To You from God Galatians 1:1 – 2:10 (p. 1074) Set free for Freedom
Galatians... Emphases: Work of Christ Life in the Spirit The People of God Title “Set Free... for Freedom” from Gal 5:1 Will & Kate – the Royal Wedding What is the gospel, how do we live it, how do we present it? Issue at the heart of the letter: Jewish missionaries – gentile Christians must be circumcised
1. Christianity & Culture What do people have to do to be Christians? Come to Church? Read their Bibles? Stop Drinking? Can they still live together? Was Paul trying to get people’s approval? (v 10)
2. What is the Gospel (Good News)? We must Get it right! (v 8-9) What gospel do you preach and live? The Jewish missionaries were earnest and sincere Circumcision: the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 17:11) It was an “everlasting” covenant (Gen 17:13) Circumcision was an honour ! Suggested: Paul was anti-Jewish or didn’t understand the Gospel (cf. Gal 1:13-14)
2. What is the Gospel (Good News)?... Paul was against circumcision because the gospel didn’t require it The Good News can’t be changed by human decision Jesus gave himself for our sins To rescue us from the present evil age According to the will of the Father (v 4) No supplement was required for righteousness!
3. Where is the Gospel from? He was an apostle (sent one) of God – not man! (v 1) His message was directly from God – not man! (v11-12) He had almost no contact with other apostles They did not send him They did not teach him He went to Jerusalem eventually Because of revelation; They didn’t summon him (2:1) They recognized his ministry & welcomed him (2:9)
Getting it Right Temptation – make the story of Jesus more palatable We must know what the gospel is – What is central... What is peripheral / optional? Modern Spirituality: won’t worship God alone Offer blessing & comfort with no demands on us Eugene Peterson: The Jesus Way People worship Jesus... Not many follow him
Getting it Right... We should know God’s Good News as God Intended We have no right or authority to adapt it in any way