Euromed Horizon 2020 Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme MeHSIP FEMIP contributions to H 2020 Philippe GUINET PROJECTS DIRECTORATE SMAP III - Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

Euromed Horizon 2020 Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme MeHSIP FEMIP contributions to H 2020 Philippe GUINET PROJECTS DIRECTORATE SMAP III - Regional Seminar - Marseille 30 June 2009

2 Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF  Year 2007, First phase in order to :  to identify the most bankable projects in the frame of the Strategic Action Programme of UNEP and  to assess the need for future technical assistance support  Supervision with DG ENV, EIB, UNEP and World Bank  Draft study was circulated among H2020 focal points and stakeholders in November 2007  Study was finalised in early 2008

3  Main findings of the study: Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF

4  the multitude of institutional responsibilities,  the high volumes of financing required,  lacking enforcement of existing environmental laws,  lacking willingness of central Governments to extend guarantees for loan repayments and  lacking inclination of project promoters to take up loans for project funding Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF Main bottlenecks to transform a Hot Spot into a bankable project are:

5  Phase I main results :  A current overview of the state of preparation and funding of a core pipeline of projects related to depollution of the Mediterranean.  Effective contribution to achieving greater coordination among stakeholders at country-sector level and in project design as well as greater co-financing among IFIs and BFIs.  Know-how transfer in project generation to the national authorities and promoters to the region, including the Horizon 2020 network.  Greater awareness of Horizon 2020 and suitable means of accessing funding for project preparation and implementation among national and international stakeholders. Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF

6 TA support is deemed necessary to:  Better identify the possible projects.  Accompany investments both during preparation and implementation stages.  Continue to work on a list of hot spots investments with national authorities. Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF EIB decided to implement the Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme - Project Preparation and Implementation Facility (MeHSIP PPIF) Financed from the FEMIP Support Fund (EUR 6.2 Mio), Second phase.

7 Mediterranean Hot Spot Investment Programme - Project Preparation & Implementation Facility (MeHSIP- PPIF Second phase)  Overall objective: The overall objective of the MeHSIP PPIF is to assist in identifying and preparing 5/10 high priority sustainable investments projects with a significant contribution to de-pollution with a possible demonstration effect. To promote adequate and sound industrial waste management, urban waste water management and solid waste management. Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF

8 MeHSIP PPIF Approach: Sector specifics : water treatment, municipal waste and industrial (hazardous) waste. Field work. Close Consultant follow-up and monitoring with an EIB/EU Commission Steering Committee. Gradual approach with a first milestone end /10 projects to be further selected for detailed preparation. Awareness raising and information dissemination with a dedicated Website.

9 Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF MeHSIP PPIF Timetable: Contract attribution to Atkins in March 2009 Consultants fully mobilised with the Inception report discussed in May 2009 Review of existing pipe line Identification of short list Next meeting July 2009 Decision on following steps to be taken in fourth quarter 2009 Total duration: 48 month Mid-term review, mid 2011

10 Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF Main Issues, at this stage: Update with new projects National Authorities wish list Weak technical definition of projects Promoter’s identification Projects expected to benefit from Neighbourhood Investment Facility Sustainable cost recovery combining all sources of revenue (tariffs, taxes, transfers) is a pre-requisite

11 Horizon 2020 – MeHSIP PPIF A few technical remarks: Few industrial hazardous waste projects. Domestic municipal waste projects concentrates more on landfill than on waste collection mechanism. Techniques for waste treatment and waste to energy have to be discussed.

12 Thank you