Initiatives from the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) - DENR Outcomes of the National Environmental Education Action Plan 1992-2002: Initiatives from the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) - DENR by Elenida Basug Chief, Environmental Education and Information Division (EEID) EMB-DENR
Milestone Events in the Environmental Education Development of Environmental Education in the Philippines
(1989) National Strategy on Environmental Education (1989) Philippine Strategy for Sustainable Development (1989) National Strategy on Environmental Education (1992) National Environmental Education Action Plan (1996) Philippine Agenda 21 (1995) Creation of PATLEPAM (2000) ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan (2000-2005) (1998) Environmental Education Curriculum Frameworks for All Levels
(1998) Environmental Education Curriculum Frameworks for All Levels (1999-2001) National and Regional Educators’ Trainings on the Use of the EE Curriculum Framework for Basic Education, and Higher Education (2002) Teachers’ Trainings on the Use of the EE Curriculum Framework for Technical and Vocational Education (2002) Creation of the Regional Environmental Education and Information Sections of the EMB
(1992) National Environmental Education Action Plan (1992-2002) Objectives: - improve mass-based action toward protection and improvement of the environment; - improve the delivery of EE across sectors; and - increase manpower needed for the next century. Programs: - Curriculum Development - Training - Research and Development - Scholarships - Equipment Upgrading and Lending Programs - Information, Education and Advocacy - Policy Reforms
Mission: - To network higher education institutions through the PATLEPAM, for increased appreciation of the need to integrate environmental concerns in the tertiary education curricula, so that local training needs in environmental protection and management in the different regions of the country can be addressed. Vision: - Higher Education institutions with educators who are equipped with knowledge and skills for the management of resources for sustaining productivity and ecological integrity.
Objectives: - Enhance information exchange and sharing of environmental protection and management. - Enhance environmental awareness and skills of tertiary level students and faculty members. - Assist in curriculum development for environmental management among tertiary level educators - Conduct collaborative programs on instruction, research and development, and extension in environmental management. - Strengthen the overall expertise in environmental management of the different regions of the country, at the technical, managerial and policy levels, by catering to local training needs. - Serve as a link between local and international networks for training in environmental management.
What is Sustainable Development? - is the harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy ; responsible governance; social cohesion; and ecological integrity to ensure that development is a life-sustaining process. Sustainable Development = Economic Development + Environment Protection + Social Reform + People’s Empowerment (in 2002, Enhanced Philippine Agenda 21 was formulated, following the World Summit on Sustainable Development)
Core Dimensions of Sustainable Development Under Enhanced Philippine Agenda 21 Poverty Reduction Social Equity Peace and Solidarity Empowerment and Good Governance Ecological Integrity
The Emphasis of EE Across Grade/ Year Levels Environmental Professionals Environmental Citizens Environmental Persons
(2000) ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan (2000-2005) Vision: - The ASEAN member-countries envision a clean and green ASEAN, rich in cultural traditions with citizens who are environmentally literate, imbued with environmental ethic, willing and capable to ensure the sustainable development of the region through environmental education and public participation efforts.
(2002) Establishment of EMB Regional Environmental Education and Information Sections
EEID’s Accomplishments from 1992 to present Formulation of the National Environmental Education Action Plan which laid down a ten-year program for the systematic dissemination of EE concepts through the formal and non-formal educational systems
1994-1996 Development of a specialist training program and training materials on Environmental Planning and Management for Sustainable Development for the following clientele: - government policy makers/ business executives - mid-level government planners (from national line agencies and the local government units) - educators - NGOs
Regional Sustainable Natural Resources Management Planning Training modules, materials and designs have been prepared on the following: Implications of Environmental Legislation to Development Sectors Environmental Integration in Local Development Planning and Management Environmental Carrying Capacity Assessment Land Use Planning Regional Sustainable Natural Resources Management Planning Integrated Watershed Management Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Management of Protected Areas and Conservation of Management of Protected Areas and Conservation of Endangered and Threatened Species Environmental and Natural Resources Accounting Environmental Impact Assessment of Development Projects Cost-Benefit Analysis of Development Projects Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Rural Development Projects Environmental Health Risk Assessment And Management Domestic Waste Management Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control Agro-Chemicals Application and Control
Appropriate Technologies for Waste Reuse, Appropriate Technologies for Waste Reuse, Recycling and Alternative Utilization Environmental Rehabilitation and Recovery from Natural Disasters Environmental Awareness, Development Communication and People’s Participation 1995 Establishment of the PATLEPAM
1997 Completion of the Environmental Education Curriculum Frameworks for the following levels: - elementary - high school - higher education - technical and vocation education - non-formal education 1998 Completion of the Environmental Education Guide for all Levels of Education Formulation of the National Action Plan on Climate Change
1999-2000 Conduct of National and Regional Educators’ Trainings on the Use of the Environmental Education Curriculum Framework for Elementary, High School and Higher Education 2000 Completion and publication of the Philippine Initial National Communication on Climate Change Philippines’ lead coordination in the drafting and completion of the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan Completion of “Environmental Awareness to Action: A Guidebook for Youth Environmental Clubs in the Philippines”
Symbiosis, a technical journal tackling special environmental issues: To date, the EEID has prepared the following publications and EE materials: “State of the Philippine Environment” Reports - for the 1980s (in book version) - for 1990-95 (in book, and CD-ROM versions) In progress are: - 2002 National Air Quality Status Report - Philippine Environmental Quality Report for 1996-2002 Symbiosis, a technical journal tackling special environmental issues: - Sustainable Development - Energy and the Environment - Food Security - Environmental Education Bulletin Industry and the Environment (Industry ENVIRONEWS) Newsletters
PATLEPAM Newsletters Books on: Understanding Philippine Agenda 21 Kaligtasan sa Kalamidad Philippine Initial National Communication on Climate Change Tracking Greenhouse Gases (A Guide for Country Inventories) From “Awareness to Environmental Action:A Guidebook for Youth Environmental Clubs in the Philippines In progress are: - Guidebook on Environmental Management System (EMS), Pollution Prevention (PP), Cleaner Production (CP) and Environmental Cost Accounting - ECA (English,Filipino print version; CD in English version) - Communicators’ Manual on EMS, PP, CP and on ECA - Solid Waste Management Module for Schools (with Miriam College) - “Breathe Clean Air Series” Module
Primers and Brochures - The Environment (English and Filipino versions) Philippine Agenda 21 (in English, Filipino and Cebuano versions) Tao, Ano Ka Sa Kapaligiran?
-------------------- Videos (15-minuters) - Metro Manila Environment (English and Filipino) - Development: A Pact with Environment - Environmental Planning and Management - Harnessing Technology for Sustainable Development - Galit sa Basura (War on Wastes) - Basurang Dapat Pakinabangan (Waste is a Resource) - Malinis na Tubig (Safe Water) - Taong Gubat (Forest Man) - Ang Luntiang Mundo ni Angelo (The Green World of Angelo) - The Struggles for Sustainable Development: The Philippine Agenda 21 (English and Filipino versions) - The Environmental Management Bureau - EMS: The Nature of Business - Republic Act No. 6969 - Bakit Marumi ang Ating Hangin (10 min.)* - Epekto ng Polusyon sa Ating Kalusugan (10 min.)* - Ikaw at ang Clean Air Act (10 min.)* - Kapit-bisig para sa Malinis na Hangin (10 min.)* - Tungo sa Malinis na Hangin at Kapaligiran (10 min.)* -------------------- *with DENR-Public Affairs Office
Television and Radio Plugs (30 and 60-seconders) - Air Pollution - Water Pollution - Solid Waste Management - Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes Management - The Environmental Crisis - Unleaded Nga - Mag-segregate - Mag-MRF Tayo! - Si Salonga, Nag-sesegregate. Ang galing ‘no? - Pamana (on Clean Air)
Instructional Poster - Global Warming - Climate Change - Air Pollution - Water Pollution - Strategies for Sustainable Development - Endangered Species - Trees - Garbage - Waste Segregation - Philippine Agenda 21 - Management and Labor for Environmental Protection - “Let’s All Act to Clean Air the Air” - ILOG PASIGlahin (for industrial and domestic sources of pollution) - Waste No More, Waste No Time -
--------------------- Exhibit Sets on - Solid Waste Management - Fight for Clean Air - Environmental Issues - Environmental Education - Water Pollution - Hazardous Waste Management - Fight for Life, Fight for Clean Air * --------------------- * with DENR Public Affairs Office
The EEID, through the years, has also coordinated the conduct of some popular competitions as follows, aimed at increasing the awareness and education of the people on various environmental matters: Photography Contest on “Citizenry Participation in Environmental Protection” Painting Contest on “Global Warming” Cross-stitch Design Contest on “Humankind in Harmony with Nature” Television Spot Competition Cleanest and Greenest Barangay Contest in Metro Manila Poster-making Contest on “Environmentally- sound Development” Poster-making Contest on “The Role of the Youth in the Care of the Environment in the New Millenium”
On-the-spot Poster-making Contest on : - Sobra-sobrang Basura: Paano Na? - Maruming Hangin: Anong Gagawin? T-shirt Design Contest on Environmental Discipline for National Survival Green Schools Competition Enviro Quiz Recycled Products Contest Contest on Scale Models on Sustainable Development Billboard Design Contest on “Let’s All Act to Clean the Air” On-the Spot Drawing Contest on “Mag-pinta Tayo Para sa Malinis na Hangin”* On-the-Spot Drawing Contest on *Clean Air for Health and Life”* Capacity Building for EMB Regional Environmental Education and Information Sections (Trainings and Hardware Supports) ------------------- * with DENR-Public Affairs Office
For the year 2004 and beyond, the EEID plans to be more aggressive in its concerns, as it pursues the following: Public Awareness and Education on Brown Environmental Management Concerns, particularly on the Clean Air Act and the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act Materials Development on Brown Environmental Management Concerns Development of Educational Module on - Eco-industrial Development (for tertiary education and industries) with PATLEPAM Conduct of Activities in Observance of Earth Day, World Environment Day, Philippine Environment Month, National Clean-up Month, and National Clean Air Month
Support to the Strengthening of Strategic Networks of Multi-sectoral Groups for Environmental Education and Management Support to Regional Consultations, Dissemination,and Implementation of the Updated National Environmental Education Action Plan for 2004-2013 Support to the Implementation of the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan Support to Dissemination of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Education Support to the Implementation of the National Action Plan on Climate Change Partnership with International Organizations in the Conduct of Conferences, Seminars, and Meetings
For 1992-2002, EMB, in partnership with selected institutions focused accomplishment more in three of NEEAP’s eight program areas as follows: 1. Curriculum and Materials Development Program 2. Training Program on the Use of the Environmental Education Curriculum Framework for selected teachers at all levels of education, and on other environmental topics, and 3. Information, Education, Communication and Social Advocacy Program
Some pockets of activities had been pursued by DENR in the following programs of the NEEAP: 1. Institutional Development Program 2. Research and Development Program 3. Scholarship Program, and 4. Policy Development and Reforms Program Hardly none was done, at least by the EMB part in the Upgrading of Facilities and Equipment, under a Lending Program of the NEEAP.
In the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan for 2000-2005, even as it is a national and not just an EMB commitment, the EMB has tried to do a number of things in its four targets areas: 1. Formal Education 2. Non-formal Education 3. Manpower Capability Building 4. Networking, Collaboration and Communication This means that with about roughly 60% of the 5-year Plan period of the AEEAP over, as a country, we may have done about 72% of country commitments to the same, or in 26 out of 36 of its proposed actions, in various stages of implementation.
Areas where EMB or country initiatives are still not explored as much for AEEAP until 2005 (and which may need multi-sectoral pursuance in the future) are in the following: Under Formal Education: - preparation of guidelines for the development and production of EE support materials in the different formats (multimedia, module, poster, etc.) - conduct of workshops to develop EE support materials on the local and ASEAN regional environment, involving subject experts, scientists and computer technologists.
Under Non-formal Education: - setting up of local EE centers and libraries - undertaking of translation of EE materials from foreign to local languages - training facilitators for dialogues on local, regional and global environmental issues Under Manpower Capability Building - developing human resources development programmes in EE for key target groups – teachers, teacher-trainers, textbook writers, school administrators, community leaders, religious leaders, NGOs and media in each ASEAN member country
-. in the EE training programme/package for teacher - in the EE training programme/package for teacher trainers/textbook writers, school administrators, community leaders and media, focus on basic ecological principles, EE concepts and unifying themes, and information on local and regional ecological disasters as well as success stories in environment, involve ASEAN scientists, pertinent government officials and experts from academe
Under Networking, Collaboration and Communication - conduct of collaborative research on the environment and EE among the ASEAN member-countries. - establish a publication on ASEAN cultural and economic practices that are supportive of environmental conservation.
Another item to which we have not done also, but to which we have a proposal on is the following: Under Formal Education - undertaking of a review of the curriculum for teacher training colleges to review teacher education towards EE for sustainable development, and propose the revised curriculum as a sample to the pertinent educational agencies for higher/tertiary education in the ASEAN member-countries.
Recommendations: Continually expand partnerships with national, regional, local and international institutions and networks to synergize actions (disseminate updated NEEAP, and related EE background documents to regional/local counterparts like what the YSDA did) Think strategic and consider high impacts of program and activities; distribute EE materials more strategically and more systematically Mainstream EE in ongoing national programs - integrate EE in National Service Training Program (DENR Eco-corps Program with PATLEPAM, CHED, DND, DILG, TESDA)
Expand the development of local EE materials Strengthen regional delivery mechanisms for EE - thru the EMB/DENR Regional Offices, PATLEPAM Regional Coordinating Centers, Regional Offices of DepEd, CHED, TESDA, PIA, DILG, etc. Monitor and evaluate progress
“ We will conserve only what we love We will love only what we understand We will only understand what we are taught.” Anonymous