Welcome Year 6 Science Workshop
DfE: The research shows that parental involvement in children’s learning is a key factor in improving children’s academic attainment and achievements, as well as their overall behaviour and attendance. The role of parents during a child’s earliest years is the single biggest influence on their development. Good quality home learning contributes more to children’s intellectual and social development than parental occupation, education or income. A parent’s attitudes, aspirations and behaviour are all important, as is their ability to: understand their child’s day-to-day progress undertake family learning together talk regularly with their child about their learning.
Aims 1.Improve understanding of Science at KS2 and give you ideas of how you can help your child. 2.Improve children’s knowledge and understanding.
Teacher Assessment has to be submitted School exam will be set in May National Sampling: 5 pupils from 1900 schools School notified in May Exams in 2 week period from 2 nd June 3 exams – no longer that 25mintues each Overseen by external examiners Results not returned SATs Tests
Year 6 Science Topics Interdependence and Adaptation Changing Circuits Forces in action More about Dissolving Microorganisms Reversible & Irreversible Changes How we see things Revision of all topics from KS2 curriculum
Useful Web Links
Vocabulary Condensation Evaporation Properties Conductor Process Function Friction Parallel circuit Transparent Adapted Variable Prey
1. How do shadows form? 2. How long does it take the earth to rotate once its axis? 3. How do we see objects? 4. What do leaves do? 5. What is this tooth called? 6. What features does this animal have that make it adapted to its environment? The Science Around Us
Investigating What could we investigate? What method would we use? What would we measure? What variables would we keep the same to keep it a fair test?
Homework Given by group teacher every week Presentation as expected in class Thorough Answers minutes minimum In Addition: CGP revision books SAM Learning Websites
Points To Remember Vocabulary Revision online, using text books and using what’s around you Homework, attendance and effort Investigations – variables