Funding Your Graduate Studies Kristen Walcott University of Virginia CRA-W Grad Student Cohort, March 2007
About me Academic Path Academic Path –BSComputer Science and Mathematics Allegheny College, 2005 –PhD2 nd year Computer Science PhD student University of Virginia, (?) Awards and Honors Awards and Honors –NSF Graduate Research Fellow –Google Anita Borg Scholar –Ford Foundation Honorable Mention –Dean’s Fellowship Research Interests Research Interests –Software testing –Architectural vulnerability –Graphics Non-CS Life Non-CS Life –Dance –Knitting –Modern Art
Starting as a TA Teaching experience Teaching experience Good material review Good material review –May help for qualifying exams Builds confidence Builds confidence Challenges Challenges –Balancing time –Unfamiliar area Be confident (at least in front of the students!) Be confident (at least in front of the students!) Don’t give answers Don’t give answers Ask for help (advising professor, other TAs) Ask for help (advising professor, other TAs)
Starting as an RA Talk to professors early Talk to professors early –Look at their research –Figure out what may interest you –Ask for paper recommendations –Propose ideas Attend research meetings Attend research meetings Be involved! Be involved!
Finding External Funding Ask your advisor Ask your advisor –Fellowships in your area? –Fellowships at your university? Ask your peers Ask your peers –Fellowships/scholarships for your level? Search! Search! –Search engines –Scholarship websites (e.g., (e.g., –Companies Google, Microsoft, Bell Labs, IBM, Intel, etc… Google, Microsoft, Bell Labs, IBM, Intel, etc… –Government agencies Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc… Department of Defense, Department of Energy, etc…
When and How Start looking early Start looking early –Deadlines: often early (November to late February) Prioritize Prioritize –Internship/monetary reward –Prestige –Amount of work required
Inside the Application General form General form Letters of reference Letters of reference Transcripts Transcripts Essays Essays –Personal history / personal statement –Past work –Proposed work –Something creative…
Essays, Essays, Everywhere… ENTHUSIASM! ENTHUSIASM! –Why do you love your work? Helping others/other fields Helping others/other fields Advancing techniques/research Advancing techniques/research Marriage of theory and practice Marriage of theory and practice –Why is your work important? –How will your work affect others? –What is the big idea? Do NOT get stuck in technical details Do NOT get stuck in technical details
Surviving Funding Lapses Ask your advisor Ask your advisor Find a co-advisor Find a co-advisor TA in your department TA in your department TA in other departments TA in other departments –Math –Sciences Look for internships Look for internships Get part-time jobs Get part-time jobs –On-campus –Off-campus Apply for loan Apply for loan
Smaller Expenses Finding equipment/resources Finding equipment/resources –Ask department chair –Ask dean’s office Buying books Buying books –Book scholarships –TA discounts Conference money Conference money
Finding Travel Money External travel funds External travel funds Conference funds Conference funds –Volunteer –Apply for a scholarship Ask associated professors Ask associated professors –Co-authors –Advisors –Department chair
Finding Travel Money External travel funds External travel funds –Ex: Up to 12 scholarships, of up to $500 each awarded annually –Ask department first Funding group may match department offer Funding group may match department offer Conferences Conferences –May include: Registration, hotel, meals, proceedings, etc… –Application Advisor information Advisor information Availability Availability Submissions? Submissions? Motivation (300 words or so) Motivation (300 words or so)
Summary Be excited Be excited Show as clearly as possible: Show as clearly as possible: –Why you love your work –Why others should care Try, try, and try again… Try, try, and try again…
Thank You! Questions? Questions?