Flash appeal launched by OCHA Highlights: Launched on Wednesday 29 April Life-saving assistance for 8 million people Amount: US$ 415 million For WASH: US$ 63 million (4.2 mln people) Duration: 25 April – 31 July 2015
Online Project System (OPS) user guide Highlights: Step-by-step guidance UN and NGOs develop projects Create your account Upload your project Cluster coord reviews projects Editing projects CC approves projects Guidance: User guide Nepal flash appeal – OPS guidance Nepal OPS – project sheet format
Developing projects….
Tips: Submit proposals covering whole districts (joint proposal) Projects must be completed by 31 July 2015 Project areas: avoid overlap, reflect district-level coordination Stay within suggested per capita costs ….
Developing projects…. Generic review criteria: Is the project based on evidence from needs assessment or government endorsed secondary data? Will the project be completed by end July 2015? Is the project situated in the high priority and low coverage areas? Are project deliverables are in line with cluster technical standards? Does the project target specific needs of vulnerable sub-groups? Is the appealing organization participating actively in existing coordination structures? Are project per capita costs within guidance range? Does the project have at least 1 mark in the Gender ranking? Does the project have clear outputs that can be monitored?
Developing projects…. WASH cluster specific criteria: Is priority given to hard to reach areas? Is the appealing agency not getting funding from the relevant UN agencies? Does the project plan contribute to early recovery? WASH priorities mentioned in the flash appeal document: Provision of safe water for the most vulnerable IDPs and for institutional facilities (schools and health facilities) Provision of temporary latrines and bathing spaces for the most vulnerable IDPs and for institutional facilities (schools and health facilities) Provision of hygiene kits to families in need Implement hygiene promotion campaigns to reduce the risks of waterborne disease outbreaks Provide limited collected of solid waste in IDP camps and earthquake affected areas.
Developing projects…. Timeline… SUNDAY- 3 rd May 10:00 am FLASH Appeal Briefing by the WASH Cluster Coordinator at DWSS – It is very important for you to attend this briefing session. You can send your agencies "proposal writer" instead of operational staff if you have one. Partners to draft Project Sheets based on guidance shared in the Appeal Briefing FLASH Clinic for all partners. We will ask each appealing partner to come to DWSS and work with the Cluster team to finalize their Project Sheets and enter them into the online system. Because of the short timeframe, this is out only option for coordinating our response and ensuring that we do not have gaps in our work. 9:00 pm Sunday. This is the hard deadline for submission of Project Sheets by partners. Any late submissions will not be considered. Monday - 4th May WASH Cluster Coordinator along with key GON officials does final review and approval of submitted Project Sheets and processes them in the online system. Cluster Partners should be on stand-by in case there are any last-minute revisions needed. COB Monday approved Project Sheets are submitted to OCHA.
Developing projects…. Review process: When: Monday 4 May. (can agencies come to the Secretariat to make any last-minute changes to their proposals?) Where: WASH cluster secretariat – DWSS Who: Cluster Coordinator (Prem and Anu), Cluster IMO (Chander), 2-3 WASH cluster members who are not submitting projects …