7 Reasons the Early Church Grew Acts 2:41-47
Introductory Thoughts One of the best ways to learn how to do something is to find an example. God knew this, He made us, therefore He gave us examples. Paul - 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11. Christ is our perfect example - 1 Peter 2:21. The Jerusalem church is an example of a growing church.
Truly Converted Heard Peter preach the first saving message of Jesus Christ. Too many people are following preachers – 1 Corinthians 1:10-12. Learned they had been wrong. Were pricked in their hearts by Peter's powerful sermon.
Praying People Apostles learned from Christ, now teaching fellow Christians by example & doctrine. Acts 3:1-3 Acts 6:1-4 Peter in prison – Acts 12
Steadfast in Worship Followed the apostles doctrine. Fellowship includes: Giving. Breaking of bread. Prayer. Singing. Teaching.
Were United Verses 44, 46. Jesus had prayed for this – John 17:20-21. What an impact this had upon the community.
Kept the Church Clean God showed the importance of this – Acts 5:1-11. Peter helped Samaria – Acts 8. Paul helped the Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 5:4.
"We cannot love someone we do not know.” Loved Each Other Fellowship from house to house – Acts 2:46. Many Christians miss a great blessing by never having fellow Christians in their home. "We cannot love someone we do not know.”
Were Benevolent They demonstrated the spirit of Christ. Acts 2:44-45 Take a look at the life of Jesus Christ – Acts 10:38. Acts 2:44-45 Acts 4:32 James 1:27
Concluding Thoughts We can grow as the early church, if we follow the pattern they established. Are you a part of the Lord’s church? If not, why not come today?