Data Co-production and Analysis: The Example of Video Diaries Barbara Gibson, PhD, PT Assistant Professor Department of Physical Therapy University of Toronto, & Postdoctoral Fellow Child Health Evaluative Sciences Hospital for Sick Children
Video “Diaries” l Socially located constructions l Produced in response to research context l Examples from my doctoral research
Visual Methods Advantages of visual methods »Density »Triangulation »Permanence »Multiple reviewers »Video elicitation
Visual Research Seeing is believing ?
Video “Validity”
The Research Project l Identity l Men with Muscular Dystrophy l Rely on Ventilation
Methods 10 case studies: l Initial interview l Participant generated video l Second interview
Video Suggestions l Rooms and objects l Daily activities l People (family, friends, attendants) l Places they visit l Themselves (by facing a mirror)
The Presence of the Absent Researcher
Reflexivity and Fluid Methods
“Donald was not able to produce an independent video in that Dad was there helping him. I suppose it helps that I was not there. He did say some different things on the tape. How fluid are these methods? How problematic is it if different participants do different things i.e. alone or not, with me doing some of the taping?”
“I was actually pleased in a way that I had control of the camera. I was able to probe (him) into talking about the objects in the apartment and what they say about his identity, rather than medical routines or disability related gadgets. It generated lots of discussion. Should I consider modifying the protocol to include some of both? Or at least give the option to participants?”
Analysing Video Accounts l Audience l Scene l Director l Role l Cut
Joe’s video
Audience and Scene
Director and Role
Mom: Okay, now you can talk, Joe. Joe (to nurse): Then you can explain what we’re doing. As you’re doing it, just explain, that’s all. Nurse: This is Joe, getting his trach changed. I’m his nurse. This is a trach going out…. (explains procedure as she performs it)…. Did you hear that click, Joe? Joe: No. Nurse: (Drops the tracheotomy tube) Whoops! Happens on video, never happens any other time! There you are. Joe (to the camera): It’s done. And there’s no pain involved, nothing like that. It’s done once a month, to see if I have an infection. I guess we’re done now.
Acknowledgments Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR Strategic Training Program in Health Care, Technology and Place Collaborative Research Program in Rehabilitation and Long term Care