About Cobb Mountain School of the Supernatural Ministry (CMSSM) CMSSM is dedicated to equip and train Christians regarding the signs and wonders as depicted.


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Presentation transcript:

About Cobb Mountain School of the Supernatural Ministry (CMSSM) CMSSM is dedicated to equip and train Christians regarding the signs and wonders as depicted in scripture, to walk and minister in love, truth and the power of God. As in Paul’s prayer for the growth of the church: Colossians 1:9 (KJV) “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding“ Each Supernatural School session will focus on the impartation of transferrable anointing. Classes will be lead by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. This interactive, Holy Spirit driven school is for believers who are hungry for more of His presence and anointing. This interactive, Holy Spirit driven school is for believers who are hungry for more of His presence and anointing.

 Equipping saints to walk with anointing while learning to develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit:  To live naturally in the Supernatural ways of God: through signs, wonders and manifestations of His power.  To learn how to hear and see at deeper levels of the prophetic and how to weave creativity into every area of life in the Spirit.  To experience the love of the father, acceptance of Christ and friendship of the Holy Spirit while experiencing the full blessings and benefits of His grace and favor.  To know the love of the Father, the acceptance of Christ and the friendship of the Holy Spirit while falling in love with Him over and over again.  To understand your identity in Christ and the purpose of your life while realizing the dreams that He placed into your heart. Partnering with Him to fulfill your destiny.  And so much more!

Presenters and Memories of Semester 1, Fall 2010

Founding & Senior Pastors of Blazing Fire Church in Livermore. Brent shared an amazing and refreshing word about The Father’s Love. Brent and Suzanne along with a prophetic ministry team that kicked off our first semester with insights from Heaven over each student.

Was the Co-Founder and Director of the Healing Rooms of the Napa Valley, serves on the Reformation Prayer Network Leadership Team in California under the apostolic covaering of Vicki Nohrden (who is under the covering of Cindy Jacobs). She attends The Rock Worship and Training Center where she is part of the Apostolic Leadership Team. Bea provided an insightful teaching “Understanding the Times and Seasons of Hebrew year 5771”

Jim along with his wife Dianne, serve as Ambassadors to the Nations for the International Association of Healing Rooms. The Holy Spirit anoints Jim to both see and prophetically declare the hidden gifts and talents that so many have laid down and are being resurrected for the expansion of the Kingdom of God on Earth. With his heart and his humor Jim opens up a realm that allows you to see, hear and participate in two worlds at the same time, releasing an increased anointing for the Kings and Priest of this time.

Larry and his wife Carol Pastors of the Rock Worship Center and Founder of “The Rock School of Supernatural” Napa, CA brought a powerful teaching about “Discovering Your Hidden You”. Larry helped in developing the foundation of the Cobb Mountain School of Supernatural Ministry as he has played a significant role in providing prayer coverage and guidance in the foundation of the school.

Worship Leader and Pastor of Vertical Call in Santa Rosa, CA Steve is a gifted minstrel in both worship as well as in ministering the word of God. Through song and his acoustic guitar, Steve ushered in the Holy Spirit. Steve then taught on the “Five Ways to Move into True Worship”.

A prophetic revivalist who is called to stir a fire in the body of Christ both locally and nationally. Wendell, with his wife Lauretta, travel full time in the states and to the Nations. Wendell's passion for the Glory of God burns as he ignites coals and fans the flame of revival.

Amazing demonstration of healing and deliverance ministry as evangelist in Brazil. Former Vineyard Pastor in Santa Rosa and Cobb. Forerunner for healing movement in Lake County.

From the Mission in Vacaville, CA With her contagious laughter and infectious smile, Katherine stirs the atmosphere. She is passionate about the authentic, supernatural presence of God and shares her passion using her theatrics gifting through her own creative writing and drama. Katherine brought a creative dynamic as she and her husband Daniel ministered prophetically over each student.

About Cobb Mountain School of the Supernatural (CMSOS) CMSOS is dedicated to equip and train Christians regarding the signs and wonders as depicted in scripture, to walk and minister in love, truth and the power of God. As in Paul’s prayer for the growth of the church: Colossians 1:9 (KJV) “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding“ Each Supernatural School session will focus on the impartation of transferrable anointing. Classes will be lead by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. This interactive, Holy Spirit driven school is for believers who are hungry for more of His presence and anointing. This interactive, Holy Spirit driven school is for believers who are hungry for more of His presence and anointing.

Spring Semester begins on April 4, 2012 Cobb Mountain Community Fellowship Church Highway 175, Cobb, California Equipping saints to walk with anointing while learning to develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 Equipping saints to walk with anointing while learning to develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit:  To live naturally in the Supernatural ways of God: through signs, wonders and manifestations of His power.  To learn how to hear and see at deeper levels of the prophetic and how to weave creativity into every area of life in the Spirit.  To experience the love of the father, acceptance of Christ and friendship of the Holy Spirit while experiencing the full blessings and benefits of His grace and favor.  To know the love of the Father, the acceptance of Christ and the friendship of the Holy One, while discovering that God is the kindest Person you'll ever know.  To understand your identity in Christ and the purpose of your life while realizing the dreams that He placed into your heart. Partnering with Him to fulfill these dreams.  And so much more!

Eight weeks of powerful teaching focused on the impartation and knowledge of the Holy Spirit. Class times are on Wednesday evenings at 6:45 to 9:00 Cost is $ for Spring Semester. Secure your registration by March 15, 2012 Some Scholarships may be available