Does a clean pool really matter? Grade 9 Technology Project 2006
The world around us is changing constantly, what was new yesterday, is old today. CD’s are ‘so last season’ MP3’s and iPods are the way forward. But where do these technologies come from? Someone had to invent them didn’t they?
Focus Question: What is the greatest South African contribution to technology?
In groups of 3, decide the following: –What is the question asking us? –What are some of the answers? –How can we find out more answers? Use mind maps or ask others - brainstorm in any way that you want to! Task 1: Brainstorming
Task 2: Research Now that you have decided on what you want to know, you need to begin to gather information through Research and Investigation You may use any media that you wish to (internet, books, interviews, newspapers)
Task 3: Visual Ranking Use the Intel ® online Visual Ranking tool to order your thinking: 1.Go to 2.Click on Thinking tools 3.Click on Visual Ranking 4.Click on the Enter box 5.Click on Student log-in 6.Teacher ID = averyn 7.Team ID = grade9R * / grade9M * (* = your group number) 8.Password = Click sign in 10.Under Project Name, click on South African Inventions
Task 4: Billboard You need to create a clever billboard to promote this invention. A billboard is not an information poster, but a statement. You need to plan it carefully and it should meet the following criteria: Have minimal text (no long sentences) the message should be conveyed visually it should be striking and eye catching it should be relevant to people from different languages, backgrounds and ages
The billboards will take the form of a handmade poster using paint, crayons, koki’s etc. You may print and stick onto the paper Your billboard should be A1 in size, and I will provide paper for each group The rest of the materials needed, you must provide
Billboard example The South African leader… Sticks like nothing on earth
Assessment Your billboard will be assessed based on the following criteria (see rubric for details) : –Minimal word usage (7) –Ability to convey message visually (7) –Relevance to a wide audience (7) –Effectiveness (7) –Presentation, layout and neatness (7) Total: 35
Time Frame Week 1 – Tasks 1 & 2 Week 2 – Task 3 Week 3 – Task 4 Week 4 – Task 4 Week 5 – Hand in before lesson Due dates: 14 May – Grade 9R 15 May – Grade 9M No extensions will be given, so work effectively
Good Luck!