Early Years and Children’s Centres Shared Foundation Partnerships Model – An Award Winning Arrangement Barbara Mands, Head of Childcare Strategy Early Years and Children’s Centres
Definition Childcare networks across the city made up of schools, childminders, private nurseries and playgroups. They focus on sufficient places to meet demand, flexibility 8am – 6pm and places being of high quality. Early Years and Children’s Centres
Historical Context Created in 2001 to offer four year old early education places. LA proactive in its commitment to PVI – knowledge, expertise and skills. National funding to create ‘wraparound care’ – five pilots Full roll out of 31 partnerships in 3 years Early Years and Children’s Centres
Research The model has been the focus of five independent/local research evaluations including Northumbria University and University of Oxford. Taken as an example of ‘Understanding and Advancing Systems Leaderships in the Early Years’ University of London Three separate national awards
Early Years and Children’s Centres Childcare Hubs Chosen by 4 children to be part of national programme based on our experience of developing partnership working. Three Childcare Hubs from York + LA support hub Purpose is to trial new ways of working to share with the rest of the Shared Foundation Partnerships – availability, flexibility & quality Early Years and Children’s Centres
Principles of the Partnerships A sense of equal participation No one sector dominating All interests reflected in local planning Building respectful relationships takes time for professional challenge to take place Seamless transition Early Years and Children’s Centres
Principles of the Partnerships Seamless transition Quality provision – sharing best practice, moderation Sharing of information eg resources/joint training Supporting vulnerability
Early Years and Children’s Centres The Model in Practice Own unique identity and local brand Meet termly Regularly review action plan Attend termly LA training Receive annual LA letter Central database of membership (SENCO/QTS) Early Years and Children’s Centres
Branding Early Years and Children’s Centres
Benefits Early Years and Children’s Centres Ofsted Shared good practice Networking Professional development Peer support Joint moderation Improved communication Shared experiences & problems Shared resources Respect Trust Shared themes / topics Improved links between settings / schools Improved transitions Community events Wraparound childcare LA support Better support for children with SEND & vulnerable children
Early Years and Children’s Centres Childcare Hub Achievements Ongoing commitment to work with LA and share good practice with rest of the partnerships Strengthening membership of the hubs Development of unique hub brands Development of a widget Assessing demand for two year old places and creating the places
Early Years and Children’s Centres Childcare Hub Achievements Development of a guide ‘ Working with Parents of Children with SEND’ Developing a hub ‘Local Offer’ statement Contributing to a film clip to promote Shared Foundation Model Planning Celebration Events – Summer Term
Early Years and Children’s Centres Challenges for the Model Different levels of maturity Continuity – changes in membership can affect momentum Capacity – time to attend meetings etc Effective SENCO support Membership
Early Years and Children’s Centres Next Steps Developing a Three Year Strategy to strengthen the model Launch of the strategy with Headteachers/senior leaders to raise profile of the model and strengthen commitment and support Targetting LA support towards the hubs and share good practice with other partnerships
Early Years and Children’s Centres Website partnership.htm
Early Years and Children’s Centres Contact details Early Years and Children’s Centres