace the Old Testament: it fulfills the Old Testament  St. Augustine said that the New Testament is hidden in the Old,


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Presentation transcript:

 The New Testament does not replace the Old Testament: it fulfills the Old Testament  St. Augustine said that the New Testament is hidden in the Old, and the Old is revealed in the New  The Old Testament is the gradual unfolding of God`s plan of salvation- the plan that reaches its climax with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

 The books of the New Testament can be put into the same classes as the books of the Old Testament Classification New Testament Books LAWFour Gospels : In the OT Moses gives the old law and the founding of Israel. In the same way the four Gospels give us the new law and the story of the founding of the church, which is new Israel. HISTORYActs Of The Apostles : The OT gives the history of Israel from the death of Moses. The Acts gives us the history of the early church from the ascension of Jesus Christ. WISDOMEpistles : Letters written by the Apostles telling us how to live as Christians. PROPHECYRevelations : John brings us the word of the lord in symbols and images often recalling those used in the OT prophets.

 All four Gospels tell the same story.  Each Gospel writer tells it from a different point of view.  The first three Gospels are called “Synoptic” because their points of view are similar.  Scholars believe Mark`s Gospel was first, Matthew & Luke both used Mark as a reference.  It is also believed there was a collection of Jesus sayings called the “Q.”

 Matthew was also called “Levi”, a tax collector  Jewish Christians were the main audience for Matthew's Gospel.  Matthew emphasizes Jesus as the true heir of David`s kingdom.  Matthew is the one who most lets Jesus speak for himself.

 Mark was a disciple of Peter.  Peter was Mark`s main source for the story of Jesus' life.  Roman Christians were Mark`s main audience.  Mark emphasizes Jesus as leader of a new Exodus.  Many scholars believe that Mark`s Gospel was the earliest of the four.

 Luke was called “The Beloved Physician.”  Luke was a well- educated man.  Gentile Christians were Luke`s main audience.  Luke wrote another Gospel because he wanted to give an orderly account.  Luke includes details of Jesus` conception and birth not found anywhere else.  Luke also had information from the mother of Christ, Mary.

 John was known as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”  John emphasizes as the Word of God Incarnate.  John also stresses our new creation in Christ.  The family relationship of the Trinity is revealed most completely in John`s Gospel.

 St. Luke wrote this book as a sequence to his Gospel.  It is the only reliable history of the church. This is because everything he said can be verified.  In portions of the book he switches from “They” to “We” indicating he was an eyewitness.

 As the church spread the Apostles wrote letters to the churches they had founded.  All the letters addressed problems that Christians faced as they tried to live in a secular world.  Letters are arranged roughly from longest to shortest. Roman Empire Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians St. Paul`s to Individuals 1 Timothy2 Timothy TitusPhilemon HebrewsJames 1 Peter2 Peter JohnJude

 The revelation is a vision of the things to come that is both terrifying and comforting.  It speaks in symbols, and it is hard to understand.  Main message is that god will preserve all his people and bring them into Heavenly Jerusalem.