^ ICT Schools
Agenda Why Technology What we – Training – Lesson Planning/ Knowledge Management – Assessment and class planning – Immersion programs – Remediation – Project work/ resource creation When to get children started How do you get started
Why technology All pervasive – 21 st century default Usage of mobile phone Usage of computers Television penetration – Ease of availability and use Ability to make classroom more effective – Teacher’s aid – Self paced learning – MIS on data collected in schools to “customize” classroom transaction Imperative for scalability
ICT Structure Sujaya Content Delivery – HD Screens in classroom and Individual Laptops with students Teacher Developme nt and School monitoring EnTeEf – Collaborati on Platform & ERP
Some early decisions.. All teachers have laptops – if a teacher can get comfortable with technology s/he will atleast not prevent the use of it in the classroom All classroom will have laptops on trolleys – we have 8 per class (1:5 ratio) – these are timetabled like the art and the music room – any teacher wanting better ratios for use in the classroom can “book” the laptops from other classes – for example for assessment etc Only “computer” lab would be a language lab – preschool children use this and we also use it for remediation Each classroom has an large screen LCD – used in place of a projector High speed Wi Fi and cabled network (with back up) – near real time availability Started on Linux and then moved to Microsoft Looks like a large project outlay but can be done in an inexpensive manner: Nasscom Foundation for Laptops and Desktops Microsoft basic edition and education editions Other technology donors – Honeywell, Accenture
Technology in Training.. Need to start multiple schools on the same date Limited resources specifically people – need to utilized optimally Online Offline model – Teachers read up pre reading material – Go through a simple online assessment at the end of it – Data passed on to the trainer (facilitator) – gives them a view on where each teacher stand while in the classroom – Teachers can go back and revisit training material whenever/ wherever – Classroom activity more interactive – Emulate what we want teachers to do with children Flipped classroom in action Example of circle time (ppt and video) List of free online tools – Authorstream – ppt comes to life – Dropbox – file server – Googledocs - intranet
Improving Teacher Effectiveness.. Doing 1 school easier than doing 100 schools How do you make school 100 benefit from School 1 to 99 Ensure teachers use it – and it is intuitive to use Technology helps with – Knowledge management – store lesson plans with ranking for posterity – Teacher collaboration – Teacher handholding – Curriculum updates – Teacher assessment – Teacher level remediation – Classroom administration – Compliance reporting Feedback sessions- video and playback, videos stored for training
EnTeEf has been created with inputs from teachers, who are first time technology users. This has allowed EnTeEf to be rich in teaching aids and collaboration functionalities and yet be simple to use Enteef- Enabling Teacher Effectiveness Student Admission Student Information Human Resources Time Table Management News Management Event Management Student Attendance Examination User Management Transport Management Finance Online Content Access Online Assessment Library Access Work & Project Portfolio Parent Login / Dashboard Access to Student Academic Data Access to Student Attendance Data Parenting Discussion Forums Unit & Lesson Planning Online Assessment Creation & Grading Report Card Generation Course Management Access to Resources on Online Communities Library Access School Management Student GrowthTeacher Enablers Parent Community
Dashboard Time Table Management Some Screens...
Assessment and Class planning Formative and Summative assessment online using various free and paid tools – English – Waterford – assessment at individual child level – Khan Academy- assessment at child and class level – Simplyshiksha.com – teacher customized assessments – grade 5 onwards Using the data for – Classroom differentiation – Remediation – Buddy programs
Language Immersion Waterford English Literacy Program is a comprehensive English literacy program scaffolded for age appropriate learning levels. This program is used from Pre K level up to grade 3 in Sujaya Schools.
Language Immersion Each child is assessed at entry level for Language All children coming from non English speaking homes and schools spend atleast 4 hours additional a week in the waterford lab (in school or after school) We have 8 computers in the language lab- each child does 20 minutes on the computer, 20 minutes of worksheets and 20 minutes of spoken activity with 2 buddies Children are buddied together based on their abilities PE, Art, Music, CCA periods are used for language bridge work with children
Remediation Sujaya follows a mastery based approach – children will not move to the next level unless concepts are clear at the previous level – E.g. Addition proficiency required to move onto multiplication (multiple addition) – Grade 6 student with grade 2 proficiency will be pulled out of class (inschool/ afterschool) to improve levels Differentiation is achieved through technology – down to a (near) student level in cases of language bridge programs and math Teacher becomes a facilitator
When do you start World wide wisdom varies Personal experience – my 2 year old’s proficiency in using an iPad School experience – almost all children can start “use” of the computer at age 3 – Use of mouse, headphones and touch screen Use of keyboard encouraged from Age 8
How do you get started It is not the technology in itself but the processes that we put around them to encourage usage that help Baby steps – Identify one area in the school where technology can be used – for example math remediation – Define a controlled pilot to understand challenges – 1A using tech and 1B without tech – Assign a champion for success – Highlight small wins - measure and publish constantly – Record all issues
Thank you