New CATE Administrators September 26, 2013 Pat T. Flora Office of Career and Technology Education
CATE Program of Study CATE Local Plan Section A, Part 4
Each LEA Must Offer at Least 1 CATE Program of Study Program of Study (POS) Components Reviewed: Secondary CATE Program and CIP code (State-Recognized CATE Program) Courses/units offered for the Secondary POS (≥4 units); Location Postsecondary Institution; Credential/Certificate/Degree offered Description of the Articulation Agreement (Benefits; Dual credit/other) Guidance/info provided to students and parents on the POS options LEA Support for the Program (e.g., Perkins $$; Promotion; B/I Linkages) Secondary and Postsecondary contacts The CATE Program of Study must be approved to Receive Any Perkins Funds under the Local Plan
Career and Technology Education Progress Report
Accountability —CATE Progress Report 94 LEAs (School Districts; Multi-District Career Centers; SCDJJ; SCDOC; SCSDB) Report used for State-level Monitoring & Federal Reporting for Perkins IV Numerical/Narrative Data Summaries are Shared with OCTE Director, Staff & Others for Planning and Program Improvement
CATE Web Administration “CATE Progress Report” Fill-In Form & Guidelines Document Career and Technology Education Progress Report Form FY14 Progress Report Guidelines and Certification Form FY14
Use the “Guidelines” as You Complete the Report Form “Details” needed to complete items on the Form are found in the Guidelines document. Boxes at selected items will direct you to a specific page in the Guidelines document.
Progress Report DATA Elements A. CATE Programs, Services, & Activities N/I Certification Articulation and Dual Credit Academic-CATE Integration CATE Program of Study Special Populations B. Uses of Perkins Funds C. CATE Performance & Improvement
SECTION A: Items 2 and 3 Articulation & Integration Articulation and Dual Credit List 2-year and 4-year Postsecondary Institutions How agreements help CATE students transition Successes or Barriers encountered Report # Students who earned “Dual Credit” for CATE Academic-CATE Integration How effective were curriculum integration efforts? Examples of programs or activities during the year
Section A—Item 4 Item 4-a,b,c: The Program of Study (POS) you describe must be the SAME POS you identified in Section A, Part 4 of your FY14 LOCAL PLAN Item 4-c: All 4 POS components need to be addressed within the narrative response. See the Sample Response in the Progress Report “Guidelines”
Section A: Item 5 (a – e) Special Populations 5 Checklists to Identify Local Strategies for Special Populations Students in CATE Ensuring Equal Access Assessing for Enrollment/Participation Assisting in Meeting CATE Standards Promoting Nontraditional Participation/Completion Evaluating Progress & Eliminating Barriers Optional Narrative for Additional Info
Section B Uses of the Perkins Funds Item 1-a,b,c: Work with your Finance Office representative to identify the Top 3 Perkins Subprograms with the highest total expenditures for FY14 Item 2: Give examples of What the $$ was used for and How the $$ supported CATE student achievement—the Key is to “Look Back” at the school year
Section C: Items 1-4 KEY Elements Item 1: Perkins Indicators with Performance Below 90% Local Improvement Plan Required in (Spring 2014) Item 2: LIP Strategies Implemented Prior to June 30, 2014 Perkins Requirement for LIP Implementation the “following year” Item 3 (a & b): Technical Skill Assessments for 2S1 “Yes” if LEA Programs With “Approved Assessments” for Progress in Implementing TSA for Completers in these Programs Item 4: CATE Programs/Priorities for NEW or Discontinued CATE Courses/Programs for LEA priorities for Perkins Funds Next Year (Concise: 8 lines max.)
Submitting the Report Send the completed report as a Word Attachment to an to: By July 15, 2014 Sign and mail (or pdf) Certification Form to: Pat Flora—(Address on Form)
... Any Questions? Call Pat Flora for help if you have questions about the CATE Program of Study or Progress Report! ( )