1 Somerset County New Jersey 2011 Community Health Needs Assessment Presented By: Holleran March 19, 2012 Sponsored by :
2 Methodology A total of 2,059 residents of Somerset County were interviewed to assess their health practices and health status. The number of completed interviews yields an overall error rate of +/-2.2% at a 95% confidence level. Interviews were conducted between November 11, 2011 and February 29, Each interview lasted approximately minutes depending upon what criteria were met by the respondents.
3 Methodology (cont’d) Comparisons to New Jersey and national BRFSS data are available where applicable. Due to an over-representation of females in the Somerset County sample, with the exception of the demographic information, all of the results are statistically weighted to account for this imbalance. The New Jersey and national data are weighted as well.
4 Respondent Demographics
5 Zip Code Number of Respondents Zip CodeNumber of Respondents
7 Gender Somerset County BRFSS 2006 (N=2,019) Somerset County BRFSS 2011 (N=2059) Somerset County Census* Male31.6%38.7%48.7% Female68.4%61.1%51.3% *Per the 2010 U.S. Census
8 Body Mass Index (BMI) Frequency of responses *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
9 Health Status
10 Would you say that in general your health is…? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
Healthy Days ~ Health-Related Quality of Life 11
12 For how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
13 For how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey BRFSS data.
14 For how many days during the past 30 days did poor physical or mental health keep you from doing your usual activities? Only those reporting days of either poor physical or mental health **Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data. *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey BRFSS data.
15 Anxiety & Depression
16 How many days have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things? Only those reporting days of either poor physical or mental health *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
17 How many days have you felt down, depressed or hopeless? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
18 Has a doctor or other healthcare provider EVER told you that you have an anxiety disorder? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
19 Has a doctor or other healthcare provider EVER told you that you have a depressive disorder? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
20 Health Care Access
21 Do you have any kind of health care coverage? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
22 Was there a time during the last 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of the cost? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
23 Was there a time during the last 12 months when you needed to see a doctor, but could not because of a lack of transportation?
24 Was there a time during the last 12 months when you needed a prescription medication, but could not get it because of the cost?
Sleep 25
26 During the past 30 days, for about how many days have you felt you did not get enough rest or sleep? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data. **Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey BRFSS data.
27 Exercise
28 During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey BRFSS data.
29 In a usual week, do you do moderate physical activities for at least 10 minutes at a time?
30 In a usual week, do you do vigorous activities for at least 10 minutes at a time?
Weight Control 31
Are you now trying to lose weight? 32
Are you now trying to maintain your current weight, that is to keep from gaining weight? 33
Are you eating either fewer calories or less fat to…lose weight? 34
Are you using physical activity or exercise to…lose weight? 35
In the past 12 months, has a doctor, nurse or other health professional given you advice about your weight? 36
Excluding juice, how many servings of fruit do you eat in an average day? 37
How many servings of green or orange vegetables do you eat in an average day? 38
39 Tobacco Use, Smoking Cessation, and Secondhand Smoke Policy
40 Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all? Note: Not an exact comparison as state and national data reflects only individuals who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
41 During the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking? Only respondents who now smoke some days or every day
42 In the past 12 months, on how many visits were you advised to quit smoking by a doctor, or other health provider? Only respondents who now smoke some days or every day
43 Which statement best describes the rules about smoking inside your home?
44 Alcohol Consumption
45 During the past 30 days, how many days per week or per month did you have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
46 On the days when you drank, about how many drinks did you drink on average? Only respondents who have drank alcohol in the past 30 days *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
47 How many times during the past 30 days did you have 5 (for men)/4 (for women) or more drinks on an occasion? Only respondents who have drank alcohol in the past 30 days Note: In times was one category which is reported here as twice.
48 Asthma
49 Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse or other health professional that you had asthma?
50 Do you still have asthma? Only respondents who were ever told they had asthma
51 Diabetes
52 Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes? *Note: Not a response option in 2001.
53 About how often do you check your blood for glucose or sugar? Only respondents who have ever been told they have diabetes
54 About how many times in the past 12 months have you seen a doctor, nurse, or other health professional about your diabetes? Only respondents who have ever been told they have diabetes
55 About how many times in the past 12 months has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional checked you for “A one C”? Only respondents who have ever been told they have diabetes
56 When was the last time you had an eye exam in which the pupils were dilated? Only respondents who have been told they had diabetes *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
57 Have you ever taken a course or class in how to manage your diabetes yourself? Only respondents who were ever told they had diabetes
58 If you have been prescribed medication to manage your diabetes, has there been a time when you were unable to take them? Only respondents who were ever told they had diabetes
59 If yes, was it due to… Only respondents who were ever unable to take diabetic medicine 0% responded “Transportation ”
60 “Other” reason for inability to take prescribed medication for diabetes. Other reasonMentions Forgot to take medication11 Illness3 Was hospitalized2 Reaction to medication3 Surgery2 N=21
61 Oral Health
62 How long has it been since you last visited a dentist or a dental clinic for any reason? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
63 How long has it been since you had your teeth cleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
64 What is the main reason you have not visited the dentist in the last year? Only respondents who have not been to the dentist in the past year
65 Immunization
66 During the past 12 months, have you had a flu shot? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
67 If No, why not? Only respondents who did not receive a flu shot
68 “Other” reason for not receiving a flu shot. Other reasonMentions Shortage of vaccination2 No time/Didn’t get around to it56 No need to be vaccinated29 Don’t believe in the flu vaccination67 Didn’t want/Just didn’t get shot15 Against doctor’s orders/pre-existing condition14 Had gotten sick from or fears illness from vaccine13 Didn’t know how or where to get shot4 Fear/Afraid of shots17 Allergic to flu shot9 Breastfeeding/pregnant1 N=227
69 Aside from Flu or Pneumonia, within the past 2 years, has a health professional talked to you about adult immunization?
70 Did the respondent require an explanation regarding adult immunization? N=2,059
Demographics 71
72 What is your age? N=2,036
Are you Hispanic or Latino? 73
74 Which one or more of the following would you say is your race? RaceSomerset County BRFSS 2006* Somerset County BRFSS 2011 Somerset County Census^ White76.1%78.5%70.1% Black or African American5.2%8.3%8.9% Hispanic or Latino**10.5%--13.0% Asian5.9%11.9%14.1% Other1.1%0.0%5.0% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.2%1.2%0.2% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.2% 0.0% *Note: Respondent may select more than one. **May be of any race. ^Per the 2010 U.S. Census
75 Which one of these groups would you say best represents your race? RaceSomerset County BRFSS 2011 White79.2% Black or African American8.2% Asian11.4% Other1.1% American Indian or Alaska Native1.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander0.2%
76 Are you…? N=2,035
77 What is the highest grade or year of school you completed? N=2,048
78 Are you currently…? N=2,038
79 Annual household income from all sources. N=1,677
80 Women’s Health Asked only of Females
81 Have you ever had a mammogram? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
82 How long has it been since you had your last mammogram? Only respondents who have had a mammogram *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
83 Have you ever had a clinical breast exam?
84 How long has it been since you had your last breast exam? Only respondents who have had a clinical breast exam *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
85 Have you ever had a Pap test?
86 How long has it been since you had your last Pap test? Only respondents who have had a Pap test *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
87 Prostate Cancer Screening Asked only of Males Age 40 and Over
88 Have you ever had a PSA test? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
89 How long has it been since you had your last PSA test? Only respondents who have had a PSA test
90 Have you ever had a digital rectal exam? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
91 How long has it been since your last digital rectal exam? Only respondents who have had a digital rectal exam
92 Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse or other health professional that you had prostate cancer?
93 Colorectal Cancer Screening Asked only of respondents Age 50 and Over
Have you ever had blood stool test using a home kit? 94 *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey and National BRFSS data.
95 Have you ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey BRFSS data.
96 Family Planning Asked only of females age 44 or younger and males age 59 or younger
97 Are you or your partner doing anything now to keep from getting pregnant? *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
98 What are you or your partner doing now to keep from getting pregnant? ReasonSomerset County Condoms (male or female)27.7% Pill, all kinds (Seasonale, etc.)26.1% Tubes tied11.6% Vasectomy (male sterilization)13.8% IUD (Including Mirena)6.7% Other method (foam, jelly, cream, etc.)1.0% Hysterectomy (female sterilization)2.5% Withdrawal2.0% Contraceptive implants (Jadelle or implants)2.2% Not having sex at certain times (rhythm)5.7% Contraceptive Patch0.4% Shots (Depo-Provera)0.3% Only respondents who are avoiding pregnancy Any response option not listed indicates 0% of respondents mentioned this option
99 What is your main reason for not doing anything to keep from getting pregnant? ReasonSomerset County You want a pregnancy15.9% Don't think you or your partner can get pregnant10.6% Too old6.3% Don't want to use birth control7.8% Other reason27.2% Don't think you are going to have sex/no regular partner6.0% Had a vasectomy (sterilization)4.3% Had tubes tied (sterilization)5.6% Partner is pregnant now3.7% Just had a baby/postpartum1.5% Don't care if you get pregnant2.5% Don't like birth control/fear side effects4.4% Lapse in use of a method0.7% Can't pay for birth control1.0% You or your partner had a hysterectomy2.6% Only respondents who are not avoiding pregnancy
100 HIV/AIDS Note: The questions within this section were asked of all Somerset County respondents, regardless of age. The state and national comparisons are for only individuals under age 65.
101 True or False: A pregnant woman with HIV can get treatment to help reduce the chances that she will pass the virus on to her baby. N=1,389
102 True or False: There are medical treatments available that are intended to help a person who is infected with HIV to live longer. N=1,933
103 Have you ever been tested for HIV?
104 Which of these would you say was the main reason for your last HIV test? ReasonSomerset County It was required22.1% It was done as a part of a routine medical check up27.5% You just wanted to find out whether you had HIV19.5% You were pregnant (females only)15.2% You were tested for some other reason8.1% You thought you may have gotten HIV through sex or drug use 2.3% Someone suggested you should be tested4.5% You were worried that you could give HIV to someone0.8% Only respondents who have been tested for HIV
105 Do any of the following high risk situations apply to you? You have used intravenous drugs in the past year. You have been treated for a sexually transmitted or venereal disease in the past year. You have given or received money or drugs in exchange for sex in the past year. You had anal sex without a condom in the past year. *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the New Jersey BRFSS data.
106 Sexual Behavior
107 During the past twelve months, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse?
108 Was a condom used the last time you had sexual intercourse? Asked only of those who have had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months
The last time you had sexual intercourse, why was a condom NOT used? 109 ReasonNumber of Mentions Don’t know6 Lesbian3 Married/Partnered547 Not available6 Personal Choice50 Pregnant4 Trying to Conceive27 Unable to Conceive235 Using contraceptive52 Using other method6 They’re unnecessary109 They’re uncomfortable6 N=1,051
How effective do you think a properly used condom is for keeping you from getting infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections through sexual activity? 110
In the past 12 months, has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional talked to you about preventing sexually transmitted diseased through condom use? 111
112 Hypertension Awareness
113 Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have high blood pressure?
114 Are you currently taking any actions to manage your high blood pressure? Asked only of those who have been told they have high blood pressure
115 What actions are you currently taking to manage your high blood pressure? Asked only of those who have taken action to manage their high blood pressure
116 Cholesterol Awareness
117 Have you ever had your blood cholesterol checked? Note: The ‘01 question was “Have you had your cholesterol checked within the past 5 years?”
118 About how long has it been since you last had your blood cholesterol checked? Asked only of those who have had their blood cholesterol checked
119 Have you ever had been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that your blood cholesterol is high? Asked only of those who have had their blood cholesterol checked
120 Are you currently taking any actions to manage your high cholesterol? Asked only of those who have taken action to manage their high cholesterol
121 Heart Attack and Stroke
122 If you thought someone was having a heart attack or a stroke, what is the first thing you would do?
123 Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence
124 Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional EVER told you that you had a heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction?
125 Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional EVER told you that you had angina or coronary heart disease?
126 Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional EVER told you that you had a stroke?
127 Social Determinants
128 How well does your income meet your living expenses?
129 Do you ever go without food to pay for other bills?
130 Are you at risk of becoming homeless?
131 How safe do you feel in your home and neighborhood?
Caregiver 132
During the past month, did you provide any such care or assistance to a friend or family member? 133 *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
What age is the person to whom you are giving care? 134
What is his/her relationship to you? 135 *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
What has a doctor said is the major health problem, long-term illness, or disability that the person you care for has? 136 Somerset County BRFSS ‘11National BRFSS ‘10 Cancer Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia Heart DiseaseDiabetes Heart Disease Stroke Arthritis/Rheumatism DepressionLung Disease/Emphysema HypertensionDepression Multiple SclerosisParkinson’s Disease Eye/Vision problemsMultiple Sclerosis Top Ten Mentioned
In which one of the following areas does the person you care for most need your help? 137 *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
In an average week, how many hours do you provide care for “that person” because of his/her health problem, long-term illness, or disability? 138
139 Reactions to Race
140 Within the past 12 months at work, do you feel you were treated worse than, the same as, or better than people of other races? Asked only of those who are currently employed *Somerset Co. is significantly different from the National BRFSS data.
141 Within the past 12 months, when seeking health care, do you feel your experiences were worse than, the same as, or better than people of other races? *Was not a response option in 2011.
142 Emergency Preparedness
143 Does your household have a disaster evacuation plan in case of a large-scale disaster or emergency that requires evacuation?
144 Does your household have a communication plan in the event of a large-scale disaster?
145 Does your household have a disaster supply kit?
146 What would be your main method of getting information from authorities in a large-scale disaster or emergency?
147 Other specific locations for information in the event of a large-scale disaster or emergency Other FormMentionsOther FormMentions Other mentions WINS24 “Local radio stations”87Channel FM78Telemundo7 CNN23Channel 1234 Telephone38Channel 743 Fox News15CBS11 Call police18NBC11 Cell phone/smart phone67Google3 Channel 213Emergency Broadcast Network 9 Channel 411Weather Channel8 Other local TV channels10Scanner3 N=617
148 What group or organization would you most likely turn to for information should a public health emergency develop?
149 “Other” specific organization to turn to in the event of a public health emergency Other OrganizationMentionsOther OrganizationMentions Call 911/Police216Relatives/Friends23 Other Mentions15Office of Emergency Management 16 Radio21TV31 Dept. of Public Health50Employer5 Church47Government Agency26 CDC48Internet26 Other Emergency Personnel 22Local government Building 83 Hospital/Medical Professional 84Red Cross227 N=940