Illinois Community College Board DUAL CREDIT: Proposed Rule Revisions & Updates
ICCB Administrative Rules A.State Laws, Regulations, Accreditation Standards B.Instructors C.Qualification of Students D.Placement Testing and Prerequisites E.Course Offerings F.Course Requirements G.Concurrent Enrollment
Section (b)11 OLD: Courses offered by the college for high school students during the regular school day at the secondary school shall be college-level and shall meet the following requirements: NEW: Dual Credit courses offered by the college for high school students during the regular school day at the secondary school shall be college-level and shall meet the following requirements:
A) Instructors OLD: The instructors for these courses shall be selected, employed and evaluated by the community college. They shall be selected from full-time faculty and/or from adjunct faculty with appropriate credentials and demonstrated teaching competencies at the college level. NEW: The instructors for these courses shall be selected, assigned and evaluated by the community college. They shall be selected from individuals with appropriate credentials and demonstrated teaching competencies at the college level. For transfer courses (1.1 PCS), these qualifications include a minimum of a Master’s Degree with 18 graduate hours appropriate to the academic field of study or discipline in which they are teaching. For CTE (1.2 PCS) courses, these qualifications include 2,000 hours of work experience and the appropriate recognizable credential depending on the specific field. Dual Credit Quality Act: Instructors teaching credit-bearing college-level courses for dual credit must meet the same academic credential requirements as faculty teaching on campus and need not meet certification requirements set out in Article 21 of the School Code. Every dual credit course must be reviewed annually by faculty through the appropriate department to ensure consistency with campus courses.
C) Qualifications of Students OLD: C) Qualification of Students. Students accepted for enrollment in college level courses must have appropriate academic qualifications, a high level of motivation and adequate time to devote to studying a college-level course. The students’ course selections shall be made in consultation with high school counselors and/or principals and ordinarily are restricted to students in the junior and senior years of high school. The students shall meet all college criteria and follow all college procedures for enrolling in courses. NEW: Students accepted for enrollment in college level courses must have appropriate academic qualifications, a high level of motivation and adequate time to devote to studying a college-level course. The students’ course selections shall be made in consultation with high school counselors and/or principals and are restricted to students who are able to demonstrate readiness for college-level work, as determined by placement procedures consistent with those that would be used with college level students. The students shall meet all college criteria and follow all college procedures for enrolling in courses. Dual Credit Quality Act: Students must meet the same academic criteria as those enrolled in credit- bearing college courses, including taking appropriate placement testing.
D) Placement Testing and Prerequisites OLD: Students enrolling in college- level courses must satisfy course placement tests or course prerequisites when applicable to assure that they have the same qualifications and preparation as other college students. NEW: High school students enrolling in college-level courses must satisfy the same course placement tests or course prerequisites as college level students, when applicable, to assure that they are qualified and prepared. Dual Credit Quality Act Students must meet the same academic criteria as those enrolled in credit- bearing college courses, including taking appropriate placement testing.
E) Course Offerings OLD: Courses shall be selected from transfer courses that have been articulated with senior institutions in Illinois or from the first year courses in ICCB approved associate in applied science degree programs. NEW: Courses shall be selected from transfer courses that have been articulated with senior institutions in Illinois or from the first year courses in ICCB approved certificate or associate in applied science degree programs. Dual Credit Quality Act Course content must be the same as that required for credit-bearing college courses. Learning outcomes must be the same as for credit-bearing college courses and be appropriately measured.