Project GCP/BGD/037/MUL National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP)   Training Workshop on FOOD SECURITY CONCEPTS, BASIC FACTS & MEASUREMENT.


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Presentation transcript:

Project GCP/BGD/037/MUL National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP)   Training Workshop on FOOD SECURITY CONCEPTS, BASIC FACTS & MEASUREMENT ISSUES 25 June – 07 July, 2011 Topic: Analytical Approaches for Food security Sub-topic 2c : Analytics 3: Food Utilization Lecture : Food Utilization/Nutrition By Mohammad Abdul Mannan, PhD Nutrition Advisor, NFPCSP-FAO Distinguished participants, good afternoon, I shall present my topic on food utilization or nutrition today.

Outline of the presentation Background Conceptual framework Nutrition and health status Food consumption and nutrition situation Seasonality and disaster Linkage with different sectors Concluding Way forward

Food security – An evolving concept In the 50s and 60s: Food security = self sufficiency in major staples After World Food Conference of 1974:Food Security = Access to sufficient food World Food Summit of 1996:“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access tosufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. Food Security is part of Nutrition Security The concept of Nutrition security — ensuring access to food that is nutritious as well as sufficient — is increasingly being used to stress the importance of the quality of food for people of all ages All the acceptable definitions of food security in use imply nutrition but only in the sense that Household FS means that if the household’s food are consumed according to the dietary requirements of all household members their dietary/nutritional needs will be met; Nutrition security requires simultaneously ‘food’, ‘health’ and ‘care’. So, there is no way to achieve nutrition security without FS at household level. FS must include ‘food safety; FS and NS are closely interrelated and may appear in a vicious cycle, but at a different magnitude, according to the context. For instance, where infectious diseases are the prevailing cause of malnutrition, the addition of more food is not effective, or, vice versa, a further investment in the health sector does not help, if food insecure was the fundamental problem

What is Nutrition? Nutrition is the science and practice of consuming and utilizing foods. It is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses nutrients, and the relationship between diet, health and disease.

Why nutrition is important? Foundation to development contributing to MDG’s Economic benefit LBW perpetuates the intergenerational cycle of undernutrition and disease Economic growth alone unlikely to yield Nutrition results

Conceptual framework for analyzing the causes of malnutrition death & disability Outcomes Immediate causes Inadequate dietary intake Disease Each of the underlying causes are necessary to prevent malnutrition – alone are insufficient to ensure adequate nutritional status. Underlying causes at household / family level Insufficient access to FOOD Inadequate maternal & child CARE practices Poor water, sanitation & inadequate HEALTH services Quantity and quality of actual resources – human, economic & organisational - and the way they are controlled Basic causes at societal level Potential resources: environment, technology, people UNICEF

The food and agriculture sector and nutrition Narrowing the “nutrition gap” the gap between what foods are available and what foods are needed for a healthy diet Diets are often low in quantity, quality and variety (hunger and micro-nutrient deficiencies) Increased production of staple foods is not sufficient Need to ensure local availability and access of the right mix of foods in all seasons Consumers must be informed Collaboration must be established with : (a) social protection programmes to support the poorest and (b) with health & multi sectors/programmes

The WFS goal of halving the number of undernourished people in the world by 2015 threatens to be out of reach. FAO’s most recent estimates put the number of hungry people at 925 million in 2008 versus 842 million in 1990-92, the baseline period for the World Food Summit (WFS) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The majority of the world’s undernourished live in developing countries; 2/3 live in just 7 countries (BGD, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan) and over 40% live in China and India alone. Projections for 2010 indicate that the number of undernourished people will decline in the developing regions although with a different pace; the region with most undernourished continues to be Asia and the Pacific, but with a decline of 12% from 658 M in 2009 to 578 M in 2010. Source: FAO, 2010

Undernourishment: FAO estimates Proportion of undernourished population remains the largest in South Asia Between 1990-92 and 2005-07,prevalence of undernourished decreased in Bangladesh by 11%, the largest decline in South Asia Country Undernourished (millions) in 1991-93 in 2005-07 Proportion (%) of population undernourished Proportion (%) of population undernourished Bangladesh 44.4 41.7 38 27 India 172.4 237.7 20 21 Nepal 4.2 4.5 16 Pakistan 29.6 43.4 25 26 Sri Lanka 4.8 3.8 28 19 Total South Asia 255.4 331.1 22 The situation in selected S Asia countries shows that the % decline of undernourishment in the last 15 years has been satisfactory in Bangladesh, Nepal and better in Sri Lanka but this is not the situation in India and Pakistan. Source: SOFI ,2010

CONTEXT : Bangladesh continues to have the highest Cer DES - 80%

Undernourishment trends

FOOD CONSUMPTION SITUATION Significant + correlations between DES Cer% and child MN rates FAO recommends maximum contribution of DES from cereals (DES Cer % ) as 60% for good health and nutrition; higher than 60% DES Cer makes the diet imbalanced; population habitually consuming relatively high amounts of cereals are likely to suffer from MN; regression analysis on data from 29 countries between dietary indicators and prevalence of stunting, wasting and UW was done; significant correlations were seen between DES Cer % and child MN rates in the region Source: Authors' own calculation from FAO RAP 2007

RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE FS FRAMEWORK The definition of FS emphasizes availability, accessibility and utilization of food; the inclusion of utilization underlines that nutrition security is more than food security; This figure illustrates the relationship among the categorical elements within the conceptual framework of FS; 2 determinants influence the framework. Physical determinants influence the food flow :availability, accessibility and utilization; availability is achieved if adequate and safe food is ready to have at people’s disposal; access is ensured when all HHs have sufficient resources to obtain appropriate foods (through production, purchase or donation) for a nutritious diet. Adequate utilization refers to the ability of the human body to ingest and metabolize food; nutritious and safe diets, an adequate biological and social environment, proper health care to avoid disease ensure utilization of food. In most cases utilization is discussed only from the biological perspective, however, food has also an imp social role keeping flys and communities together; in times of fis, this role fns can be achieved only when sufficient culturally adapted food is available within the hh and communities to meet their biological and social needs; Stability is a temporal determinant of FS and affects all 3 physical determinants; includes factors of seasonality and disaster situations

Nutritional and health status This ‘vicious cycle’ is known as the “malnutrition-infection cycle”: INADEQUATE DIETARY INTAKE Weight loss, growth faltering and reduced immunity, which lower the body’s ability to resist infection. leads to this causes this results in Loss of appetite, malabsorption of nutrients, altered metabolism and increased nutrient needs. Longer, more severe and more frequent disease episodes. leads to

Nutritional and health status Nutrition and health are closely linked: NUTRITIONAL STATUS disease contributes to malnutrition HEALTH STATUS while malnutrition makes an individual more susceptible to disease. This can eventually lead to severe malnutrition and death.

FOOD CONSUMPTION SITUATION Increase in consumption of vegetables by 20% (157g); potato by 50% (63g) Increase in vegetable consumption by 20%: 157 g /d which is still lower than the WHO/FAO norm; steady increase in consumption of potato (62g); milk consumption is low; all foods have increased with remarkable increases in vegetables and potatoes; massive horticulture production and consumption strategies in the country Source: Adapted from BBS-HES/HIES, 1991-2005

FOOD CONSUMPTION SITUATION DEI Cer % decreased from 80 % to 73 % in the last 10 years FAO recommendation contribution of cereals to DEI optimally 60% Prospects by 2020 In Bangladesh, the contribution of cereals (mainly rice) to total dietary energy consumption is unacceptably high, especially in rural areas. This is a result of various factors, including high availability, cheaper prices, but also old-age dietary habits and cultural practices. DES from cereals in Bangladeshi diet was as high as 79.6 in the early nineties, decreasing only marginally to 72.9 in 2005. The dietary imbalance is much more pronounced in rural areas, with the DES from cereals reaching 75.2%, against 66.7% in urban areas. One will note, however, that the decrease in the ratio has been slower in urban compared to rural areas.   Inadequate but also highly imbalanced energy supply is one of the important factors leading underweight and stunting in young children and CED in adults. In particular, the dietary supply of micronutrients - rich foods like fruits and vegetables is far from adequate, making the population, particularly children and women, highly vulnerable to micronutrient deficiencies, particularly vitamin A deficiency night blindness and iron deficiency anemia. The current daily per capita total energy intake is derived from a consumption of a total food amount of 947.7 g/d of which cereals contribute to 469.2 g (16.55 oz). Taking an average energy content of 3.48 kcal/g cereal, the total energy supply from cereals in the Bangladesh diet is 1633 kcal/d which is 73% of the total dietary energy consumed. Source: Authors’ own calculations

Some hygiene and sanitation indicators for selected countries in SE Asia show a mixed picture; on the whole the population with access to improved (adequate) sanitation is much lower than the population having access to improved (safe) water; Bangladesh appears to be better in comparison to even Thailand; however, the situation in Thailand, Bhutan, Sri Lanka comparatively better than the other countries; Nepal and India need to make progress Source: WHO SEARO, 2007

Source of hazards in the food chain Industrial emissions and effluents Landfills Vehicle emission Agricultural practices Livestock Crops Seafood Processing Cooking Crops and animals may be exposed to toxic substances due to envionmental contamination of water, air and soil. In addition, agrochemicals, such as pesticides, are widely used in most countries. Food can also be contaminated during processing, handling, storage, and preparation. Long-term, low-level exposure to some chemical contaminants is associated with serious disease, including neurological damage, birth defects and cancer. Although rare, acute exposures to chemicals through food have resulted in large-scale outbreaks, in some cases with irreversible health damage and enormous economic costs. Regular, accurate information on food contamination is essential to reduce its occurrence and protect public health. Storage Retail Distribution

The source of drinking water is important for good health The source of drinking water is important for good health. About 97% households get drinking water from improved source. The urban HHs have the better opportunity of drinking water from improved sources than the rural HHs. Besides, the higher % of urban HHs are habituated in appropriate water treatment (boiling, etc) prior to drinking than the rural HHs.

Population Pyramid - Bangladesh

Health services Health services delivery includes- Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Communicable disease control TB and Leprosy control HIV/AIDS prevention and control Non communicable disease control including Emergency preparedness programme and climate change, Hospital based emergency obstretic care, Health education and promotion, Hospital services at upazila, district, and tertiary level, and Alternative medical care.

NUTRITION SITUATION % Decline in BMI (< 18.5) in women over the last decade 53 % to 26% Emerging concern of double burden- prevalence of overweight (BMI > 23)

Stunting and Underweight Indicators for under five children remain alarming despite improvements Nutrition outcomes highly susceptible to variability of food prices UW rate had quite steadily decreased from 64 % in 1999 to 42% in 2007; this was followed by a slight increase in 2007 (for UW) and in 2008 and 2009 for stunting. This is attributed to the impacts of the price hike notably as chronic undernutrition and the reversal of the gains made over the past decade.

NUTRITION SITUATION 3 fold increase in % of UW among 6-12 month infants Faulty weaning and feeding behaviour along with infectious disease are critical factors

Vitamin A supplementation

NUTRITION SITUATION Night blindness almost non existent, prevalence below 0.1% in 2006; Attributed to blend of actions VAC distribution with EPI and food based strategies VAD is still high, 30% among women and children BGD has achieved commendable success in bringing down some of the common problems of MNM namely VAD and IDD; XN which was prevalent to the extent of 4.1 % in the 1960s is now non existent. The main actions behind this success have been two pronged :blend of VAC , EPI and national scale home gardening programmes. Source: HKI, 2006

NUTRITION SITUATION Source :Yusuf et al, 2008 Success due to USI initiated in 1994-95; marked annual decline of 3.48%; Physiological iodine deficiency still exists around 36% Source :Yusuf et al, 2008

Diabetes is becoming a serious health concern in BGD; Between 2004 to 2008, the proportion of people suffering from diabetes increased from 4% to 7%; considering the country’s average population growth of around 1.6% the increase is even more marked in absolute terms: from 5.3 to 10.2 M people.

Comparing 10 varieties, analysis at DU, BRRI and BIRDEM showed that effect of rice on BSL differs widely between varieties. Following the introduction and promotion of HYV, BGD has seen a remarkable increase in production of rice; howeevr in 2007 -2008, 66% of the total boro rice cropped area; 29 % of total rice cropped area for 2007-2008 was dedicated to the production of 2 rice varieties; varieties that do not lead to high bsl rises were limited to only 4% of the total rice cropped area

JACKFRUIT RIPENING, BHALUKA, MYMENSINGH Food safety in horticulture : Bangladesh Results- Survey (fruit ripening) Bangladesh is seen to be facing typical problems of using synthetic chemicals in accelerating ripening of climacteric fruits such as mango, banana, papaya, tomato and jackfruit; in the case of jackfruit chemical ripening is used (Ripen -15) is sprayed over the fruit by the bepari and wholesalers; the chemical spray is then followed by fruit piercing; as a result the chemicals directly penetrate the fruit which causes quick rpiening but poses danger of leaving chemical residues higher than MRLs that are to the detriment of consumer health ; the shelf life of chemically ripenied fruits is also very short due to faster rot as compared to those ripened by conventional methods, the post harvest loss of JF in the marketing channel is also v high; jackfruit piercer gets 25 paisa per fruit pierced; everyday around 200 JF are pierced by each piercer (Baluka, Mymensingh) JACKFRUIT RIPENING, BHALUKA, MYMENSINGH Source: Hassan et al,2010, BAU

Consumers’ perception on quality and safety Consumers’ willingness to pay more for purchasing safe fruits and vegetables Consumer’s willingness to pay more for purchasing safe fruits and vegetables: while it was noted that consumers were aware of the harmful effects they were willing to pay up to 20% more as compared to the usual payment for safe fruits and vegetables; they were however reluctant to pay more than 20%; a little more than a third were willing to pay 10 % more ; this would have implications with regard to marketing of quality and safe produce; only 20% more money could be spent for marekting as compared to the usual price for a particular commodity for the entire supply chain

Framework on access to education, credit, and health care

From farm to table, table to farm: a new agricultural paradigm (Rouse and Davis, 2004)

An example of a small mixed orchard intercropped with vegetables AGRICULTURE-NUTRITION LINKAGES Horticulture technology models from DAE show a wide range and quantity of fruits Can be produced over a 10 year period at HH level Fruits rich in vitamins and minerals; contribute to food security and dietary diversity An example of a small mixed orchard intercropped with vegetables Source: DAE, MoA: GoB/FAO/UNDP Integrated Horticulture and Nutrition Development (BGD/97/041) 2000 -2006

AGRICULTURE-NUTRITION LINKAGES Vitamin A supply from fruits/HH/d and per capita noted to be adequate Provides substantial part of the RDA for micronutrients at HH and individual levels Papaya and drumstick leaves : furnish 97% of the RDA for Vitamin A Source: Report on Food based Nutrition Strategies for Bangladesh, Integrated Horticulture and Nutrition Development Project, FAO/GoB/UNDP, 2000 -2006

DESIRABLE DIETARY PATTERN Current national average cereal intake 469 g/person/d (rice 449g) contributing to 70% DEI as against the optimal FAO/WHO norm of 55% -60% Need to reduce cereal intake and increase non-cereal foods Need to increase calorie intake Source: FPMU, MoFDM, MoA, MoH&FW, NFPCSP Expert Consultation, August 2007

DESIRABLE DIETARY PATTERN Desirable food basket total energy intake set at 2350 kcal and % energy from cereals proposed at 55%; absolute terms 375 g(350 g rice + 25g wheat & other cereals) some 77 g less than present intake (rice low by 90g and wheat up by 13g) Source: FPMU, MoFDM, MoA, MoH&FW, NFPCSP Expert Consultation, August 2007

Thresholds for assessing nutritional status in emergency situation Severity of malnutrition Prevalence of wasting (% below median – 2SD) Mean weight for height Z-score Acceptable < 5% > -0.40 Poor 5–9% -0.40 to -0.69 Serious 10–14% -0.70 to -0.99 Critical > 15% < -1.00 Starting point for interpretation, rather than the sole basis… Thresholds vary

Adaptation of Health sector: Community action for malnutrition amidst climate change Climate change through nutrition intervention and mainstreaming nutrition consideration in food, agriculture and health sectors: Increase vector borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever due to global warming and climate change Increase depletion of nutrients, minerals and reserves due to diarrhoea – because of increased flooding and drainage congestion Increase heat strokes –further aggravated by shortages of drinking water Increase malnutrition, morbidity, mortality suffering and loss of productivity Reduce the capacity of individuals to adapt to climate change Actions needed Review evidence of relationship among nutrition, health and climate change Establish community based nutrition program Deliver integrated package of health and nutrition Home gardening, poultry rearing, fisheries development Food storage and processing technologies Population planning at community level

Feeding programmes: decision making frameworks Food availability at household level <2100 kcal/day Unsatisfactory situation: improve general rations Malnutrition rate 15% or more or 10-14% with aggravating factors Serious situation: General rations, supplementary feeding for all members of vulnerable groups, therapeutic feeding Malnutrition rate 10-14% or 5-9% with aggravating factors Risky situation: No general rations, but supplementary feeding targeted to malnourished individuals, therapeutic feeding for severely malnourished Malnutrition rate under 10% with no aggravating factors Acceptable situation: No need for population interventions Attention to malnourished individuals through regular community services

Malnutrition and Mortality – can we review rates in order to diagnose food crises, health crises and famines that kill?

The Country Investment Plan Responding to L’Aquila Initiative and in line with the 5 Rome Principles, the CIP was Approved on 14 June 2010 following the Bangladesh Food Security Forum. Translates the policy frameworks in a comprehensive set of 12 priority investment programmes and aims at convergence and alignment of domestic and external funding mobilizing additional resources: Bangladesh qualified as first Asian country receiving a grant under the Global for US $ 52.5 million The revised CIP, based on extensive consultation, incorporates over 400 projects of which 146 ongoing (for US$ 3.036 billion) and 262 in pipeline (for US$ 4.945 billion of which US$ 3.299 billion are priority). 46

Concluding Remarks Bangladesh is an exemplary case of a consistent long term effort to put in place a comprehensive policy framework for food security and nutrition HPNSDP is ready for implementation This framework provides a platform for Dialogue among government, civil society and development partners Alignment, coordination and harmonization of interventions Within the FS framework, CIP is the tool for prioritizing, enhancing effectiveness and scaling up food security investments Food security is critical to nutrition security – ensuring access to safe and nutritious food – emphasis on quality of food A conducive institutional setting and continued commitment of all partners are needed to sustain the implementation and monitoring process in the medium/long term

Way Forward Global/regional/national commitment to mobilize the necessary resources to address the problem decisively. Improve capacity building and awareness raising on food and nutrition security at household level Integrate /strengthen nutritional considerations into agriculture, food and health policies and interventions to improve food security and nutrition Establishing information and surveillance systems that are critical for developing evidence-based food security and nutrition policies. Sustain involvement of multiple actors – strengthen/establish community based and national mechanisms for nutrition