Experimentation using FIRE Wireless testbed tools Nikos Makris University of Thessaly Testbed Interoperability Workshop – FIA 2014
NITOS Wireless testbed 2
NITOS Testbed - outdoor 50 Wireless nodes USRP Radios Mobile nodes WiMAX testbed LTE testbed Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) testbed Vehicular testbed Wired testbed (Openflow) 3
NITOS facility architecture
NITOS OutDoor Nodes Specifications: 2 Gigabit Ethernet and 2 wireless interfaces CPU Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 2,26 GHz RAM 2 GB DDR3 SSD 64 GB SSD 5
NITOS - WiMAX testbed Base station (Airspan Air4G-WL24G) + sector antenna 10 WiMAX-enabled PCIe cards 6 WiMAX USB dongles 10 WiMAX-enabled smartphones 3 indoor WiMAX to Wi-Fi gateway units OMF used for enabling experimentation
NITOS - WiMAX testbed
NITOS - LTE testbed Deployment in UTH premises 2 LTE245 Access Points by ip.access LTEnet Core Network by SiRRAN End-devices 8 Sierra Wireless AirPrime MC7700 modules 5 LTE-enabled mobile phones
NITOS - LTE testbed
10 Vehicular testbed
11 Wired testbed 2 OpenFlow Ethernet switches - Pronto 3290 that enable experimentation with emerging Software Defined Networking technologies
NITOS Software 12
OMF Framework 13
OML Framework 14
15 The NITOS Scheduler is built on top of OMF and consists of: A database where information about the testbed’s availability is kept. A web interface which provides experimenters the necessary information and tools to make and watch their reservations. A web-embedded application which navigates the users in the testbed and allows them to reserve a slice at the time they would like. A set of server-side scripts responsible for communication between the client and the database mentioned above. NITOS Scheduler
NITOS Reservation Procedure 16
NITOS connectivity tool 17
Testbed status tool 18
NITOS distance tool 19
Current Projects and Future Extensions 20
FLEX project Extend FIRE infrastructure with LTE resources (commercial and Open Source). Integrate LTE extensions with existing FIRE resources. Build mobility extensions on top of the LTE testbeds. Provision an open and highly configurable experimentation platform. Organization of 2 Open Calls for experimentation 21
SMARTFIRE Enabling SDN ExperiMentAtion in WiReless Testbeds exploiting Future Internet Infrastructure in South KoRea and Europe UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY Volos Murcia Ghent Gwangj u Daeje on and SIGMA KREONET Emulab ETRI and SNU WMN w-i-iLab.t Zwijjnaarde NITOS GAIA
Thank You! Questions? 23