[informational slide for HSCI Fitness Plan Presentation Template] Brackets, [] are for informational purpose only, please insert your information between brackets and then delete brackets. Data needed to complete this template can be found in your Fitness Plan Webquest and online resources provided. Feel free to add pictures and change slide layout and backgrounds. Be creative – but make sure your project looks professional, neat and clean. Check all of your links to make sure they work. Remember- you will be presenting this completed project to the whole class. Don’t forget to delete this slide before turning in your project.
[Your Name] HSCI Fitness Training Plan [Insert picture of yourself here. Be creative, see if you can get a picture of you performing one of your favorite workouts.
[Your Name] [Introduce yourself. Name, age, gender, general fitness concerns (weight loss/gain/fitness). [What activities do you enjoy doing? Who do you want to do these activities with?] [State general goals for yourself(lose 30 pounds, maintain weight, make the cheerleading team, run a 10k, etc…] [Insert a picture of yourself here. You can use the one provided in the bio, or find a new picture as long as it is fairly recent.)]
[Your Name] Fitnessgram ScoresDiet: Typical Day Total # of calories: Breakfast: Snack: Lunch: Snack: Dinner: Snack Height: Weight: One Mile Run: Push Ups: Curl Ups: Flexibility: [*Tip: find all of this info on your “client bio” slides”]
[Your Name] Nutrition Plan Nutrition is important for well rounded fitness. The foods and drinks we consume play a major part in our overall wellness. If we eat more calories than we burn, then weight gain will happen. But did you know the types of food we eat effect how we feel? This means that some foods increase chances of weight gain, but also make us feel like not moving. It is important to eat a nutrient dense diet to help us manage calorie balance and make us feel like we want to get up and move, dance, play sports, etc..
[Your Name] Daily Food Plan Based on your BMI and your own fitness goals, it is recommended that you eat the following every day: GRAINS: [Find this on the My Daily Food Worksheet. # of ounces of grains.] VEGETABLES: [# of cups] FRUITS: [# of cups] DAIRY: [# of cups] PROTEIN: [ounce equivalents] LIMITS: [describe foods that should be consumed in limited quantities] TOTAL # OF DAILY CALORIES GOAL: [Identify how many calories a day you should eat to meet your goals.]
[Your Name] Nutrition Plan You will create a total fitness plan for yourself. Create a sample day of nutrition: Breakfast – [describe a healthy recommendation for this meal. ] Snack – [describe a healthy recommendation for this meal. ] Lunch - [describe a healthy recommendation for this meal. ] Snack - [describe a healthy recommendation for this meal. ] Dinner - [describe a healthy recommendation for this meal. ] Sample Recipe – [Describe the recipe in detail, provide a link and picture.]
[Your Name] Fitness Information Baseline Scores Weight:[see baseline fitness assessment] Curl Ups –[see baseline fitness assessment] Push Ups –[see baseline fitness assessment] Mile – [see baseline fitness assessment] Flexibility – [see baseline fitness assessment] General Fitness Goals Weight – [estimate how much you should weigh to be in the healthy zone] Curl Ups – [look at the Fitnessgram tables to see how many you should be able to do] Fitnessgram tables Push Ups – [see above] Mile – [see above to determine mile RUN time] Flexibility – [If not currently in healthy range, describe what you will need to pass this category)
Strength and Endurance SMART Goals Push Up SMART Goal: I performed [#] of push ups during the baseline fitness test for strength. The goal is to perform [#] of push ups by [date or number of weeks/months from now]. [Tip – get this data from your baseline fitness assessment] Curl Up SMART Goal: [Follow template above to complete this section]
Cardio and Flexibility SMART Goals Cardio SMART Goal: I ran the one mile run in [time] during the baseline fitness test. The goal is for [Client Name] to run a mile in [time] by [date or number of weeks/months from now]. [Tip – get this data from your baseline fitness assessment] Flexibility SMART Goal: [Follow template above to complete this section]
Push Up Strength Activities [list the supplemental exercises here that you want to do to help them improve your push ups] [Insert picture(s) here of the activities you selected to develop push up strength. Be sure you label the pictures.]
Push Up: Progression, Overload and Specificity The best way to help you [describe your push up goal] you will need to increase the amount of [describe specific exercises prescribed for yourself aligned with goals] by gradually increasing the number of sets and reps for muscular strength and endurance, or by increasing the time exercising for cardiovascular fitness. The progression plan will be: a.Week 1 [describe frequency, intensity level, type, and time, of the exercise you are prescribing for your client] b.Week 2 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] c.Week 3 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] d.Week 4 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week]
Curl Up Strength Activities [list the supplemental exercises here that you want to do to help improve curl ups] [Insert picture(s) here of the activities you selected to develop abdominal strength. Be sure you label the pictures.]
Curl Up: Progression, Overload and Specificity The best way to help you [describe your curl up goal] we will need to increase the amount of [describe specific exercises prescribed for your self aligned with goals] by gradually increasing the number of sets and reps for muscular strength and endurance, or by increasing the time exercising for cardiovascular fitness. The progression plan will be: a.Week 1 [describe frequency, intensity level, type, and time, of the exercise you are prescribing for your client] b.Week 2 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] c.Week 3 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] d.Week 4 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week]
Cardiovascular Activities [list the supplemental exercises here that you want to do to improve your mile run time] [Insert picture(s) here of the activities you selected to develop cardiovascular fitness. Be sure you label the pictures.]
Mile Run: Progression, Overload and Specificity The best way to help you [describe your mile run time goal] we will need to increase the amount of [describe specific exercises prescribed for your client aligned with goals] by gradually increasing the number of sets and reps for muscular strength and endurance, or by increasing the time exercising for cardiovascular fitness. The progression plan will be: a.Week 1 [describe frequency, intensity level, type, and time, of the exercise you are prescribing for your client] b.Week 2 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] c.Week 3 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] d.Week 4 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week]
Flexibility Activities [list the supplemental exercises here that you want to do to help improve your flexibility] [Insert picture(s) here of the activities you selected to develop flexibility. Be sure you label the pictures.]
Flexibility: Progression, Overload and Specificity The best way to help you [describe your flexibility goal] we will need to increase the amount of [describe specific exercises prescribed for yourself aligned with goals] by gradually increasing the number of sets and reps for muscular strength and endurance, or by increasing the time exercising for cardiovascular fitness.[ The plan will have specific activities you enjoy doing AND are appropriate to help meet your goals]: a.Week 1 [describe frequency, intensity level, type, and time, of the exercise you are prescribing for your client] b.Week 2 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] c.Week 3 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week] d.Week 4 [same as above but increase the load no more than 10% increase from previous week]
Conclusion [Conclusion slide. What was your favorite part of this project, and why? Focus on what you learned the most from designing your fitness plan. Please summarize, include pictures, motivational sayings, resources, etc..]