Journal #1 If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would you pick and why? Think about your best friend- What similarities do the 2 of you share?
WHATS IN THE BAG?? Time to share your bags!!! You will present your bag to the class You will chose 2 items from both outside and inside of the bag to share with your peers
What is Personality? Personality – Each individuals unique or distinct, blend of qualities or behaviors Heredity – Involves genetic traits received from parents at birth Environment – Is the surroundings that shape growth
Answers to Questions #1: Describe how personality is shown in daily life? – A: Personality is shown by a persons qualities and behaviors and by the way a person interacts with others. #2: Identify the 8 basic emotions people feel. – A: Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, Anticipation, Joy and Acceptance
Keirsey Temperament Test You will be completing the Keirsey test to see what type of personality you have. Do not write on the test itself- use the answer sheet- we will go through and grade together.
RESULTS: E = Extravert I = Introverted S = Sensing N = Intuitive T = Thinking F = Feeling J = Judging P = Perceiving
Journal Write/ Exit Task Based on just the titles: What do you feel about what your personality test says about you? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? What do you think your title means? Explain what you think it will say about the type of person you are.
Journal 9/10 Thinking about your personality and home life: – Do you think that your personality is mostly due to how you were raised? – Why/ Why not? Explain What is 1 thing about your personality that you would change if you could? Explain why & what. What is the best quality trait that you don’t have that you wish you did? Why?
WHO AM I? Today we will be figuring out what the personality test said about ourselves. Your task: You will read the correlating personality sheet. You will be using that information, as well as your own idea of who you are to create a 1 paged double spaced essay about “Who you are”.
WHO AM I??? Today we will be figuring out what the personality test said about ourselves. Your task: You will read the correlating personality sheet. You will be using that information, as well as your own idea of who you are to create a 1 paged double spaced essay about “Who you are”. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? What traits do you agree with? Do you think your home environment or family helped mold these traits? Why? DUE FRIDAY when you walk into class