Warm-up: Define foreign policy and globalization : a policy pursued by a nation in its dealings with other nations process by which national economies, politics, cultures, and societies mix with those of other nations around the world
21 st -Century United States America’s Role in the World Foreign Policy & Globalization
Factors that shape Foreign Policy Economics – Multi-national corporations – Economic power elite – Military industrial complex Ideology – Vision of national greatness—America’s mission – Racial hierarchy – Extremely anti-revolutionary – Unilateralism—acting alone and independent Domestic politics – Most Americans are ill-informed – Nation of immigrants – Can’t appear weak Rise of Imperial President – Bypass checks & balances – Violates foundation of American government Resource wars – oil
Policy up to 2000 Isolationism to War with Spain 1898 Isolationism & Imperialism to WWI—Lusitania Isolationist to WWII—Pearl Harbor 1942 Containment to End of Cold War Interventionists in the 1990s Nation-building to September 11, 2001 – Upholding international order – Nipping aggression in the bud—respond to aggression – America’s “credibility” as a superpower
America’s Foreign Policy —George Bush Administration – September 11, 2001 – Preventative war – “Changing” international order – More intimidation than of credibility War on terrorism – WMDs---there were none – al Qaeda & Hussein—truthfully they were enemies – Manipulation of evidence & misleading public – Invasion of Iraq—undermined economy & social welfare system – Iraq has 10% of world oil reserves Bush--- “our troops ought to be used to fight and win war. I think our troops ought to be used to help overthrow the dictator when it’s in our best interests”
America’s Foreign Policy In the United States “national interests” – Democracy – Economics/Trade – Big business profit---outsourcing 2010-advancing American interests – Security of American people – Growing U.S. economy – Support for our values – An international order that can address 21 st - Century challenges
The U.S. itself became a target of Middle Eastern extremists. A terrorist group called al Qaeda exploded a bomb in the World Trade Center in New York City in The group also set off bombs killing more 225 people at American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In 2000, they attacked the USS Cole, a warship anchored off Yemen, killing 17 American sailors. American leaders learned that fighting terrorism would be extremely difficult.
America & The World After WWII (1942), the U.S. became world superpower with Russia “New world order”—spread democracy Critics on left (liberals) charge that U.S. is using military “intervention” to advance economic interests – 1991 Gulf War & 2003 Iraq War Critics on right (conservatives) charge that U.S. allowing itself to be swayed by interests of other nations – 1993 Somalia & 1993 Balkans (humanitarian) – Ceding sovereignty to international organizations
America & The World Turn of 21 st -Century view was interventionist UN-United Nations – International organization but steered by US WTO-World Trade Organization – Free-trade agreements IMF-International Monetary Fund – Controls international credit and exchange rates World Bank – Makes money available for development projects in many countries – US interested because many US exports go to countries that pay for goods with World Bank funds NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement – Established to counter the European Union – Allows free trade zone in North American
Opposition to Globalization Labor unions – Export of jobs Other groups – Humanitarian—working conditions – New class of “slave laborers” Environmentalists – Exporting industrial pollution & toxic waste
Other Nation’s Opposition Resented way world economy left them in poverty—exploited & oppressed Grievances concerning religion & culture – Stay away from Western ideas and ideals U.S. constant intervention in Middle East since 1970s until today Osama bin Laden actually formed al Qaeda to end American involvement in the Middle East
Obama Presidency Picked as the Democratic party nominee over Hillary Clinton Wins election of 2008 against John McCain and Sarah Palin from Republican party 2010 ends the American combat mission in Iraq Increases troops in Afghanistan May 2011 announces the death of Osama bin Laden