Multimedia is the combination of the following five components/elements 1. Text 2. Art 3. Sound 4. Animation and 5. Video 2 What is Multimedia?
If all the above five factors are appropriately linked, the multimedia package will become highly auto instructional in its nature. Maximum utility of the modern technology is the Main objective of this training programme. 3
Changes Taking Place! Changing concepts. Changing technologies Disappearance of concepts. The process of modernization. Increasing in efficiency and potentialit.y This is happening in every field. One cannot avoid this! Teachers are no exception to this process! 4
Primary aims of a Multimedia package is to transform the end users from 1. Passive learners to 2. Active learners or Experimental learners How to achieve this through designing? Two main parameters to achieve this: 5
1. Establish a perfect link between the five elements - Text, Art, Sound, Animation and Video to achieve high interactivity -- an interactive multi media. 2. Smooth navigation between the elements by the end user to get – hypermedia (hyper linking the relevant learning component for the learner to follow directly and interact). 6
Two Primary Divisions While designing Multimedia packages for language teaching - 1. Designing for computer presentation 2. Content (subject) designing Both should synchronize at every level frame by frame 7
1. Designing for computer presentation i) Designing the general appearance ii) Designing the interface 8
1.Designing the general appearance Five points to note 1.Color combination 2.Reality of the pictures 3.Number of pictures in every page 4.Size of fonts and their relationships with the content (titles, subtitles, other points etc.) 5.Synchronization of the music with the activities 9
2. Interface Designing Seven points to note 1.Clarity in presentation 2.Selection of icons and their understandability 3.Systematic and graded progressive navigation with navigation clues 4.Reverse navigation if needed 10
5. Icon to go back to the first page (animated monkey) 6. Provision for Learner based desired navigation (options) 7.Proper directions to the user for systematic navigation 11
1. Pre designing brain storming phase 2. Post designing end user testing phase 3. Post designing revision phase 4. Designing phase 12 2.Content (subject) designing
1.Pre designing brain storming phase Objectives: To identify the micro level objectives To decide on the topics To decide on the topic gradation To decide on the grammatical gradation To decide on the type of exercises To decide on the testing strategies 13
2.Post designing user testing phase Objectives: To identify the gaps in the material To identify the problems in appearance To identify any incomprehensibility To identify any other problems in the multimedia package 14
3.Post designing revision phase Objectives: To make appropriate revisions on the basis of the feed back 15
4. Designing phase Fifteen points to note 1.Every learning component must have a specific objective/objectives 2.Identified learning objectives should be materialized through interactive and hyperlinked multimedia activities 16
3.Designer’s efficiency depends on what extent the material is auto instructional 4.Designer should be an expert in that subject 5. Designer need to be a creative artist 6. Lesson based clarity 7. Avoid the ambiguity 8.Short and easy comprehensibility of the instructions 17
9. Foresightedness of the material producer a) error speculation b) speculating the FAQ – give a link c) inculcating creative thinking 10.Academic competence of the material producer a) subject knowledge b) artistic lookout c) creative thinking d) innovative nature 18
11. Hyperlink: a) explain the specific concept which come in the lesson eg) greeting pattern in the target language b)give another cultural pattern while greeting in order to illustrate c)directions to have further reading and viewing through reference of books and web sites 19
12.Material’s potentiality to cater to the need of the heterogeneous learners : Identify the nature of heterogeneity 13.Exercises – Every exercise should have an objective which is lesson based a)micro level practice through various exercises b)every lesson should have exercises to practice all the language skills 20
c) Interactivity of the exercises – various activity oriented exercises 14.Testing – All kinds of possible tests should be conducted 15.Evaluation – Constant maintenance of linking a) curriculum objectives and, b) skill oriented lesson based objectives while devising evaluation strategies 21
c) relevant anecdotes to illustrate the points in the lesson: vocabulary level (crazy vs stupid) semantic variations d) interesting and relevant stories e) jokes through pictures and narration f) illustrative pictures (cultural incompatibility) g) cartoons 22
Eg. Script teaching. Roughly 16 different activities 1. hand movement 2. pronunciation (listening) 3. letter combination (listening) 4. pronunciation variations (listening) 5. visual representation (picturization) 6. pronunciation variations (listening) 7.practicing component (writing) 24
8. pronunciation variations (listening) 9.practicing component (writing) 10. practicing component (pronunciation) 11. exercise component 12. contrasting pronunciation (listening) 13. contrasting pronunciation (practicing) 14. section on evaluation 15. vocabulary development 16. section on grading the learner achievement 25
Approximately 18 member team / who attend to 18 different activities is ideal to prepare the multimedia packages Functions and designations of the personnel involved in preparing the multimedia packages 1. Executive producer: Overall supervision 2.Producer/Project manager: Responsible for overall development and implementation of the project and co coordinating the day to day operations. 26
3. Creative director / Multimedia Designer 4. Art director / Visual Designer 5. Artists 6. Interface Designer 7. Game Designer 8. Subject Matter Expert 9.Instructional Designer / Training Specialist 27
10. Script Writer 11. Animator (1-D/3-D) 12. Sound Producer 13. Music Composer 14. Video Producer 15. Multimedia Programmer 16. HTML Coder 17. Lawyer/Media Acquisition 18. Marketing Director 28
Ship Game Tamil script writing system 29
Icons 30
Icons 31
Icons 32 Quiz
Evaluation 33
Learner's Grading 34
Question and Answers 35
Home Page Designe 36
ALL THE BEST Thank You 41