Women and Investing The Female Economy Not insured by FDIC or any federal government agency.May lose value.Not a deposit of or guaranteed by any bank, bank affiliate, or credit union. APPWI A Annuities issued by Transamerica Life Insurance Company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company in Harrison, New York. Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company is licensed in New York. Transamerica Funds are mutual funds advised by Transamerica Asset Management, Inc. References to Transamerica pertain either individually or collectively to these Transamerica companies. Variable annuities and mutual funds are distributed by Transamerica Capital, Inc.
“Serving the needs of others is the only legitimate business today.” A.P. Giannini That philosophy was unshakeable. When San Francisco was struck by a massive earthquake in 1906, A.P. Giannini rescued the bank’s safe from fire. He quickly helped rebuild the city, offering generous loans to women and men from a makeshift desk on the docks, with only a handshake as collateral. 2
14 years after the earthquake, women made a significant step forward when the 19 th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified Aug. 18, Some Perspective
1 year later… Giannini’s “Women’s Bank” opened in June Taking up the entire upper floor of the bank’s headquarters in San Francisco, it had a staff of twelve female officers and employees. The purpose of the bank was to promote their “economic independence”. As one female writer in Boston put it, “the great success of the only bank in America that is administered, staffed and maintained solely by women … should give every male banker in the country deep pause.” 4
"We're on the brink of a massive power shift, a grinding of the gears of history into a new human condition. It's a world where women can, if they choose, seize the reins of economic control.” “Influence” Maddy Dychtwald: Author 5 The New “She-conomy”
Economically: Women Account for 64% of the $20 Trillion Spent Annually on Consumer Goods Worldwide 1 Women Control 51.3% of the Nation’s Private Wealth 1 Women Will be Responsible for Roughly $5 Trillion of Additional Earned Income Globally over the Next Five Years 2 1 Source: CNNMoney.com, “The Female Economy: What Women Want.” August 20, “ Woman Power: The Rise of the Sheconomy.” Time. November 22, Women Have Come a Long Way
7 In Business Ownership: For the past two decades, majority women-owned firms have continued to grow at nearly two times the rate of all firms (42% vs. 24%) More than 50% of firms are owned by women (10.4 million), employing more than 12.8 million people, and generating $1.9 trillion in sales By 2013, more than 64% of all small businesses will be owned by women “A Man’s Undercover Mission into the World of Women Leaders”; April 7, 2010 in The Glass Hammer.com
Women Have Come a Long Way In the Workplace: Nearly 52% of the Workforce is Comprised of Women Women Account for More Than 50% of High-Paying Occupations in the U.S. Source: Employment Policy Foundation,
9 But Women Still Face Unique Challenges Compared to Men, Women Typically: Earn Less Spend Fewer Years in the Workforce Live Longer Have Other Concerns
Women Process Information & Make Purchasing Decisions Differently than Men: 59% of women feel misunderstood by food marketers 66% feel misunderstood by health care marketers 74% feel misunderstood by automotive marketers 84% feel misunderstood by investment marketers 10 … And Feel Misunderstood
Source: Institute for woman’s policy research: September Women Continue to Earn Less than Men Women’s Challenges
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics American Time use Survey: Women Spend Less Time in the office Women’s Challenges
Source: Centers for Disease Control Dr. Gayles Women Live Longer than Men Aggregate Life Expectancies for Men and Women age 65 Women’s Challenges
14 Women’s Challenges Women Have Other Concerns Long-Term Health Care Women represent 87% of the recipients of long-term care Financial Security 45% of older women living alone are living in or near poverty Living Alone 88% of women age 75 or older are living alone 1 COWL.com 2 Seniors-site.com: Women going it alone AARP Public Policy Institute
15 Taking Control of Your Financial Future Three Important Steps Develop a Financial Plan Grow Knowledge of Investing Fundamentals Talk to your Financial Professional
16 Develop a Financial Plan Identify Your Financial Goals Child’s or Grandchild’s Education Financial Security—Now and in Retirement Retirement Years and Lifestyle Review Your Current Financial Situation Income and Expenses Net Worth Retirement Programs—Employer and Personal Insurance Beneficiary Designations
17 Grow Knowledge of Investing Fundamentals Effects of: Inflation on Purchasing Power Taxes on Portfolio Growth Making Decisions Based on Emotion Understand the: Role of Asset Allocation Advantages of Investing in Stocks
Inflation Based on US BLS CPI All Urban NSA 18 Value of $100 from December 1999 to March 2011 Effects of Inflation
Hypothetical value of $10,000 invested in stocks. This example is for an investor in the 28% bracket using the 2008 tax code. Assumes an 8% annual total return. Estimates are not guaranteed. This is for illustrative purposes only and not indicative of any investment. © 2009 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. 3/1/ Benefits of Deferring Taxes Effects of Taxes Returns and principal invested in stocks are not guaranteed. Withdrawals of tax-deferred accumulations are subject to ordinary income taxes. A 10% federal tax penalty may apply to withdrawals made before age 59½. This material was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid penalties imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. This material was written in whole or in part to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed in this material. Anyone to whom any transaction or concept addressed in this material is promoted, marketed, or recommended should seek and rely on advice from an independent tax advisor based on the person’s particular circumstances. This is for illustrative purposes only and not indicative of any investment. © 2009 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. 3/1/2009
* Balanced Portfolio is based on 60% S&P 500 and 40% Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond; rebalanced monthly. ** Start Dates: 1987 Market Crash - 10/26/1987, S&L Crisis - 10/11/1990, LTCM Bailout - 10/5/1998, Dot Com Crash - 4/9/2001, Sept 11 Attacks - 9/17/2001, Housing Bubble - 2/23/2009 Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns reflect the percentage change in the index level from the end of the month in which the event occurred to one month, six months, one year, three years and five years after. This is for illustrative purposes only and not indicative of any investment. An investment cannot be made directly in an index. © 2009 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. 3/1/ Making Decisions Based on Emotion
Investing Based on Your Unique Situation and Goals Use a mix of stocks, bonds, cash and perhaps other asset classes Each asset class has its own risk and return characteristics Your portfolio’s asset allocation should be designed to provide the overall risk and return you seek © 2009 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. 3/1/ Role of Asset Allocation Different levels of risks are associated with different types of investments. Your financial professional can help you create an asset allocations with the right balance between risk and reward.
22 Summary Remember: Women Influence Today’s Economy, Businesses and Workplace Women Face Unique Financial Challenges Women Should Develop a Financial Plan with a Financial Professional Women Should Grow Their Knowledge of Investing Fundamentals
23 Questions?