Strategies for Agent Profitability
Addendum to the Independent Contractor Agreement between sales associate and United Country-_____________ Can I pay for my own print advertising promoting myself as an agent? Yes No Can I pay for my own radio advertising promoting myself as an agent? Yes No Can I pay for a billboard promoting myself as an agent? Yes No Can I generate Special Confidential Buyer Lists on a regular basis? Yes No Can I distribute UCRE Catalogs at predetermined locations? Yes No Can I run my business out of the UC-____________ office every day of the week? Yes No Can I answer the phones at the office before 9:00 AM and after 5:00 PM? Yes No
Mission Statement I will achieve a reputation of being fair and honest, doing what I say I will do, demonstrating a strong work ethic, providing expert consultative advice to achieve success for my clients.
Complete a UCRE Business Plan Set Yearly Income Goal Determine Key Strategies to Solicit Listings Determine Marketing Plan Can Download off the Intranet
Set Goals Solicit 5 or more listings per day List an average of 10 properties a month. Close an average of 3 properties a month. Earn $100,000 a year in commissions. Become the top agent in _______ County within six months. Become one of the top ten sales associates with United Country in my first calendar year. (BHAG) – 1 st Year Agents in top 10 – Mike Kreig, Hanna Church, Bruce Witt, Fred Bennett, Scott Lidnsey, Jeff Daughdrill…
Agent Branding Fred Bennett - Bethany, MO. “The Realtor where a handshake still matters.” – Hunting Property Specialist
Agent Branding Thomas Nolen - Appomattox, VA. “I love Mondays!”
Agent Branding Meryl Brown - Ahoskie, NC. “The Red Shoe Lady” First agent in the region to put her photo on her sign riders.
Business Plan Annual gross income: $50,000 Agent billboard 3,600 Home office deduction 2,400 Home office to cents per mile 805 Business mileage: 15,000 miles per year (mile IQ app tracks) 8,625 Cell phone and internet service 2,100 Mailing and office expenses ($100 per week) 5,000 License fees, continuing education, Realtor fees 800 Convention and educational seminars 2,000 Closing per year 1,800 Entertainment expense 2,500 Net income: $20,370
Business Plan Annual gross income: $75,000 Agent billboard 3,600 Home office deduction 2,400 Home office to cents per mile 805 Business mileage: 15,000 miles per year 8,625 Cell phone and internet service 2,100 Mailing and office expenses ($100 per week) 5,000 License fees, continuing education, Realtor fees 800 Convention and educational seminars 2,000 Closing per year 1,800 Entertainment expense 2,500 Net income: $45,370
Business Plan Annual gross income: $100,000 Agent billboard 3,600 Home office deduction 2,400 Home office to cents per mile 805 Business mileage: 15,000 miles per year 8,625 Cell phone and internet service 2,100 Mailing and office expenses ($100 per week) 5,000 License fees, continuing education, Realtor fees 800 Convention and educational seminars 2,000 Closing per year 1,800 Entertainment expense 2,500 Net income: $70,370
Weekly Schedule (Time Blocking) DAILY SCHEDULE FOR FLOOR OPPORTUNITY DAYS 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Milk Route (on milk route days) 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Answer phones at office and put together mailings 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Continue with mailings and follow-ups with clients 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Phones calls to the Confidential Buyer Lists 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch and networking with sphere of influence 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Schedule showings, closings, client contacts 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Phone calls to the Confidentials and follow-ups 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Answer phones at office and Social Media DAILY SCHEDULE FOR FIELD DAYS 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Milk Route ( on milk route days) 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Answer phones at office and put together mailings 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM List properties, preview properties, show properties, courthouse work, prospecting, etc….. 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Answer phones at office, Social Media
Week One Secure a dynamic URL and set up agent website. Order business cards. Establish a database for my local sphere of influence. Establish a database of referral agents from around the country. Contact billboard company and design an agent billboard. Design a newspaper ad introducing myself to the community as the go-to person in real estate. Order sign riders. Design a listing solicitation letter and brochure for my mailing program. Design a Sampler insert and establish at least two locations for Sampler racks.
Week Two Set up a company (agent) Facebook page and invite all Facebook friends to like the page. Begin to contact everyone in my Sphere of Influence database to notify them that I am now in the real estate business, briefly talk about our nationwide marketing program and ask for referrals. Join the local Rotary Club. Establish a company (agent) YouTube channel. Establish a Google account. Establish a system of blogging. – Establish a blog on ActiveRain or Blogger.
Week Three Update LinkedIn account with new career change and invite everyone in local sphere of influence to connect. Set up a weekly milk route schedule and begin running milk route. Set up and begin working an expired listings contact program. Establish a database for sending listing solicitation mailings to “Out of State” property owners. Establish a database for sending listing solicitation mailings to property owners in “Targeted Markets.” Begin systemized mailing program to the above groups. Continue contacting folks in my Sphere of Influence database until all have been contacted.
Week Four Check out past recorded webinars posted on the Information Center and set up a schedule of webinars to watch over the coming weeks. Mark the weeks of the United Country Training & Awards Convention and the closest Regional Training Event on the calendar and begin putting away $40 a week to attend both events. Continue contacting folks in my Sphere of Influence database until all have been contacted. Continue systemized mailing program to the “Out of State” property owners and owners in “Targeted Markets.” Begin system of reporting to listing clients where each client is reached out to on a regular basis.
Week Five Establish a Zillow account, establish a profile, begin soliciting recommendations and claim and enhance listings. Establish a Trulia account, establish a profile, begin soliciting recommendations and claim and enhance listings. Continue contacting folks in my Sphere of Influence database until all have been contacted. Continue systemized mailing program to the “Out of State” property owners and owners in “Targeted Markets.” Continue system of reporting to listing clients where each client is reached out to on a regular basis.