For Group Assignment
FOR PRESENTER TEAM - Using formal dress / university blazer - Make presentation in power point format - Maximum time for presentation = 90 minutes, that consist of : * 60 minutes for presentation * 30 minutes for Q & A -Print your power point (hard copy), copy and distribute to each group -Submit hard copy & soft copy (all data) to lecturer -Both ads must be printed & submit to lecturer
FOR AUDIENCE - Every student sit together with their group - Listen to the presentation carefully -At the end of presentation, every group make a question, and submit to Moderator FOR MODERATOR -Moderator ( 1 student ) taken from the next group -Moderator lead the presentation, manage the time, manage the class presentation doing well
GROUP - Product analysis10 % - Place & price analysis15 % - Promotion analysis15 % - Segmentation analysis10 % - Business level & Triangle analysis10 % - Product life cycle analysis 5 % - Moderator 5 % INDIVIDUAL - Presentation Skills15 % - Answering the question15 %
- Coming late more than 15 minutes - No hard copy of presentation - No hard copy of print ads - Bad preparation - Silent / no talk
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION I.THE COMPANY - Company history - Group of companies - Product History, etc. Max 3 slides !!! INT Legend : INT = Find data on the internet FS= Field Survey GA= Group Analysis
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION II.PRODUCT ANALYSIS Explain about the features, technology, varians, etc of your product INT, GA
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION III.PRICE & PLACE ANALYSIS Explain everything that related with price. - Discount Policy a. strategy for discount ? INT, FS, GA
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION IV. PROMOTION ANALYSIS Take some ‘snapshoot’ (pictures) from existing promotion of the product ; it could be print ads, billboard, tv ads, etc. Analyze the purpose of those promotions Create your own print ads of the product ( 1 kotler & 1 abraham) with your own pictures (hard copies) Which media that you choose to publish your ads ? Put “FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY” for each ads that you made INT, FS, GA
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION V. SEGMENTATION ANALYSIS a. Analyze segment and target with some variables, and put on the right class b. Analyze the ‘existing’ positioning, and tag-line c. Repositioning : does the product / brand need to be repositioning ? INT, FS, GA
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION VI. BUSINESS LEVEL ANALYSIS Based on valid data of market share, what position that your product achieve in the current year ? TRIANGLE OF BRAND Where’s the position of your product, comparing with all competitors ? INT, GA GA
PRESENTATION POINTSYOUR ACTION VII. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS Based on valid data of sales from several years, what position that your product achieve in the current year ? What is your strategy regarding with this PLC position ? INT, GA
1.The product STILL EXIST in Indonesian market 2.The supporting data can find easily on the net 3.Choose one company, then choose specific brand to analyze 4.Choose specific type of your brands 5.Analyze your specific product type for Indonesian market only 6.The products not included in restricted list
1.Put “FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY” in your ads 2.For Print ads, you must use yourself / friends as your model
Feb 4Group 1 Feb 11OFF (Mid exam session – no exam !) Feb 18Group 2 & 3 Feb 25Group 4 Mar 4Group 5 Mar 11Group 6 & 7 Mar 18Group 8 + Individual paper submission Mar 25OFF (Final exam session – no exam !)
For Individual Assignment
- Each student should choose different product each others - Write your product in the right side of your absent - The product must be DIFFERENT with your group presentation
- Create your project in paper format (ms word), with the same template like group presentation - Min. 15 pages - No need to create tv ads - Save your print ads in JPG - Format : 1,5 spaces, times new roman
- Marketing Plan Analysis80 % - Print ads 20 % Submit your Individual Assignment on : Session 13 (last session) No need to print your individual assignment, just submit in soft copy only ! (paperless) Combine all projects in one USB / group