The Kings of Israel & Judah Lesson 14: Divided Kingdom – Ahab Lesson 14: Divided Kingdom – Ahab
IntroductionIntroduction Who was Ahab? (1 Kgs 16:29) Who was Ahab? (1 Kgs 16:29) How long did he reign? (1 Kgs 16:29) How long did he reign? (1 Kgs 16:29) Reign: BC Reign: BC Character? (1 Kgs 16:30) Character? (1 Kgs 16:30) Who was Ahab? (1 Kgs 16:29) Who was Ahab? (1 Kgs 16:29) How long did he reign? (1 Kgs 16:29) How long did he reign? (1 Kgs 16:29) Reign: BC Reign: BC Character? (1 Kgs 16:30) Character? (1 Kgs 16:30)
Saul ( BC) David ( BC) Solomon ( BC) Rehoboam ( BC) Abijah ( BC) Jeroboam ( BC) Kings of Israel & Judah Israel Judah Nadab ( BC) Asa ( BC) Baasha ( BC) Elah ( BC) Zimri (881 BC) Omri ( BC) Jehoshaphat ( BC) Ahab ( BC)
Ahab’s Sins Explain 1 Kgs 16:31 Explain 1 Kgs 16:31 Baal (Ba’al, Bel) Baal (Ba’al, Bel) – [The ba’als] were made the symbols of the reproductive power of nature, and thus their worship ministered to sexual indulgences, which it at the same time legalized and encouraged. (“Ba’al and Ba’al Worship.” Jewish Encyclopedia) – Further, there was placed side by side with the Ba'al a corresponding female symbol, the Ashtoreth and the relation between the two deities was set forth as the example and the motive of unbridled sensuality. (“Ba’al and Ba’al Worship.” Jewish Encyclopedia) Explain 1 Kgs 16:31 Explain 1 Kgs 16:31 Baal (Ba’al, Bel) Baal (Ba’al, Bel) – [The ba’als] were made the symbols of the reproductive power of nature, and thus their worship ministered to sexual indulgences, which it at the same time legalized and encouraged. (“Ba’al and Ba’al Worship.” Jewish Encyclopedia) – Further, there was placed side by side with the Ba'al a corresponding female symbol, the Ashtoreth and the relation between the two deities was set forth as the example and the motive of unbridled sensuality. (“Ba’al and Ba’al Worship.” Jewish Encyclopedia)
Ahab’s Sins How far did Baal worship go? (vv ) How far did Baal worship go? (vv ) Results? (v. 33) Results? (v. 33) How far did Baal worship go? (vv ) How far did Baal worship go? (vv ) Results? (v. 33) Results? (v. 33)
Drought and Famine Elijah’s message? (1 Kgs 17) Elijah’s message? (1 Kgs 17) Reason? Reason? Result? (18:2) Result? (18:2) What became of Elijah? What became of Elijah? How does Ahab refer to Elijah? (v. 17) How does Ahab refer to Elijah? (v. 17) – Are Christians ever considered “troublers”? Elijah’s message? (1 Kgs 17) Elijah’s message? (1 Kgs 17) Reason? Reason? Result? (18:2) Result? (18:2) What became of Elijah? What became of Elijah? How does Ahab refer to Elijah? (v. 17) How does Ahab refer to Elijah? (v. 17) – Are Christians ever considered “troublers”?
Elijah’s Challenge Which commandment(s)? (1 Kgs 17) Which commandment(s)? (1 Kgs 17) What was Elijah facing? (vv. 19, 22) What was Elijah facing? (vv. 19, 22) – Are Christians ever outnumbered by the ungodly? What was the challenge? What was the challenge? Outcome for the prophets of Baal? (vv ) Outcome for the prophets of Baal? (vv ) Extra measures taken by Elijah?(vv ) Extra measures taken by Elijah?(vv ) Which commandment(s)? (1 Kgs 17) Which commandment(s)? (1 Kgs 17) What was Elijah facing? (vv. 19, 22) What was Elijah facing? (vv. 19, 22) – Are Christians ever outnumbered by the ungodly? What was the challenge? What was the challenge? Outcome for the prophets of Baal? (vv ) Outcome for the prophets of Baal? (vv ) Extra measures taken by Elijah?(vv ) Extra measures taken by Elijah?(vv )
Elijah’s Challenge Baal’s prophets’ approach vs. Elijah’s approach (vv. 26, 36-37) Baal’s prophets’ approach vs. Elijah’s approach (vv. 26, 36-37) Baal’s response vs. God’s response (vv. 26, 29, 38) Baal’s response vs. God’s response (vv. 26, 29, 38) How did the people respond? (vv. 39, 40) How did the people respond? (vv. 39, 40) Baal’s prophets’ approach vs. Elijah’s approach (vv. 26, 36-37) Baal’s prophets’ approach vs. Elijah’s approach (vv. 26, 36-37) Baal’s response vs. God’s response (vv. 26, 29, 38) Baal’s response vs. God’s response (vv. 26, 29, 38) How did the people respond? (vv. 39, 40) How did the people respond? (vv. 39, 40)
The Drought Is Broken What was Elijah doing in v. 42? What was Elijah doing in v. 42? How many times did his servant check for rain? (v. 43) How many times did his servant check for rain? (v. 43) What did the servant finally see? (v. 44) What did the servant finally see? (v. 44) What came from it? (v. 45) What came from it? (v. 45) What was Elijah doing in v. 42? What was Elijah doing in v. 42? How many times did his servant check for rain? (v. 43) How many times did his servant check for rain? (v. 43) What did the servant finally see? (v. 44) What did the servant finally see? (v. 44) What came from it? (v. 45) What came from it? (v. 45)
Elijah’s Life Threatened By whom? (vv. 1-2) By whom? (vv. 1-2) Elijah’s state of mind? Elijah’s state of mind? Lesson from vv ? Lesson from vv ? God’s message for Elijah? God’s message for Elijah? By whom? (vv. 1-2) By whom? (vv. 1-2) Elijah’s state of mind? Elijah’s state of mind? Lesson from vv ? Lesson from vv ? God’s message for Elijah? God’s message for Elijah?
Wars with Syria (Aram) King of Syria? King of Syria? First war (1 Kgs 20:1-25) First war (1 Kgs 20:1-25) – Ben-hadad’s demands? – Ahab’s response to the challenge (v. 11) – Odds against Ahab? (vv, 1, 15, 13) – Why did God give Israel the victory? – Message for Ahab? (v. 22) – Message for Ben-hadad? (vv ) King of Syria? King of Syria? First war (1 Kgs 20:1-25) First war (1 Kgs 20:1-25) – Ben-hadad’s demands? – Ahab’s response to the challenge (v. 11) – Odds against Ahab? (vv, 1, 15, 13) – Why did God give Israel the victory? – Message for Ahab? (v. 22) – Message for Ben-hadad? (vv )
Wars with Syria (Aram) Second war (1 Kgs 20:26-30) Second war (1 Kgs 20:26-30) – Why would Syria be defeated? (v. 28) – Extent of Syria’s losses? (vv ) – Ben-hadad’s life spared (vv ) In what way were Ahab and Ben-hadad brothers? In what way were Ahab and Ben-hadad brothers? Price for Ben-hadad’s life? Price for Ben-hadad’s life? Explain vv Explain vv Why was sparing Ben-hadad a sin? Why was sparing Ben-hadad a sin? Ahab’s response to the rebuke? (v. 43) Ahab’s response to the rebuke? (v. 43) Second war (1 Kgs 20:26-30) Second war (1 Kgs 20:26-30) – Why would Syria be defeated? (v. 28) – Extent of Syria’s losses? (vv ) – Ben-hadad’s life spared (vv ) In what way were Ahab and Ben-hadad brothers? In what way were Ahab and Ben-hadad brothers? Price for Ben-hadad’s life? Price for Ben-hadad’s life? Explain vv Explain vv Why was sparing Ben-hadad a sin? Why was sparing Ben-hadad a sin? Ahab’s response to the rebuke? (v. 43) Ahab’s response to the rebuke? (v. 43)
Naboth’s Vineyard Why did Ahab want it?(v. 2) Why did Ahab want it?(v. 2) What was offered? (v. 2) What was offered? (v. 2) Why did Naboth decline? (v. 3) Why did Naboth decline? (v. 3) Ahab’s reaction? (v. 4) Ahab’s reaction? (v. 4) Why should Ahab possess it? (v. 7) Why should Ahab possess it? (v. 7) Jezebel’s plot? (vv. 8-13) Jezebel’s plot? (vv. 8-13) Why did Ahab want it?(v. 2) Why did Ahab want it?(v. 2) What was offered? (v. 2) What was offered? (v. 2) Why did Naboth decline? (v. 3) Why did Naboth decline? (v. 3) Ahab’s reaction? (v. 4) Ahab’s reaction? (v. 4) Why should Ahab possess it? (v. 7) Why should Ahab possess it? (v. 7) Jezebel’s plot? (vv. 8-13) Jezebel’s plot? (vv. 8-13)
Naboth’s Vineyard Elijah confronts Ahab (vv ) Elijah confronts Ahab (vv ) – Ahab’s end? (v. 19) – House of Ahab? (vv ) – Sins of Ahab? (vv ) Ahab’s response (vv ) Ahab’s response (vv ) Elijah confronts Ahab (vv ) Elijah confronts Ahab (vv ) – Ahab’s end? (v. 19) – House of Ahab? (vv ) – Sins of Ahab? (vv ) Ahab’s response (vv ) Ahab’s response (vv )
Third Syrian War & Death of Ahab Ahab’s reason for going to war? Ahab’s reason for going to war? Whom did he recruit? (v. 4) Whom did he recruit? (v. 4) Message of prophets of Ahab? (vv. 6, 11-12) Message of prophets of Ahab? (vv. 6, 11-12) Micaiah’s initial message? (v. 15) Micaiah’s initial message? (v. 15) True message? (vv ) True message? (vv ) Prophecy fulfillment? (v. 38; 21:19) Prophecy fulfillment? (v. 38; 21:19) Ahab’s reason for going to war? Ahab’s reason for going to war? Whom did he recruit? (v. 4) Whom did he recruit? (v. 4) Message of prophets of Ahab? (vv. 6, 11-12) Message of prophets of Ahab? (vv. 6, 11-12) Micaiah’s initial message? (v. 15) Micaiah’s initial message? (v. 15) True message? (vv ) True message? (vv ) Prophecy fulfillment? (v. 38; 21:19) Prophecy fulfillment? (v. 38; 21:19)