Pittsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival 2014 Visitor Feedback Summary Report Intercept Interviews and Online Survey June 2014 N= 1,002 An Analysis of Visitors’ Demographics and Feedback Regarding Three Rivers Arts Festival
Executive Summary ● A total of 1,002 patrons responded to a survey during and after the Three Rivers Arts Festival in June Where possible, the results from this survey are compared to benchmark surveys from previous Festivals (Pittsburgh Children’s International Festival 2014, N=460; First Night 2014, N=765; Festival of Firsts 2013, N=275; and JazzLive 2013, N=1,107) where identical questions were asked. ● The overall conclusion from this research is that the Three Rivers Arts Festival draws a highly diverse, educated and dedicated audience. Most drive to the event in a personal vehicle (64%) and many heard of it through word-of-mouth, online, or news stories. On average, attendees stay for at least three hours, visit multiple times and spend a total of $190 (excluding hotels). ● Additional Insights Include: ● Of those who attended this year’s event, four-in-ten (44%) had attended more than five previous events. ● Four-fifths (83%) thought this year’s event was better than or the same as previous years. ● A majority (81%) said they will “definitely” return to future events. ● Six-in-ten (59%) enjoyed the music while almost half (44%) enjoyed the visual arts. ● The average group size was 2 people; most (71%) did not bring children. ● A majority (95%) did not stay in a hotel during their visit. ● Festival staff, quality of programming and overall performances/exhibits were the things attendees liked best. Food offered the biggest opportunity for improvement. ● Dollar Bank was the most noticed sponsor at the event. Slide 2 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014
Slide 3 Respondent Profile Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014
Slide 4 Respondent Profile Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014
Slide 5 Festivals Attended. 1 | How many times have you attended Pittsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival? Base: 1,002 More than half of participants (70%) have attended the Three Rivers Arts Festival three or more times. Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014
Slide 6 Attendance Frequency and Length of Stay (Online Only) 2 | How many times did you visit the event on your most recent visit? 3 | Approximately how much time did you spend at the event? Times Visited Length of Visit Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June % only visited the event once this year; however, most stayed for at least three hours. Base: 1,002
Slide 7 Most Enjoyable Aspects 4 | What did you enjoy most about today’s Festival? Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Music and visual arts were the most popular aspects of the Festival. Base: 1,002
Slide 8 Source of Information (Intercept Only) 3 | How did you hear about Three Rivers Arts Festival 2014? Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June % had heard about the Three River’s Arts Festival from a friend or family. Base: 1,002
Slide 9 Mode of Transportation 13 | How did you travel to the Festival? Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 A majority (64%) travelled to the Festival in a personal vehicle; others used public transportation or walked. Base: 1,002
Slide 10 Overall Satisfaction Ratings (Online Only) 5 | Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the event. (If you did not participate in an activity, please leave it blank.) Not at all satisfiedVery satisfied Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Participants were generally very satisfied with the Festival. Some felt that the food could be improved. Base: 1,002
Slide 11 Compare to Past Years (Online Only) Compare Event Selected Comments ● “I like the musicians in the past better than this year. “ ● “I enjoy the Festival every year - the things that stay the same are comforting and the things that are new are exciting!” ● “Although there were some new artists and stands at the Festival, I felt a lot of it was the same as previous years.” ● “I was amazed at the amount of decent/whole foods. “ ● “The Festival felt more art-related and less commercial. “ 19 | How do you feel this year's event compares to past Three Rivers Arts Festival events? 20 | Why? Base: 1,002 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Half thought that the event was the same as last year’s; one third felt the Festival improved.
Slide 12 Festival Improvements (Online Only) Improvements Selected Comments ● “Get local food vendors to provide the food.” ● “Perhaps the Festival should get moved to another week or month due to rainy weather each year. I think it would draw more people into town.” ● “A little more diversity in main stage acts might be nice.” ● “It was difficult to see some of the exhibits because it was so crowded.” ● “Extend or change hours of exhibits and artist's market. 8pm on Friday is too early for everything to close!” 6 | What could we improve about the Three Rivers Arts Festival? Base: 1,002 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Participants wanted a bigger variety of bands/art and healthy and less expensive food options.
Slide 13 Why Not Attend / Future Attendance (Online Only) 21 | Why did you not attend past Pittsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival events? 23 | How likely are you to attend future Three Rivers Arts Festival events? Why Not Attend Attending Future Events Base: 1,002 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Timing and weather were the most popular reasons for having not previously attended, although four-in-five said they would definitely attend in the future.
Slide 14 Noticing Sponsors (Online Only) 7 | Did you notice any sponsors at the event? 8 | Which sponsors did you notice? Notice Sponsors Most Noticed Sponsors ● Dollar Bank (253) ● Pittsburgh Post Gazette (14) ● WYEP (12) ● Giant Eagle (12) ● PNC (10) ● Birds Eye (10) ● Chevrolet (9) ● Cultural Trust (7) ● Comcast (3) Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Seven-in-ten noticed sponsors. Most people remembered Dollar Bank. Base: 1,002
Slide 15 If Out of Town, Reason for Attending (Online Only) 12 | If you are an out-of-town visitor, why did you attend the event? Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Of the 30% who responded to being an out-of-town visitor, two-thirds of this group came specifically for this Festival. Base: 1,002
Slide 16 Group Size 9 | Including yourself, how many people were in your group that attended the Festival? 10 | Did you bring any children with you to the event? Group Size Bring Children Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 The average group size was 2 people. Most people came without children (71%.) Base: 1,
Slide 17 Hotel Usage 14 | Are/will you stay in a hotel as a result of attending the Three Rivers Arts Festival? 15a | How many nights? 15b | How many rooms did you use? Stay in Hotel Nights and Rooms Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Most (95%) did not stay in a hotel for the Festival. However, of those who did the average number of nights stayed was 2.6. Base: 1,002 Base: 56
Slide 18 Dining Downtown 16 | Did you or will you dine downtown as a result of attending the Pittsburgh Three Rivers Arts Festival? 17 | How many times? Dine Downtown How Many Times Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 Half (45%) dined downtown twice on average (1.95) as a result of the Three Rivers Arts Festival. Base: 1,002 Base: 521
Slide 19 Average Money Spent 18 | What is the total amount you will spend on each during your visit? Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014 On average, people spent the most amount of money on hotels ($90) and shopping ($87). Attendees spend less than they do at JazzLive or Festival of Firsts. Base: 1,002
Slide 20 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Three Rivers Arts Festival June 2014